Chill dude,
After you come on here calling everyone a fag and dick suckers in your first post... Wow.
Because the Rotenberg's are billionaires they are globalists? I think you don't know what a globalist is. Of course they are rich, just like big oil here in the US. And they are essentially, thanks to Joe, supplying most of the oil to the US and the EU. Rich does not equal globalist. Russia is against the globalists, hence kicking out the Rothschild's and their central bank.
Your opinion like yourself is worthless. Might as well sign up for reddit, you'll fit in better there.
calls everyone fag and dicksuckers in first post
I think OP will fit right in here just fine.
After some bickering we became besties. I'm gonna take my GameCube over to his house this weekend.
No invite for Anus_Expander, eh? I...well, I don't blame you.
I am very polite by Poal's standards :)
Yes, I believe that when you get so rich, your interests starts to blend with general interests of "globalists". Putin keeps majority of his assets outside of Russia. Former politicians of Europe were specifcally invited to the boards of Russian oil companies to get more influence in Europe. Moreover, "globalists" are not homogenous group. Is Xi globalist?
Putin just wants more, more power, more influence which rubbed Western globalists the wrong way and he is shaking the boat.
But it is frustrating to see how Poal gloats over the back-stabbing that Putin had done.
Putin's main enemy is US, American way of life and American spirit. Putin in his nature is Xi's mini-me.
(post is archived)