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At every single moment in u.s. politics, economics, the works, it is the media and u.s. agency's producing propaganda, that is the source of ALL chaos and dysfunction in America. It is the unions carrying out the political agenda. And u.s. intelligence enforcing these policies domestically .

We are in a war.

First an obligatory disclaimer: this opinion post isn't a call to violence nor does it condone direct calls to action. Its intent is to expose and explain to readers what's really going on.

We are in a war.

They have started a war against american citizens.

That is what this is.

it is why the police unions stood down for blm.

It is why the teachers unions aided antifa to rig local elections and riot.

It is why the FBI aided both blm and antifa to riot, commit terrorism, and kill people.

It is why the media ran cover at every single turn, while screaming RACE WAR! GET WHITEY! and demonizing christians, and conservatives, 24/7 like a bullhorn, whipping up daily mass violence against our political side and our ethnicity and american culture.

The u.s. government is no longer accountable. It is no longer elected. It is no longer representative. It acts on whims, without responsibility or consequences to the massive damage it does to us, through economic policies, through thugs in the street, through inflation, through mass immigration, through foreign wars, and more.

It acts with impunity, bordering on arrogance and disdain for all of us. it's officials joke about nuking u.s. cities, cutting off president's heads, raping their oppositions children in cages, while the media that supports them spits venom all day and all night into their supporters ears, fueling sentiments so violent in rhetoric, so poisonoius and divisive in intensity, that it leads to attacks like a young boy being thrown off a balcony at the mall of america, or a terrorist running down a white christian parade in waukesha, killing grandmothers, and eight year olds alike.

It's security forces, little more than bureaucrats, frame us all as bigots and conspiracy theorists at every turn when we say the bureaucracy is recruiting marxists straight out of university, while facts out of the regimes own newsmedia admit this very thing openly. It's intelligence officials manufacture and pressure mentally incompetent people into terrorism used to frame one half of the entire country as potential extremists, and justify both violence against us in the streets, and six am raids by the likes of ATF or FBI for hatespeech, or supporting the J6 in what no one, except the regimes own supporters, call "terrorism".

At every turn we are blockaded in the street, and demonized for defending ourselves. Surrounded and assaulted in our homes, with our families, and then arrested like the mccloskeys. At every turn we are told "no one is coming for your guns" while numerous examples can be shown of the regime's supporters openly mocking and calling for this very thing. We are censored. Driven out of the public square. Our representatives, if you could call them that, are anonymously threatened, along with citizen journalists who support us--threatened by hundreds of phone calls, emails, vandalism, along with their families--threatened, with rape, torture, murder, and mayhem, while the media, the u.s. regimes mouthpiece, ignores this terrorism, and the DOJ and FBI complacently shrug and claim to be powerless to do anything for it, their marxist-unionist recruited university bureucrats gleefully supporting, and sometimes even organizing these very campaigns.

We have our bank accounts seized when we go to court. Our funds through online fundraising, locked, and even threatened to be distributed to regime supporters like blm. We see threats against our jobs, our careers, our education, our homes, and evne our families.

While those who have peacefully protested, are labelled violent terrorists, being held in filth, and sometimes tortured by third world immigrant guards in our very capitol.

These state of affairs would perhaps be tolerable temporarily, if we were not told that it must continue indefinitely , that it is "our fault" somehow, and that this is the new normal, while condescendingly told to get over it by unaccountable and overpaid bureaucrats, living on our rapidly inflating tax dollars, destroying the middle class and the poor. And any who protest, like the parents decrying CRT grooming, are subject to 'investigation' and arrested, designed to intimidate and silence them, while local police and DAs leak their details to violent left-wing anarchists, to be used to find and harass or physically harm protesters. And all who are against this, are BLINDLY, labelled, without recourse to court or law, as nazis, racists, white supremacists, labels used openly to justify calls to blatant violence and intimidation of political opponents. All while these same regime supports send BILLIONS to ukraines azov battalion, enthusiastically supporting open genocide being committed by actual nazis, against native citizens of ukraine in the donbass. The hypocrisy is beyond outrage, it is a moral attack on the very liberities of one half of all americans and cannot stand.

