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You are being replaced, you and your families are being genocided.

Holodomor is coming to america in two years or less.

You are being replaced, you and your families are being genocided. Holodomor is coming to america in two years or less.

(post is archived)

[–] 7 pts 3y (edited 3y)

They did not put poison in every injection.

Look at an area. - Is that area majority White? - Well, there are already infertile people there, there are already some miscarriages. There are people who have heart attacks, others who unexpectedly die for seemingly no reason. If infertility and miscarriages increased by 5 - 10%, if heart attacks and early deaths increased that small bit too, in a generation that area wouldn't be majority White anymore.

Another area doesn't have the "correct" political stance? - A slight increase in deaths and miscarriages, and those people can be replaced by others who do have the "correct" political stance.

Some of the injections were poison, not all of them. They are poisoning just enough of us, and just the right people, to achieve their goals.

  • People need to understand that (((they))) are playing the long game. They are making sure that our genocide happens slowly. Because if we wake up and realise it is happening, we will have the ability to stop it, and turn it back on them.
[–] 2 pts 3y

I see your speculation and raise you two speculations

[–] 1 pt 3y

speculation NOUN - The forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

But what I'm saying is supported by firm, undeniable, and indisputable evidence. Therefore, what I'm saying is not speculation.

[–] 0 pt 3y

How do you know all the vaxed are going to die? I know we are all going to die eventually. Die when ? In 15 years from slow complications?

I'm not gonna get vaxed because I dont trust the fukers but how do we really know every jabbed is gonna die significantly soon from it?

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

in a generation that area wouldn't be majority White anymore.

They've clearly demonstrated that they can achieve that without randomly poisoning people.

And apparently there aren't so many random heart attacks that I notice any disturbance in garbage disposal, public transit, sewage, or even just a surplus of available housing.

What do you think the ratio of poisonous to harmless is?

1 out of 1.000.000? 1 out of 500.000? 1 out of ... ?

[–] 0 pt 3y

What do you think the ratio of poisonous to harmless is?

It depends on the area. The area that's 90% White and young, that area will receive a larger percentage of infertility causing injections than an area that is 60% White and with an older average demographic.

They've been flooding Minnesota with immigrants for years, and now have a very established immigrant population there. So the states bordering Minnesota will receive a higher percentage of heart attack inducing injections than say Wyoming or Montana. Because the immigrant population of Minnesota can easily bleed into Minnesota's neighboring states as those populations are thinned out. With the states that have the wrong political stance being hit harder than the ones who are more obedient.

Meanwhile, there isn't going to be one round of injections. There will be annual, or twice annual injections. Whether mandatory or not, enough of the population will line up to be injected. They may be specifically called Covid injections, or combined with flu shots, or added into tetanus or other shots.

With them being continuous, they will be able to "adjust" the demographics every year. A 1% increase in miscarriages per year would seem insignificant. But a 1% increase every year for 20 years would be devastating to that area's demographics. By being able to continuously inject people year after year, the percentage of poisoned injections can be extremely small. So small that it can't be traced back to the injections.

Add in the fact that they're injecting kids. They won't know that they're infertile for a decade or two. Or they'll just grow up as a kid who continuously gets sick a lot, and then when they die an early death it won't look suspicious. Because they were always unhealthy and weak.

And how will they trace it back to the injections? - Maybe it's their diet, maybe it's the pollution in the air and water, maybe it's the chemicals used to grow our food, maybe it's another injection, maybe it's climate change. It can't be definitively proven to be the Covid injections. And if it was the injections, we'd see that problem worldwide, but we don't. We only see it in specific areas. - How many people would say that and then line up for their yearly injection? How many governments and tv doctors would repeat that? How many countries, businesses, industries would repeat that and ban the un-vaccinated?

They're playing the long game. And a 1% increase in miscarriages is insignificant. But 1% per year, every year, and only in specific areas with specific demographics, while other areas with other demographics are fine..... Yeah, you get the point.

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[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

Add in the fact that they're injecting kids. They won't know that they're infertile for a decade or two. Or they'll just grow up as a kid who continuously gets sick a lot, and then when they die an early death it won't look suspicious. Because they were always unhealthy and weak.

Maybe they won't even attempt having children, because they believe that they're going to get poisoned anyway? Telling a pro-white community like Poal that they're all going to get poisoned, sterilized and die... I suppose that is one way to prevent a good chunk of them from starting a family.

My personal prediction is, that in a decade or two people will care as much about the vaccine as they care about 5G. Flouride. Chemtrails. FEMA camps. Fukushima radiation...

That is, not at all. A new technology will come along and everyone will freak out how we're all going to die. Then after a few months when people are still alive, everyone will freak out how that technology is harming us in ways we cannot detect. Then they forget about it. Then a new technology comes along, and everyone will freak out about how we're all going to die...

Some people, like Alex Jones, made a successful career out of this infinite cycle.

And whatever undetectable harm you may believe all these things are doing, I bet it could be countered with something as simple as daily physical exercise and enough sunlight to not suffer a vitamin D deficiancy.