Counter point, to bolsheviks and sheep morality is defined by victory we have most of our fundamental attitudes and beliefs represented as the majority in a co-equal branch of our government with defacto veto powers, if trump wins 2024 we will replace thomas and maybe alito with young judges and hold a 5-4 majority for the next 30 years.
I don't care about any of that. The court made it pretty clear this was about helping the left half of the regime party to re-elect itself through outrage. And after that they'll pack the courts and reverse all these rulings. 30 years is irrelevant when you're ruled by an illegitimate dictatorship, regardless of what tie the congressman, senator, or president wears.
The courts and their rulings are irrelevant as the parties and the regime's mandates they call 'law' and 'policy'. They don't follow it, they don't abide it, they dictate to all the rest of us. There is zero reason to obey them, and their two-tier enforcement disgusts me.
I'll believe otherwise when they put those who funded and organized the riots of 2020-2022, in prison, up to and including congress members who riled them up, and police union members who kneeled for the burning and murdering they all had a hand in.
You had better vote then.
You had better vote then.
They aren't getting my vote because I don't vote in false elections, and I don't consent to be governed. I have withdrawn my consent to be governed.
I will continue to 'vote' by spreading the truth and calling the u.s. government what it is: an oligarchy with congress at the center, an illegitimate regime, and an occupation force, and repeating what I continue to repeat:
their policies are void their rulings null their mandates empty .
and they must be deposed from power.
So long as there is no justice for jake gardner, jessica doty whitaker, the j6, and so many more, so long as the secret police are allowed to continue to exist after all they've done, then there will be no peace. No justice, no peace.
(post is archived)