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Are you really that retarded to think that "enemy of my enemy - is my friend"? tyranny attacks liberty from all directions - biden/trudeau/globo-shlomo could be on one side and putin/xi on another one.

do you, great mastrurbators, even realize that whole putin's thing for 22 years was his hatred for us and its spirit? do you even speak russian to comprehend what he was saying?

what do you know about forces that putin represent, what he writes about, what he says?

did you ask finns, poles, baltics, hungarians, czechs and swedes - what do they think of putin? do you know that russian army deployed chechen battalions to ukraine? - yeah, just imagine when these allah-screaming muslim brothers descend upon ukraine?

do you know that putin's best friends are bankers rotenberg brothers( yep, roten-berg) and abramovich, who launder his money? putin is considered the least anti-semitic ruler of russia since ever.

putin's dream is to restore ussr, with idaho soviet socialist republic in it. i mean, xi will get here faster, but whatever.

ukraine wants liberty and choice to choose her own future. of course, that's east europe, with all its retardness and shit. but look at poland hungary, they were like ukraine just 30 years ago.

if tyrants of the west turned out on the side of ukraine in its fight with the tyrants of the east, it does not mean that we need to side with either but we need to side with white people fighting for their choice, just like americans fought in revolutionary war.

sweet wet dreams.

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Are you really that retarded to think that "enemy of my enemy - is my friend"? tyranny attacks liberty from all directions - biden/trudeau/globo-shlomo could be on one side and putin/xi on another one. do you, great mastrurbators, even realize that whole putin's thing for 22 years was his hatred for us and its spirit? do you even speak russian to comprehend what he was saying? what do you know about forces that putin represent, what he writes about, what he says? did you ask finns, poles, baltics, hungarians, czechs and swedes - what do they think of putin? do you know that russian army deployed chechen battalions to ukraine? - yeah, just imagine when these allah-screaming muslim brothers descend upon ukraine? do you know that putin's best friends are bankers rotenberg brothers( yep, roten-berg) and abramovich, who launder his money? putin is considered the least anti-semitic ruler of russia since ever. putin's dream is to restore ussr, with idaho soviet socialist republic in it. i mean, xi will get here faster, but whatever. ukraine wants liberty and choice to choose her own future. of course, that's east europe, with all its retardness and shit. but look at poland hungary, they were like ukraine just 30 years ago. if tyrants of the west turned out on the side of ukraine in its fight with the tyrants of the east, it does not mean that we need to side with either but we need to side with white people fighting for their choice, just like americans fought in revolutionary war. sweet wet dreams.

(post is archived)

[–] -2 pt 3y

Thanks, AOU, for Poal,my favourite place to waste my life.

Evidence on Putin is like things of its own

  1. Putin - FeelsBadMan - USSR is no more - https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna7632057

  2. To quote my favourite Slim Boy Cenk Uygur: "Just Google it" - "Putin Rotenberg" or "Putin Abramovich" and obligatory - https://www.gettyimages.ch/detail/nachrichtenfoto/russian-president-vladimir-putin-arrives-at-the-nachrichtenfoto/585139076?language=fr

  3. Say As-salamu alaykum to Chechen Allah-warriors on Ukraine soil - https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/26/putins-chechen-ally-says-forces-deployed-ukraine-to-back-russia

  4. I will let Finns and other Eastern Europeans on Poal to say what do they think of Putin Reconquista of Eastern Europe. NATO does not expand to the East because just Globo-Shlomo wants it. It's the Eastern Europe is running away from Putin to the tender trans-gender hugs of Brussels. But where else do they go to? That's tough life of Wild Wild East.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 3y

My God man could you be any more obvious. You made a Soviet-style agenda

If I happened to be part of the apperatchik I woould tear that apart

[–] -1 pt 3y

The whole Putin thing is Soviet nostalgia.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 3y

I get where you're coming from bud, welcome to reality. that's not where we'ere going, This isn't a threat it's a realio trulio free shrimp cocktail

[–] 0 pt 3y

Achievement Unlocked: Obtain Suspicious Behavior badge in less than 12 hours of starting an account

Gratz faggot.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Up to a week ago, you can see all these Holodomor references on Poal. Now Putin is doing Holodomor 2.0 again.

Being disappointed with it - yeah, definitely suspicious.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Do you even know what Holodomor is? Putin didn't seize the means of production and make an artificial famine. The population isn't starving, you fucking moron. Again, fuck back off to Reddit.