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The news has actually convinced this woman that it's THE INTERNET that cannot be trusted, can you believe that? That there are nothing but "crackpot conspiracy theories" on the internet. I brought up how strange it was how they just overnight switched the narrative from "muh coff-1984" to "we must go to war with russia" thinking that she might also find that a little odd. Instead, she starts yelling at me, talking over me saying "I haven't even drank my morning coffee, don't start in with me with your racist conspiracy theory bullshit." These people cannot be reasoned with, especially if they are over the age 50. So fuck em. Because they would gladly, gleefully turn and fuck us in a heartbeat if the news told them to do so.

The news has actually convinced this woman that it's THE INTERNET that cannot be trusted, can you believe that? That there are nothing but "crackpot conspiracy theories" on the internet. I brought up how strange it was how they just overnight switched the narrative from "muh coff-1984" to "we must go to war with russia" thinking that she might also find that a little odd. Instead, she starts yelling at me, talking over me saying "I haven't even drank my morning coffee, don't start in with me with your racist conspiracy theory bullshit." These people cannot be reasoned with, especially if they are over the age 50. So fuck em. Because they would gladly, gleefully turn and fuck us in a heartbeat if the news told them to do so.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

At work I am enjoying playing marching tunes such as this :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3BHyOhVXmE It's happy, upbeat, just good work music.

anyway I was talked to and basically told that they weren't sure marching music was appropriate in the workplace right now. That didn't piss me off, their workplace has their rules, fine. What pissed me off is that when we pulled out of the Middle east and sharia law took over my muslim co-worker was totally allowed to listen to muslim music and his prayers on the radio all day. And he wasn't talked to.

That's the left for you. We lose a war, you can play music and prayers of the enemy at work, that's fine. Ukraine gets attacked by russia in a war we are not involved in, and now a french marching music is inappropriate