These conditions are interolable, and no longer acceptable. The inaction of the RNC is despicable, whos apparent 'moderation' only ever goes so far as to extend a hand in cooperation to the very regime destroying every facet of america. Who cannot even be bothered to purge from their ranks open regime supports like mcconnel and cruz. Who at every turn have failed us. Have paid lip service to protecting us, while shrugging and ineffectually asking for more money at election time. A party of "we almost passed this bill to protect you.", and "we almost stopped the party from passing this bad bill", and we "failed by only one vote". The party of unity when america is divide, is nothing more than the party of unity with the very people dividing and destroying america.

Why should anyone pay taxes when we are no longer represented by congress or the senate? Why should anyone cooperate with any new laws regarding firearms, climate change, vehicles, covid, or any other rights or restrictions when the very people enforcing the law sit cozy with pensions while being unaccountable for standing down in the face of open lawlessness from the left and the regime?

Why should anyone vote for a system that does not ensure the integrity of our votes? Why should anyone donate to the parties?

Why should anyone advocate peace or moderation for a side that has continually used the infiltrated and co-opted institutions of federal law enforcement, the news media, NGOs, the CDC, the department of education, and more, to suppress, terrorize, enable terrorism against us, and otherwise commit or advocate violence and extremism against us ?

I am not , and will not advocate lawlessness or violence, but I am compelled to ask these questions.

In short

Why should we cooperate with anything from a federal government, and capitol, who has made it clear beyond the shadow of a doubt they consider US their enemies?

Why should we obey the very people who wage war against us and intend to continue doing so?

A government that does not obey its own laws, makes no laws worth obeying.

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At every single moment in u.s. politics, economics, the works, it is *the media* and u.s. agency's producing propaganda, that is the source of ALL chaos and dysfunction in America. It is the unions carrying out the political agenda. And u.s. intelligence enforcing these policies *domestically*. We are in a war. First an obligatory disclaimer: this opinion post isn't a call to violence nor does it condone direct calls to action. Its intent is to expose and explain to readers what's really going on. We are in a war. They have started a **war** against american citizens. That is what this is. it is why the police unions stood down for blm. It is why the teachers unions aided antifa to rig local elections and riot. It is why the FBI aided both blm and antifa to riot, commit terrorism, and kill people. It is why the media ran cover at every single turn, while screaming RACE WAR! GET WHITEY! and demonizing christians, and conservatives, 24/7 like a bullhorn, whipping up daily mass violence against our political side and our ethnicity and american culture. The u.s. government is no longer accountable. It is no longer elected. It is no longer representative. It acts on whims, without responsibility or consequences to the massive damage it does to us, through economic policies, through thugs in the street, through inflation, through mass immigration, through foreign wars, and more. It acts with impunity, bordering on arrogance and disdain for all of us. it's officials joke about nuking u.s. cities, cutting off president's heads, raping their oppositions children in cages, while the media that supports them spits venom all day and all night into their supporters ears, fueling sentiments so violent in rhetoric, so poisonoius and divisive in intensity, that it leads to attacks like a young boy being thrown off a balcony at the mall of america, or a terrorist running down a white christian parade in waukesha, killing grandmothers, and eight year olds alike. It's security forces, little more than bureaucrats, frame us all as bigots and conspiracy theorists at every turn when we say the bureaucracy is recruiting marxists straight out of university, while facts out of the regimes own newsmedia admit this very thing openly. It's intelligence officials manufacture and pressure mentally incompetent people into terrorism used to frame one half of the entire country as potential extremists, and justify both violence against us in the streets, and six am raids by the likes of ATF or FBI for hatespeech, or supporting the J6 in what no one, except the regimes own supporters, call "terrorism". At every turn we are blockaded in the street, and demonized for defending ourselves. Surrounded and assaulted in our homes, with our families, and then arrested like the mccloskeys. At every turn we are told "no one is coming for your guns" while numerous examples can be shown of the regime's supporters openly mocking and calling for this very thing. We are censored. Driven out of the public square. Our representatives, if you could call them that, are anonymously threatened, along with citizen journalists who support us--threatened by hundreds of phone calls, emails, vandalism, along with their families--threatened, with rape, torture, murder, and mayhem, while the media, the u.s. regimes mouthpiece, ignores this terrorism, and the DOJ and FBI complacently shrug and claim to be powerless to do anything for it, their marxist-unionist recruited university bureucrats gleefully supporting, and sometimes even organizing these very campaigns. We have our bank accounts seized when we go to court. Our funds through online fundraising, locked, and even threatened to be distributed to regime supporters like blm. We see threats against our jobs, our careers, our education, our homes, and evne our families. While those who have peacefully protested, are labelled violent terrorists, being held in filth, and sometimes tortured by *third world immigrant guards* in our very capitol. These state of affairs would perhaps be tolerable temporarily, if we were not told that it must continue *indefinitely*, that it is "our fault" somehow, and that this is the new normal, while condescendingly told to get over it by unaccountable and overpaid bureaucrats, living on our rapidly inflating tax dollars, destroying the middle class and the poor. And any who protest, like the parents decrying CRT grooming, are subject to 'investigation' and arrested, designed to intimidate and silence them, while local police and DAs leak their details to violent left-wing anarchists, to be used to find and harass or physically harm protesters. And all who are against this, are BLINDLY, labelled, without recourse to court or law, as nazis, racists, white supremacists, labels used openly to justify calls to blatant violence and intimidation of political opponents. All while these same regime supports send BILLIONS to ukraines azov battalion, enthusiastically supporting open genocide being committed by actual nazis, against native citizens of ukraine in the donbass. The hypocrisy is beyond outrage, it is a moral attack on the very liberities of one half of all americans and cannot stand. These conditions are interolable, and no longer acceptable. The inaction of the RNC is despicable, whos apparent 'moderation' only ever goes so far as to extend a hand in cooperation to the very regime destroying every facet of america. Who cannot even be bothered to purge from their ranks open regime supports like mcconnel and cruz. Who at every turn have failed us. Have paid lip service to protecting us, while shrugging and ineffectually asking for more money at election time. A party of "we almost passed this bill to protect you.", and "we almost stopped the party from passing this bad bill", and we "failed by only one vote". The party of unity when america is divide, is nothing more than the party of unity with the very people dividing and destroying america. Why should anyone pay taxes when we are no longer represented by congress or the senate? Why should anyone cooperate with any *new* laws regarding firearms, climate change, vehicles, covid, or any other rights or restrictions when the very people enforcing the law sit cozy with pensions while being unaccountable for standing down in the face of open lawlessness from the left and the regime? Why should anyone vote for a system that does not ensure the integrity of our votes? Why should anyone donate to the parties? Why should anyone advocate peace or moderation for a side that has continually used the infiltrated and co-opted institutions of federal law enforcement, the news media, NGOs, the CDC, the department of education, and more, to suppress, terrorize, enable terrorism against us, and otherwise commit or advocate violence and extremism against *us*? I **am not**, and **will not** advocate lawlessness or violence, but I am compelled to *ask* these questions. In short Why should we cooperate with **anything** from a federal government, and capitol, who has made it clear **beyond the shadow of a doubt** they consider US their enemies? Why should we obey the very people who wage war against us and intend to continue doing so? A government that does not obey its own laws, makes no laws worth obeying.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 2y

