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Are you really that retarded to think that "enemy of my enemy - is my friend"? tyranny attacks liberty from all directions - biden/trudeau/globo-shlomo could be on one side and putin/xi on another one.

do you, great mastrurbators, even realize that whole putin's thing for 22 years was his hatred for us and its spirit? do you even speak russian to comprehend what he was saying?

what do you know about forces that putin represent, what he writes about, what he says?

did you ask finns, poles, baltics, hungarians, czechs and swedes - what do they think of putin? do you know that russian army deployed chechen battalions to ukraine? - yeah, just imagine when these allah-screaming muslim brothers descend upon ukraine?

do you know that putin's best friends are bankers rotenberg brothers( yep, roten-berg) and abramovich, who launder his money? putin is considered the least anti-semitic ruler of russia since ever.

putin's dream is to restore ussr, with idaho soviet socialist republic in it. i mean, xi will get here faster, but whatever.

ukraine wants liberty and choice to choose her own future. of course, that's east europe, with all its retardness and shit. but look at poland hungary, they were like ukraine just 30 years ago.

if tyrants of the west turned out on the side of ukraine in its fight with the tyrants of the east, it does not mean that we need to side with either but we need to side with white people fighting for their choice, just like americans fought in revolutionary war.

sweet wet dreams.

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Are you really that retarded to think that "enemy of my enemy - is my friend"? tyranny attacks liberty from all directions - biden/trudeau/globo-shlomo could be on one side and putin/xi on another one. do you, great mastrurbators, even realize that whole putin's thing for 22 years was his hatred for us and its spirit? do you even speak russian to comprehend what he was saying? what do you know about forces that putin represent, what he writes about, what he says? did you ask finns, poles, baltics, hungarians, czechs and swedes - what do they think of putin? do you know that russian army deployed chechen battalions to ukraine? - yeah, just imagine when these allah-screaming muslim brothers descend upon ukraine? do you know that putin's best friends are bankers rotenberg brothers( yep, roten-berg) and abramovich, who launder his money? putin is considered the least anti-semitic ruler of russia since ever. putin's dream is to restore ussr, with idaho soviet socialist republic in it. i mean, xi will get here faster, but whatever. ukraine wants liberty and choice to choose her own future. of course, that's east europe, with all its retardness and shit. but look at poland hungary, they were like ukraine just 30 years ago. if tyrants of the west turned out on the side of ukraine in its fight with the tyrants of the east, it does not mean that we need to side with either but we need to side with white people fighting for their choice, just like americans fought in revolutionary war. sweet wet dreams.

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts 3y

Look here fuck boy. I'm not sure where you get the notion everyone on Poal loves Putin. I would say a large portion of the users support "Russia's efforts" in Ukraine. You dig up some unrelated bullshit and somehow think you have the best opinion? Who cares who Putin's friends are? I don't and again neither do most users on Poal. Russia is fighting globalists not Ukraine. And nobody likes globalists. Well seems like you do...

Do you think its acceptable that Ukraine has been steady shelling Donetsk and Luhansk since they declared their sovereignty from the globalist run Ukraine? Do you think genocide is good? Do you think the US and NATO should be allowed to produce killer viruses right on Putin's doorstep?

Putting words in peoples mouths and acting like a hostile school girl will get you nowhere around here. Either join the conversation or go cry somewhere else more fitting to your whiny nonsense.

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

I had a conversation with one of my young employee, who, not coincidentally is in is 4th year of college. The main problem we had was understanding each others idea of what a "conservative" is. He's clearly been "taught" that a conservative is a far right radical faccist. Which in my opinion and understandings is the furthest thing from the truth. I explained my,opinion to him this way: If you draw a line on a pieces of paper...from the Left to the Right.... On the absolute left side of that line is 100% control By The Government...of everything, Agriculture, Utilities, Banking, Commerce, etc...everything. On the absolute Right of the line is Zero control by the government, or no control by a governing body...ie, anarchy. On the absolute Left, you'll find Communists 100% control. A totalitarian system. Just shy of the absolute Left is Socialism and Fascism... Different heads of the same snake, slithering through the kaos they created to get to their goal...Communism! I believe in our founding framers Constitutional Republic, a limited form of government with constitutional checks and balances to ensure our 3 separate Branches don't become corrupted (clearly it's been infiltrated and corrupted).... On a scale of 0% (anarchy, zero control by government) to 100% (communism), I, as a constitutional conservative, believe we need to be between the 20-30% range, as our founding framers outlined... You can read the Federalist Papers... They argue both for and against... It will give you a much clearer understanding...as out history books have been written and rewritten by infiltrators that Don't have our (We The People) best interests in mind! I'll by happy to clarify or answer any questions.. Feel free. Btw, this comment is meant for OP.

[–] -1 pt 3y

Chill dude, I think I lay out my arguments clearly and calmly. I dont have best opinion, I just have opinion. My opinion. I wasted a lot of my life lurking on Poal and it is obvious that Poal loves Putin just because he is "against globalists". But he still invite globalists to the companies he controls, his friends are globalists, and he sells Russian land to Chinese and fucking shells people who are closest to Russians. My point is that Globo-Shlomo and Putin/Xi is just two sides of the same coin - coin of Tyranny and Poalers as free-thinking people should recognize this.

Oh yeah....and fuck you, Nigger-Kiked-Faggot :)

[–] 4 pts 3y

Chill dude,

After you come on here calling everyone a fag and dick suckers in your first post... Wow.

Because the Rotenberg's are billionaires they are globalists? I think you don't know what a globalist is. Of course they are rich, just like big oil here in the US. And they are essentially, thanks to Joe, supplying most of the oil to the US and the EU. Rich does not equal globalist. Russia is against the globalists, hence kicking out the Rothschild's and their central bank.

Your opinion like yourself is worthless. Might as well sign up for reddit, you'll fit in better there.

[–] 1 pt 3y

calls everyone fag and dicksuckers in first post

I think OP will fit right in here just fine.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I am very polite by Poal's standards :)

Yes, I believe that when you get so rich, your interests starts to blend with general interests of "globalists". Putin keeps majority of his assets outside of Russia. Former politicians of Europe were specifcally invited to the boards of Russian oil companies to get more influence in Europe. Moreover, "globalists" are not homogenous group. Is Xi globalist?

Putin just wants more, more power, more influence which rubbed Western globalists the wrong way and he is shaking the boat.

But it is frustrating to see how Poal gloats over the back-stabbing that Putin had done.

Putin's main enemy is US, American way of life and American spirit. Putin in his nature is Xi's mini-me.