That narrative actually first got its legs through posts originating on anonymous twitter accounts.
This is primarily the playbook of the u.s.
More to the point, the prior-signalling many months beforehand, about "the next worse pandemic right around the corner", separating the signal from the noise, would make a war the perfect cover for something developed for "defensive purposes" being "accidentally released because of russian actions!"
The high level plan is this:
Russia invades ukraine.
Biden, ostensibly to distract from covid, and maintain power, counters and invades.
The fighting causes russia to release a bioweapon on accident, developed by the u.s.
The u.s. tries to blame russia, but it doesn't work.
America is condemned on the world stage, as it is simultenously devastated 'by its own weapon.'
The injection effects begin to kick in, they are blamed on the bioweapon, and america is turned into a lepers colony.
The effect of this, is that aid is only offered, and truce from other nations condemning the u.s., if the u.s. fully vaccinates.
The vaccinations are used to ethnically cleanse the u.s.
Fertilizer and fuel are withheld from markets, leading to starvation, unless the u.s. implements mandatory vaccinations.
America, desperately uses its last card, SWIFT sanctions, and instead alienates every major ally, who either take the swiss route, or join regional alternatives eventually amalgamating into a joint chinese-russian alternative.
Prior or in parallel to this, china attempts to take taiwan, encouraged by russian and israeli controlled politicians and officials in the u.s. government.
This leads to china having a full blown war with the u.s., while israel and russia sit pretty after a limited major war in europe.
America and china are permanently diminished, as nations around the world look to russias oil, apparent stability, and SWIFT system, as the only other alternative.
Britain and the middle east switch sides to supporting or at least negotiating new economic ties with russia, as NATO dissolves, acting as intermediaries to other nations that want to come into the fold.
This lines up with positioning army, airforce, and missile resources in poland and germany.
Likewise the plan is supported by news claiming that "russia says they found anthrax and bioengineered plague" in u.s.-ukrainian biolabs.
Watch for evergreen shipping containers in your area fyi. Just a hunch.
(post is archived)