Global banking cabal.

All is pointless if you don't solve the debt slavery problem.

Interest bearing currencies create more debt then money to pay it off. Until that is resolved, we cannot shake the grasp of the elite.

[–] 1 pt 2y

All is pointless if you don't solve the debt slavery problem.


[–] 1 pt 2y


Get rid of the private central bank controlling the currency of a given country.

The private central bank controls the money, prints all of it, and loans it all out. All currency of that denomination in existence is interest-bearing. Thus, there's more debt owed than moeny in that denomination.

This is the difficulty. One cannot simply remove a central bank.(pic8.co)

[–] 1 pt 2y

One cannot simply remove a central bank.

I disagree.

sufficiently intense peaceful protest ought to do it.

[–] 1 pt 2y

i would argue unions are good but public unions are atrocious. unions are supposed to be a contract between 3 people the employees, the company, and the government as neutral arbiters. when its a public union you get taxpayers, politicians who want to grease the wheels and union masters in bed with the dirty politicians. there is no neutrality and the public gets no say once so ever so i would argue that is the source of evil in unions only the public ones

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 2y

Btfo our trade union is donating campaign money to Marxist candidates for school boards. Those people are then ushered into higher offices as their careers advance. Our trade unions have mandatory political action campaign contributions. This is damaging us long term by the repercussions that come from helping the Marxists get elected. We need to start understanding that backing democrats help radicals dominate our culture and society. The question is how do we stop private union leaders from backing democrat candidates.