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The regime can't take down america directly when so many of us are armed.

I wrote a post about the exact year america was subverted. And this is what happens next. I've written this partly in past tense, to emphasize, that it is going to happen. That cannot be under-emphasized. It is coming.

What has happened so far and what is to come:

They, the regime, knew they couldn't take down america so long as america was armed.

Not until people were starving in the streets. So the next best thing would be a one-two punch: Massive riots, combine with conditioning those very same people who were armed, not to defend themselves. Hence came the tired phrase now known as "trust the plan."

And the conditioning worked near flawlessly. The riots were allowed to burn, while the economy was in total lockdown. How far could we be pushed into a lawless and despicable anarcho-tyranny as the new normal?

The predictable effect, when people got tired of it, was to back off and reassess. Having committed a coup, on top of a year of finger wagging, violence, a campaign of slander so intense it bordered on labeling every single person right of stalin 'terrorists'--in 2021 and 2022, we got some relief. The backlash was anticipated. And used, in turn, to begin the fuel for the next step:

Having demonized many, they would begin to burn and destroy u.s. food processing facilities, while dismantling utterly the oil and coal industry, and destroying our weapons stocks, while demoralizing and destroying the command structure and combat effectiveness of our military, gutting them in the process. This is the normalization phase. Normalization here does not mean 'one and done'. But rather accustoming the populace to ever quicker, ever more shocking, changes, increasing in both severity, and consequence for those who resist: None other than the primordial very beginnings of violent, out in the open, utter totalitarianism, complete in its cause, ideology, license, and willingness to achieve its ends regardless of hundreds of thousands dead from a forced medical injection designed as a compliance test, to the tacit mass endorsement of violent street mobs organized and aided by actual secret police.

The setup to a decade of violence, the "civil war" state mouthpieces had been predicatively programming the public to anticipate, through mass media, for years.

All that it would take is sufficiently high gas prices and food shortages, an external war to justify going after "internal enemies" scapegoated for energy prices, and the food shortage. Naturally, once pushed far enough, backed into a corner, perhaps ten-thirty million would be willing to fight , maybe 5-10 million able , and no more than 1-3 million who would have the wherewithal to face an enemy with apparently unlimited resources, a military now brainwashed (with techniques perfected on a whole generation in the universities), a military purged at the general and officer level in 2008, and then purged of any who remained loyal to their oath--discovered through their refusal of the patently-designed-to-be-dangerous loyalty test of the vaxx.

The start of 2023 would see the food shortages and fuel shortages ramped up. The job shortages just hitting. And then would begin the media bliz, the false flag terrorism organized by the pentagon, cia, and fbi, on u.s. soil, along with NGOs, using color revolution tactics, to pin massacres, terrorism, and all other manner of heinous acts, on the right, conservatives, christians, whites, moderates, anyone who was not silent against the regime or not fanatical enough in support.

Property would be blamed. Property ownership. Gun rights for those who defended themselves against manufactured outrage mobs transported to their cities by the ADL, FBI, CIA, NGOs, and other assorted extensions of the regime occupying america. There would be a demand "for a whole new system", that the current constitution "was made for the people and didn't work any for them anymore", that current economics "don't serve the people", and "hoarders and the middleclass used it to enrich themselves causing the shortages." etc.

2023-2024 sees a staccato series of mass casualty events, perpetrated inside and outside america, by none other than the u.s. government itself. Grainy videos, and manifesto declarations by those who claim to be white, christians, and conservative men and women, complete with maga hats, pickup trucks, AR15s, skull masks, and claiming moderate opinions, while advocating violence, terrorism, and apparently confirming all the worst slanders of the u.s. propaganda outlets.

"White christian jihad" by yall-queda redneck 'backwards MAGAt nationalist terrorist fascists'. will be the narrative against anyone an everyone that isn't far left wing, or an extremist supporting the regime.

During this time a similar plan to "Operation Trust" (Q) will be enacted for all those in the military, and even those kicked out. This will be to paralyze any veterans from organizing and interfering or fighting back.

