Was 4.99 yesterday. 4.69 one week ago. Something is up. Prices are jumping faster than normal.
War probably.
The articles on russia (as told by u.s. glowies Rping independent news sources) claiming "the u.s. is trying to bleed russia dry in a war of attrition", turned out to be more projection.
It was u.s. intel telling us that russia was bleeding the u.s. dry .
Ballsy fucking move given the comparative apparent strengths, but they have insider information that we don't.
War is whats up. Because the u.s. finally realized it can't risk the house of cards continuing to fight a losing proxy war.
Guess russia finally called our bluff.
It'll be interesting to see if we actually respond this time, or do what we usually do, which is double down.
Gas prices might of course just be the summer jump, or credit markets shitting themselves, or profit-taking ahead of demand destruction.
(post is archived)