I'm more concerned about what the American government is doing to Americans than anything the Russian Government is doing to Ukraine right now. Maybe if the (((Deep State))) would end its war on White Americans I could be convinced to give one single solitary quantum of rat's ass about its shiny new "Overseas Adventures".
I am not saying that US should send troops to Ukraine to fight Russians, I am just confused that Poal is in love with Putin. Putin is everything that True US is not
Putin is everything that True US is not
I thought your trying to get us against putin?
So Putin is anti globohomo, pedophilia, liberalism?
YOur not helping your cause.
As Libtards see everything through the lens of race, so Poal just gets carried away with globohomo.
Progressive Totalitarians will turn your kids and frogs gay, while Conservative Totalitarians like Putin, will send LGBT, liberals and those whole like 1st and 2nd amendment to Gulag. all together.
They are different flavors of the same totalitarian regime
(post is archived)