Sometime between 2023-2024 a certain asian nation will force Taiwan or other pacific nations into a war, or force them to surrender. The u.s. regime will either fail to respond, or sabotage our own military response with orders so ineffective that it will be described as "an abortive war or disaster ten times worse than pearl harbor and 9/11"

The u.s., having lost the war, will be given a 'moderate president', middle of the road apparently, who will covertly push the ongoing 'bubbling civil war' into a full blown one.

At this time 2023-2025, the right and many of its beliefs will be defacto not just labelled 'terroristic beliefs', but be used for no knock red flag raids, as the "thin blue line" goes full leftwing blue bolshevik. Part of this will have been the two year media blitz demonizing them, combine with mass firings of anyone who wasn't completely on board with the new agenda, and intentional 'purges' by redflagging any remaining conservative, and christian sentiments in police forces. This combine with mass disbandings due to the real-estate bubble creating a crash in tax income, and the regime making so many crimes unenforceable, that the only other source of legitimacy for departments will be to become ideological enforcers of the lefts new agenda, not redflag laws, but a red flag WAR , or the "War against mental illness and firearms", not unlike the drug war.

Of the 1-3 million mentioned previously, the ones with the wherewithal to fight, half of these will split off through manufactured infighting, and division topics, planted in the organizations by large scale FBI, ADL, and DHS infiltrators and informants.

Maybe half a million to 1.5 million americans will likely fight the u.s. government between 2023-2024, if the u.s. government goes forward with the mass food/fuel shortages and civil war narrative. These numbers are known by the regime.

From there they will split off another half by leading competing groups that claim similar agendas. Yes, you heard that correctly, the u.s. government will arm and organize its own opposition, in order to whip up fear, alienate the public by targeting civilians, and frame the opposition as terrorists. Counter-revolutionaries of the leftwing variety will also be armed by the u.s. government, resorting to large scale terrorism, terror campaigns, and the worst torture and brutality imaginable, against everyone and anyone, their crimes covered up, or pinned on the other side, their operations armed, organized, trained, given advice, intelligence, equipment, and resources, by the billions, courtesy of the u.s. government.

At which point there will be no more than 200k-500k patriots fighting against perhaps 2 million armed socialists and assorted hangers on hired from the broke, hungry, and disenfranchised masses looking to "fight terrorists to save our democracy", not unlike the J6 witchhunt.

When the war is lost somewhere, anywhere, between 2025 and 2029, there will have been large scale disarmament of the american right (or else strict regulation on ammo, combine with an economic crisis so deep, that the regime programs designed to dole out food and gas in exchange for public guns and ammo, will have, combine with the war, all but stripped them from private ownership). Meanwhile asia will have been consolidated, russia and asia will be global superpowers and major new spheres of influence far surpassing even now, the u.s. dollar will be dead, and much of the world will have begun "trials and tribunals in absentia" for the many in industry, finance, nd the u.s. government and the west. The flood dam will have opened on the destruction of americas credibility, and we will miss the one opportunity to keep our foothold as superpower, and permanently lose the tech race and the space-race as a result, a position, that unlike the past century, will afford a lead the u.s. will not be able to catch up to.

The u.s. will revert to open communism/totalitarianism, to mass-industrialize on a larger scale, and remove "inefficiencies", much as was done with the transition state from russian post-feudalism to soviet bolshevism, to capitalism. City living will not merely be mandatory, but living outside of it will be impossible, thanks to environmental policing with drones and satellites.

You will eat the bugs. You will live in a coffin sized apartment. You will ask permission to have a family. You will not own a vehicle. You will own nothing and be happy, or you will be sent to an open air prison for terrorists and dangerous extremists.

We are no longer even in the end of the beginning. We are in the beginning of the end.

The u.s. has less than 100 weeks to a civil war and a false-flag 'right wing' insurgency lead by socialist elements of the regime, namely the FBI and CIA.

I will not tell you "Prepare."

It is too late to prepare. We are very near the end now.

Instead, be ready and be aware.

Watch the news, the rumors, and word of mouth. Talk to everyone. Listen for the events which I have laid out here, because they are sure to come to pass.

