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All of these liquor stores and bars are refusing to sell their Russian vodka....Isn't that just some virtue signaling stupidity since (A) the products don't t come directly from the Russian government and (B) Whatever Russian company sold it to these places was already paid for their goods like 4 steps back in the supply chain.I mean, I can see if you refuse to re-order, but pulling what you already have off of the shelf just seems like a niggerish, reactionary thing to do.

All of these liquor stores and bars are refusing to sell their Russian vodka....Isn't that just some virtue signaling stupidity since (A) the products don't t come directly from the Russian government and (B) Whatever Russian company sold it to these places was already paid for their goods like 4 steps back in the supply chain.I mean, I can see if you refuse to re-order, but pulling what you already have off of the shelf just seems like a niggerish, reactionary thing to do.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

Russian vodka is pretty crappy in comparison to Finnish one, I think It is virtue signaling, for sure. Moreover, Russia != Putin. Putin is the traitor to White Eastern European Unification

[–] 14 pts

Fuck off new guy. The West wants to destroy Russia, its people and then rape and loot them and their country. Western elites are pissed Russia ended westerners from adopting Russian kids that they would molest. Look it up.

I met a girl who was adopted and she confirmed this is common amongst the kids adopted from Russia like her.

[–] 2 pts

The West who - Europe - they are too weak US? - do you want to rape and loot Russia? I guess not Globo-Shlomo? - Well, Putin's best buddies are jews Adopted kids are molested? - Show me country where this is not the case.

West wants to destroy Russia? Have you ever watched Putin's TV - you might be surprised what they want do to you.

[–] 10 pts

After dissolving the Soviet Union Russia was systematically looted by Western powers who entrapped Russia in debt. They were salivating at picking over the remnants. That can not be allows to continue. Russian people deserve to live and raise their families in peace and security.

Russia is not my enemy. NATO has done more damage to Europe than Russia ever will. NATO destroyed Serbia for no reason.

[+] [deleted] 3 pts
[–] 1 pt

Russian vodka has never touched your lips faggot. It’s very fine vodka. What the fuck are you talking about?

[–] 1 pt

joined 7h ago

Fuck off back to Reddit.

[–] 0 pt

But I hate Reddit and they hate me, where should I go? I am here lurking since Voat

[–] 0 pt

Send @maroonsaint a picture of your dick and you can stay.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt