It would single-handedly underline the very danger of continuing to support USD reserve status and the need for a SWIFT-alternative.
Likewise the u.s. would lose the narrative of the developing war, while having wound down covid, and would be forced back onto that narrative.
The pivot back to covid in the u.s., as a narrative, would undermine the very foundation of the lockdowns and mandates, highlighting the artificiality and triviality, right as the convoy narrative is reaching a second apex.
The u.s. would claim victory, but would be forced to occupy ukraine to prove it , allowing russia to pivot and say "look whos the aggressor now! The u.s. is supporting nazis the boogieman!"
It would also allow putin to now make credible claims of nukes on his border, as well as "ethnic cleansing", indicting the u.s. in the UN before u.s. allies, in particular, Japan and Germany. Japan then gets credible reason to justify staying out of any u.s.-chinese war over taiwan. While Germany, with its supposed history, gets to argue for neutrality (esp in relation to gas pipelines) too.
The u.s. meanwhile gets to crow about "winning" the ukraine war "without a shot fired", and demonize russians, but what the domestic parties don't realize is this only plays to half the american public, causing widespread dissatisfaction with elections and the new narrative.
China meanwhile has revealed its hand with an alliance to russia. and so, with this fact highlighted, and the war 'over', the u.s. is now forced to play friendly with both russia and china, or try to start them fighting. In the first case, the u.s. loses while trying to fight a "diplomatic war" on two fronts, without solving festering domestic issues. In the second case, the u.s. simply fails to get russia or china to fight, and again, loses on the domestic front.
Russia achieved its goals of bringing to attention the threat of exactly what the u.s. claimed it would never do: SWIFT sanctions. Likewise russia showed the world the u.s. pretensions at diplomacy are a naked fraud, highlighting to the world that the u.s. in its own arrogance, internally thinks it is a hegemon .
This development I see, can and should be sufficient narrative pretext to legitimize bringing open discussion of dedollarization to the table. And once that happens, its over before its even officially over.
The u.s. will be forced to over-commit to ukraine, covid, covid II, "cyber pandemic" narratives, or domestic and international false flags, larger than 9/11.
If security and intelligence apparatuses of foreign nations are paying attention when this happens, they can expose the u.s. as it commits these crimes.
(post is archived)