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The regime can't take down america directly when so many of us are armed. I wrote a post about the exact year america was subverted. And this is what happens next. I've written this partly in past tense, to emphasize, that it is going to happen. That cannot be under-emphasized. It is coming. # What has happened so far and what is to come: They, the regime, knew they couldn't take down america so long as america was armed. Not until people were starving in the streets. So the next best thing would be a one-two punch: Massive riots, combine with conditioning those very same people who were armed, not to defend themselves. Hence came the tired phrase now known as "trust the plan." And the conditioning worked near flawlessly. The riots were allowed to burn, while the economy was in total lockdown. How far could we be pushed into a lawless and despicable anarcho-tyranny as the new normal? The predictable effect, when people got tired of it, was to back off and reassess. Having committed a coup, on top of a year of finger wagging, violence, a campaign of slander so intense it bordered on labeling every single person right of stalin 'terrorists'--in 2021 and 2022, we got some relief. The backlash was anticipated. And used, in turn, to begin the fuel for the next step: Having demonized many, they would begin to burn and destroy u.s. food processing facilities, while dismantling utterly the oil and coal industry, and destroying our weapons stocks, while demoralizing and destroying the command structure and combat effectiveness of our military, gutting them in the process. This is the normalization phase. Normalization here does not mean 'one and done'. But rather *accustoming* the populace to ever quicker, ever more shocking, changes, increasing in both severity, and consequence for those who resist: None other than the primordial *very* beginnings of violent, out in the open, utter totalitarianism, complete in its cause, ideology, license, and willingness to achieve its ends regardless of hundreds of thousands dead from a forced medical injection designed as a compliance test, to the tacit mass endorsement of violent street mobs organized and aided by actual secret police. The setup to a decade of violence, the "civil war" state mouthpieces had been predicatively programming the public to anticipate, through mass media, for years. All that it would take is sufficiently high gas prices and food shortages, an external war to justify going after "internal enemies" scapegoated for energy prices, and the food shortage. Naturally, once pushed far enough, backed into a corner, perhaps ten-thirty million would be *willing to fight*, maybe 5-10 million *able*, and no more than 1-3 million who would have the wherewithal to face an enemy with apparently unlimited resources, a military now brainwashed (with techniques perfected on a whole generation in the universities), a military purged at the general and officer level in 2008, and then purged of any who remained loyal to their oath--discovered through their refusal of the patently-designed-to-be-dangerous loyalty test of the vaxx. The start of 2023 would see the food shortages and fuel shortages ramped up. The job shortages just hitting. And then would begin the media bliz, the false flag terrorism organized by the pentagon, cia, and fbi, on u.s. soil, along with NGOs, using color revolution tactics, to pin massacres, terrorism, and all other manner of heinous acts, on the right, conservatives, christians, whites, moderates, anyone who was not silent against the regime or not fanatical enough in support. Property would be blamed. Property ownership. Gun rights for those who defended themselves against manufactured outrage mobs transported to their cities by the ADL, FBI, CIA, NGOs, and other assorted extensions of the regime occupying america. There would be a demand "for a whole new system", that the current constitution "was made for the people and didn't work any for them anymore", that current economics "don't serve the people", and "hoarders and the middleclass used it to enrich themselves causing the shortages." etc. 2023-2024 sees a staccato series of mass casualty events, perpetrated inside and outside america, by none other than the u.s. government itself. Grainy videos, and manifesto declarations by those who claim to be white, christians, and conservative men and women, complete with maga hats, pickup trucks, AR15s, skull masks, and claiming moderate opinions, while advocating violence, terrorism, and apparently confirming all the worst slanders of the u.s. propaganda outlets. "White christian jihad" by yall-queda redneck 'backwards MAGAt nationalist terrorist fascists'. will be the narrative against anyone an everyone that isn't far left wing, or an extremist supporting the regime. During this time a similar plan to "Operation Trust" (Q) will be enacted for all those in the military, and even those kicked out. This will be to paralyze any veterans from organizing and interfering or fighting back. Sometime between 2023-2024 a certain asian nation will force Taiwan or other pacific nations into a war, or