I didn't claim any of us here are any such thing. I told you how you should start to view things, thats it.
I'm sorry did I say that YOU claimed that at any time in my response? let me look....NOPE 'Too many on this board" THAT'S what I said. I never said YOU claimed anything did I? I say what I mean and I mean what I say no need to try to read between the lines there. My statement stands. Are we in a war? YUP. Are we ACTING like we are? NOPE. The left takes ground and we fall back. The left attacks us and we fall back, the left destroys countless lives and WE fall back. Our side makes stupid fucking memes with frogs, Counts on a guy that bailed on them at EVERY turn and hired every Deep state bastard he could and did SHIT all to fight back. they sit here on this board and bitch to each other about what NEEDS to be done while doing none of it. They continue to think that the midterms will turn everything around when they just WATCHED an election get stolen. They count on dishonest people in politricks, the media etc because they say what they want to hear.
This is NOT fighting back this is THINKING you're fighting back all while you're already bleeding from every orifice and STILL getting your lights punched out. Militia's? are you kidding? You want the SAME people who bluster all day about THEY are going handle gubmint when it comes to their door yet did NOTHING with all their weaponry in the face of a stolen election to form a Militia? WHY? so it can be infiltrated if not in fact STARTED by the FEDS so they can just trap everyone? Or so they can wander around in the woods every Sunday then go home and bitch on the internet about how bad shit is? Yeah lets DO that lets go THAT way.
Look man I read your posts believe it or not and I will continue to because you're a good poster and I agree with a LOT of what you have to say but sorry, not in THIS case.
sold to them by the likes of red dawn
LOL exactly
(post is archived)