Kikes are tribe scums, if we Whites would decide to unite, we could easily outsmart them in position of power and take back our future.
Remaining peaceful and building a better reality are not the same thing.
Remaining peaceful and building a better reality are not the same thing
Remember to support peace.
We currently do not have the moderates on our side as it is
We currently do not have the moderates on our side as it is
We have them on our side on many of the critical topics.
Firearm ownership
Small government
Regulating wallstreet
Against mandatory vaccines.
Regulations on media.
And others.
It's about the issues that bring people to the table, not the ideology.
Perhaps on the surface, but any moderate is programmed to compromise and will not take hardline stances on any of those topics, some of which are non-negotiable. I agree that moderates don't like what's happening, but they simply do not understand that it is the middle ground or compromise itself that keeps the Hegelian dialectic spiral going
I agree that moderates don't like what's happening, but they simply do not understand that it is the middle ground or compromise itself that keeps the Hegelian dialectic spiral going
It's more important to keep them from choosing a side, than winning them over.
Big Tent strategy of the regime fails if the moderates decide to stay out of it.
And then it comes down to which side is more capable.
Tell that to the DNC. The BLM and Antifa puppets burned cities to get the DNC their way.
Definitely remain peaceful.
Do not go and take pictures of their faces.
Do not go armed with baseball bats.
Do not use violence to scare them into compliance.
Do not cover your face to conceal your identity.
Do not demand the police side with you, even though thats what blm and antifa did to gain compliance.
remain peaceful.
I understand this is your opinion but I have to disagree wholeheartedly. Violence is going to be the inevitable outcome.
I understand this is your opinion but I have to disagree wholeheartedly.
Remember to use peaceful methods only.
peaceful methods.
Violence is going to be the inevitable outcome.
Yeah, but when they start it, it won't be on us ethically.
I hope you are right.
Peace is for weaklings afraid of combat.
Peace is for weaklings afraid of combat.
Peace through strength!
Strength crushes enemies!
for now but once we take over everything that will need to change. the perpetraitors (spelling intentional) need to face a reckoning
(post is archived)