force them to surrender. The u.s. regime will either fail to respond, or sabotage our own military response with orders so ineffective that it will be described as "an abortive war or disaster ten times worse than pearl harbor and 9/11" The u.s., having lost the war, will be given a 'moderate president', middle of the road apparently, who will covertly push the ongoing 'bubbling civil war' into a full blown one. At this time 2023-2025, the right and many of its beliefs will be defacto not just labelled 'terroristic beliefs', but be used for no knock red flag raids, as the "thin blue line" goes full leftwing blue bolshevik. Part of this will have been the two year media blitz demonizing them, combine with mass firings of anyone who wasn't completely on board with the new agenda, and intentional 'purges' by redflagging any remaining conservative, and christian sentiments in police forces. This combine with mass disbandings due to the real-estate bubble creating a crash in tax income, and the regime making so many crimes unenforceable, that the only other source of legitimacy for departments will be to become ideological enforcers of the lefts new agenda, not redflag laws, but a *red flag WAR*, or the "War against mental illness and firearms", not unlike the drug war. Of the 1-3 million mentioned previously, the ones with the wherewithal to fight, half of these will split off through manufactured infighting, and division topics, planted in the organizations by large scale FBI, ADL, and DHS infiltrators and informants. Maybe half a million to 1.5 million americans will likely fight the u.s. government between 2023-2024, if the u.s. government goes forward with the mass food/fuel shortages and civil war narrative. These numbers are known by the regime. From there they will split off another half by leading competing groups that claim similar agendas. Yes, you heard that correctly, the u.s. government will arm and organize its own opposition, in order to whip up fear, alienate the public by targeting civilians, and frame the opposition as terrorists. Counter-revolutionaries of the leftwing variety will *also* be armed by the u.s. government, resorting to large scale terrorism, terror campaigns, and the worst torture and brutality imaginable, against everyone and anyone, their crimes covered up, or pinned on the other side, their operations armed, organized, trained, given advice, intelligence, equipment, and resources, by the billions, courtesy of the u.s. government. At which point there will be no more than 200k-500k patriots fighting against perhaps 2 million armed socialists and assorted hangers on hired from the broke, hungry, and disenfranchised masses looking to "fight terrorists to save our democracy", not unlike the J6 witchhunt. When the war is lost somewhere, anywhere, between 2025 and 2029, there will have been large scale disarmament of the american right (or else strict regulation on ammo, combine with an economic crisis so deep, that the regime programs designed to dole out food and gas in exchange for public guns and ammo, will have, combine with the war, all but stripped them from private ownership). Meanwhile asia will have been consolidated, russia and asia will be global superpowers and major new spheres of influence far surpassing even now, the u.s. dollar will be dead, and much of the world will have begun "trials and tribunals in absentia" for the many in industry, finance, nd the u.s. government and the west. The flood dam will have opened on the destruction of americas credibility, and we will miss the one opportunity to keep our foothold as superpower, and permanently lose the tech race and the space-race as a result, a position, that unlike the past century, will afford a lead the u.s. will not be able to catch up to. The u.s. will revert to open communism/totalitarianism, to mass-industrialize on a larger scale, and remove "inefficiencies", much as was done with the transition state from russian post-feudalism to soviet bolshevism, to capitalism. City living will not merely be mandatory, but living outside of it will be impossible, thanks to environmental policing with drones and satellites. You will eat the bugs. You will live in a coffin sized apartment. You will ask permission to have a family. You will not own a vehicle. You will own nothing and be happy, or you will be sent to an open air prison for terrorists and dangerous extremists. We are no longer even in the end of the beginning. We are in the beginning of the end. The u.s. has less than 100 weeks to a civil war and a false-flag 'right wing' insurgency lead by socialist elements of the regime, namely the FBI and CIA. I will not tell you "Prepare." It is too late to prepare. We are very near the end now. Instead, be ready and be aware. Watch the news, the rumors, and word of mouth. Talk to everyone. Listen for the events which I have laid out here, because they are sure to come to pass.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 2y

Reminds me of the Turner Diaries.

Lol, whats that?

[–] 1 pt 2y

Reminds me of the Turner Diaries.

Lol, whats that?

A really good book about the future victory of the European race.