The United states is dead.
America lives in our minds
The United states is dead.
America lives in our minds
OP: "I'll call the entire US military a bunch of cucks. Why yes, I'm unemployed, live with Mommy, am on 3 different types of psychiatric drugs and have never been productive to society, but I'm a real Patriot, see!"
OP: "I'll call the entire US military a bunch of cucks. Why yes, I'm unemployed, live with Mommy, am on 3 different types of psychiatric drugs and have never been productive to society, but I'm a real Patriot, see!"
Stay mad soldier-boy.
NIMBY isn't patriotism.
Patriotism is the ability to nut-up when it comes time to.
If you're not sure if you are, then you'll never be sure.
Guys trained to wage war aren't even brave enough to stand up and say something, or organize citizen movements, when those same soldiers have the training and experience to do just that.
Worse than cowards, they're useless.
It's a pretty sad fucking statement when a civilian has to be the one to tell you this.
OP: "I'll call this guy a snowflake. I'm a real Patriot because I train airsoft with Wayne, Ronnie and Gary, the mechanics down the street who run a tactical weekend group outside the mobile home community. They were supposedly "Special Forces" and we're gonna take down the government when it's time"
"I'll call this guy a snowflake. I'm a real Patriot because I train airsoft with Wayne, Ronnie and Gary, the mechanics down the street who run a tactical weekend group outside the mobile home community."
God damn, quality.
"For the last time GARY, it's not a 'community'! It's a COMPOUND! Do you want to be taken seriously or not!"
(post is archived)