It doesn't matter if the threats or vague allusions they post are credible or not.
it doesn't matter if we're aware that posters aren't serious and are doing it as entrapment.
What they intend to do is make posts threatening or alluding to violence. From there if anyone fails to report it,
they will hold them as accomplices on 'conspiracy' charges, even when the vast swath of these threats are posted by
federal agents and contractors working for the ADL or left themselves.
And those who do report these posts, this will then be used to hold them as "material witnesses" indefinitely, as
has been done in the past.
I know this is the plan, because thats how I would do it if I ran the federal governments disinformation operations.
Free speech isn't just dead.
Freedom of association is dead now too.
For more details see the following post highlighting what looks to be the opening salvo in this phenomenon:
The government and the ADL have gone from using bomb threats to shut down dissidents, to using threat-bombs to shut us down instead.
It doesn't matter if the threats or vague allusions they post are credible or not.
it doesn't matter if we're aware that posters aren't serious and are doing it as entrapment.
What they intend to do is make posts threatening or alluding to violence. From there if anyone fails to report it,
they will hold them as accomplices on 'conspiracy' charges, even when the vast swath of these threats are posted by
federal agents and contractors working for the ADL or left themselves.
And those who *do* report these posts, this will then be used to hold them as "material witnesses" indefinitely, as
has been done in the past.
I know this is the plan, because thats how I would do it if I ran the federal governments disinformation operations.
Free speech isn't just dead.
Freedom of association is dead now too.
For more details see the following post highlighting what looks to be the opening salvo in this phenomenon:
The government and the ADL have gone from using bomb threats to shut down dissidents, to using threat-bombs to shut us down instead.
(post is archived)