the nice thing is AOC and her ilk are retarded enough to say many of the quiet things out loud. when SHTF everything will be dragged out because they are retarded
shit has already hit the fan.
Saying otherwise is like that particular sect of doomers who say "any day now, they're gonna do door to door confiscations!"
They already are doing confiscations. They just aren't door to door. It's the slow path.
Gas is $5 a gallon set to go higher. Food. Energy. Durable Goods. Riots last two years. And more riots this year, which look to be better armed and more militant, thanks to our government providing them weapons, money, transport, cover in the media, and training. Food processing, oil processing, manufacturing, shut down, burned, bombed, sabotaged, port blockages, railroad strikes, DEF manipulated to shut down shipping.
Fuck your "when".
'When' is now . Shit is hitting the fan now . Look around you. When was the last time it wasnt hitting the fan?
(post is archived)