Well I believe they are lying about their population. There's more of em than they make out to be.
It's really hillarious looking back at my childhood, there was this one guy called Michael. He was a stingy bastard and never wanted to share. He also had a fucking humungous beak and his nickname was "big nose mike"
He was 100% a kike lmao
I went to so many fucking Bar Mitzvahs and watched those little kikes get thousands of dollars while I got diddly squat.
I just remembered why I stopped hanging around big nose mike. I caught him trying to rape one of my drunk ex girlfriends, fucking 1000% a kike wow. Talk about repressing memories.
Sounds like you were a wolf wearing sheeps clothing, getting to know the fellow sheep haha
Jews rape people with their words. Try to trick women into having sex with them, be it for money or power or simply because they "owe them". So fucking weaselly.
(post is archived)