2000 Mules is not nearly that influential. Zero chance his announcement had anything to do with it.
2000 Mules is not nearly that influential.
Zero chance
Everything counts to the uniparty.
It's not about the movie, its about the precedent that the tactic sets, turning the regime's own tactics against it.
Nothing personal against you, but I've assumed for a while now you're a glowie or contractor of some sort, so I figure whenever I'm over the target, you showing up to dissuade me is going to be a pretty reliable indicator that I've hit on a narrative direction that I'm not supposed to.
Sometimes the regime's responses to events are more telling than the events themselves.
Rand paul's timing is this, as is yours.
lmao just because I don't think poo in the street Dinesh's little documentary is something the kikes in DC are afraid of I'm a glowie
Top kek
lmao just because I don't think poo in the street Dinesh's little documentary is something the kikes in DC are afraid of I'm a glowie Top kek
Actually that has nothing to do with it. It has everything to do with multiple posts and comments you made in the past, things that were far too obvious. It's nothing personal purge.
(post is archived)