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Our greatest competition is from opponents that operate without any morals whatsoever .

What use therefore do you have for morals if all they do is offer leverage to minorities to destroy and replace your people? What use do you have for morals when your opponents use them to delude and mislead your people?

What use is forgiveness, mercy, or restraint against opponents who intend to replace and annihilate your people and culture?

What use is morality, in a war without it?

Our greatest competition is from opponents that operate *without any morals whatsoever*. What use therefore do you have for morals if all they do is offer leverage to minorities to destroy and replace your people? What use do you have for morals when your opponents use them to delude and mislead your people? What use is forgiveness, mercy, or restraint against opponents who intend to replace **and annihilate** your people and culture? What use is morality, in a war without it?

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts 3y

I think that moral education is lacking and few understand them any more. Moral societies flourish and immoral societies do not. I prefer to live in a moral, high trust society which we are losing as you point out.

I think what we lack are the means to cast judgment. We no longer tar and feather, arrest people and demand they be tried. We also lack actionable information. It is one thing if I see you steal a horse, but quite another to build a case for the crimes committed in this fifth generation war against us.

To me these are arguments for localized government which we also cannot have. This is a Gordian knot. I do not see any political solution to return government to smaller units. It is unreasonable to expect smaller government units to be interested in serving local population when they derive much money and power from central government or the power centers prosecuting the WEF war agenda.

One thing that sustains the enemy is credit creation, access to credit, inflation, and all manner of shenanigans destructive to our monetary system. This is coming to an end. There is an opportunity to reestablish an honest money system such as precious metals which would be a very great challenge to the establishment. Sadly they will propose social credit tyrant coin and I am sure the NPC will just go along.

Every day the Turner Diaries look more and more prescient.

[–] 0 pt 3y

the worst part is that in immoral society they almost exclusively come from moral societies so the laws are infact moral in word but not in practice. when macron said "you dont have a right to self defense" what he means is he will destroy trust between peoples then import criminals. not having a right to self defence can make some sense in the most moral societies but once any of that morality degrades those laws will accelerate the collapse

[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)

What use is morality if it prevents you from getting ahead or your race from succeeding?

No. The proper question is: Why would you allow a foreign invader to redefine "getting ahead", or, "your race succeeding" as somehow "immoral"?

This question holds up no matter what your adopted belief system or moral code derives from.

[–] 4 pts 3y

It doesn't really matter if you believe in a God or Heaven or Hell.

You need to do the right thing regardless. Fuck getting ahead, fuck all thus race nonsense, your race is garbage if you are willing to do the wrong thing to help them out.

The jews are so fucked because they'll always do whatever it takes to defend the tribe.

Whites are great, but flawed, because they'll almost always try to help, even if it isn't in their own interest.

And niggers are fun because they dance around a lot.

[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)

The jews are so fucked

How are the "jews so fucked" ?

The only way you can conceivably believe that "the jews are fucked" is if you believe in the bible, written by those very same jews. "they will surely burn in hell, the same hell they made up to fearmonger our ancestors to believe in their jewish god"

The kikes are in full control and flaunting it in our faces, this covidhoax is one of many examples of the control they have over masked sheep morons. The bible and Christians is another example. No wonder they refer to us as goyim, cattle, we fucking act like it most the time.

[–] 0 pt 3y

The only way you can conceivably believe that "the jews are fucked" is if you believe in the bible

Naw, you could've just grown up around them and observed their behavior.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Fortunately for me, I didn't grow up around them. Only asians and wogs instead.

[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 2y)

Whites are great, but flawed, because they'll almost always try to help, even if it isn't in their own interest.

If you understand what I'm saying, then you're one of the few good ones theo.

Life is cruel. Take the successes where you can get them. Awareness is a curse and a burden, not a blessing.

If everyone else on earth faults you, consider this a pass, because at least one of us won't hold it against you.

[–] 2 pts 3y

What use is morality

To a godless society, the answer to that question is that morality is a hindrance

[–] 2 pts 3y

One could argue that what ails white and "western" society is not an abundance of morals but a severe lack thereof. A thin veneer of virtue is maintained, but it has long since lost it's luster and the ugly truth shines through. This has been going on for probably more than a hundred years.

Meanwhile, real values are continually replaced by fake ones like diversity, equity, gender confusion, you name it. The populace becomes ever more divided and further removed from reality.

As the legal frameworks we are forced to operate in become increasingly complex, fragility of the system as a whole also increases. Ultimately, considering the path we're on, there is no way to avoid an ugly collapse scenario. It's an inherent property of all systems to become unstable the more complex they are. Could be a house of cards or a society.

I believe we're far beyond any chance of fixing this. Best we can do is recognize the facts and act accordingly. After Armageddon some morals will return. Then it will all slowly turn to shit again and the process repeats.

[–] 1 pt 3y

As the legal frameworks we are forced to operate in become increasingly complex, fragility of the system as a whole also increases. Ultimately, considering the path we're on, there is no way to avoid an ugly collapse scenario. It's an inherent property of all systems to become unstable the more complex they are. Could be a house of cards or a society.

Some of us will work towards it, but probably won't live to see the goal.

Maybe thats a small blessing.

[–] 2 pts 3y

My favorite right is that we all have the God given right to kill anyone who would take any one of our rights away. This is something that has been bred out of us. And something I think that should be taken seriously once again.

[–] 1 pt 3y

This somewhat touches on the paradox of tolerance.

A paradox in which Jews have coined themselves (Karl Popper) and seek to utilize in a similar fashion to what you are doing.

I don't see it as a paradox and instead see it as a need for both. At times one should be tolerant and other times intolerant.

[–] 1 pt 3y

I think it's a lot like the rule that people often misunderstand. "never hit a lady"

The rule isn't never hit a woman.

You never hit a lady because a lady would act with decorum and manners therefore to hit one would be an attack on a kind soul.

But if a woman hits you she isn't a lady and you have the right to defend yourself.

It's similar with morals. Be moral with those who are moral.

But you have the right to defend a moral society from those who are not moral by any means necessary

[–] 1 pt 3y

What you should ask yourself, OP, is: "What use is immorality, if it drags you down to the level of a treacherous lying pervert?" Persons without a moral code are less than animals, and have no business being alive.

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

"What use is immorality, if it drags you down to the level of a treacherous lying pervert?"

It is not the evil that matters. It's what you do with it that counts.

You can use it to hurt good people.

Or you can use it to hurt those in need of being hurt.

Persons without a moral code are less than animals, and have no business being alive.


Its not the life that counts. It's what you do with it, and what you're willing to trade it for, that matters.

A life not worth trading for something worthy, is itself worthless.