Putin does not consider you as good, cause you are american scum who likes freedom. That's my whole point
I love based Putin, I hope he invades DC next
Putin is based on SJW scale, but he is like Xi and Stalin on another scale. Pick you poison
No system or man is perfect
Again, you lack context. Stop being a moron and give examples. What's this "other scale?" You sound as stupid as the tards on Reddit. You don't like Putin? Great. We don't care. So shut up and continue to dislike Putin or fuck back off to Reddit where you can form downvote mobs for people who don't pick a stance or oppose yours. You don't know a damn thing about what people were going through before last month.
The problem is that Putin will not stop in DC or SF, he would get to Idaho and Indiana too. Would you like that? Say good bye to your 1st and 2nd then
A man can dream.
(post is archived)