There is no wide spread genocide in
There is no holodomor happening in Ukraine ..... as of now.
It might get there, but now, you are right, there is no this shit.
I used the reference to holdomor cause till last week Poal, on average, recognized that treating Ukranians like this was kinda bad move, but as of today, killing Ukranians by Putin/Xi is ok.
Ukranians and Russian are almost the same in doing things.
One thing that separates Rus. and Ukr. though, is that Russianss are more inclined to bend over for "stronk leader", while Ukr. are more free spirited.
There are state-controlled Ukr. news but there are plenty of independent ones, that like to criticize the official sources.
All Russian sources are essentially Putin-controlled. And why do you say they are cut off - u can get RT online.
Any info source is here, watch whatever you want.
So one get multiple points of view from Ukr. side, the Russian sources are pretty much filtered.
I lurked on Voat/Poal for years but never posted anything cause I already agreed with everything that was written and said.
I am not familiar with Poal system, so I dont see my suspicious status. But anyone can go over anything I posted and find anything "sus" - all I was saying is that Putin is not American friend in spirit.
On Reddit you say anything agains Globo-shlomo - you get banned, on Poal you dont pray to St. Putin - you are suspicious.
I thought this place is free speech.
What really made me write here is that I see how Poalers salivating over Putin, while not recognizing that he is just another poison.
If Stalin/Putin/Xi does not like LGBT, it fucking does not mean they are not threat on American Liberty, just attacking from another side of Gulags.
The whole Donbas thing - there was always tension between West and East Ukranians and Russians living in East Ukraine.
And official Kiev was not always smart with its internal policies.
But damn - in 2014 Putin sent bunch of chavs and gopniks to Donbass, supported by Rus. army. Said gopniks established quasi-mafia regime there. Ask you relatives - were they that happy with pro-russian Donbass administration? I dont deny that pre-2014 Donbas sucked, but did it get better when Russians came there?
And how shelling civilian building in Kharkiv and Kyiv now would fucking help with Donbass?
Putin in his actions united Ukrainians against their closest Slavic brothers. This wedge will never disappear.
I think this sucks. - But is suspicious by Poal standards I guess.
The Бандеровца thing u r referring to - did it happen in city of Odesa? There are conflicting reports on this too. And, as I said, there are and were lots of tensions between Ukranians and Russians before.
But instead of building United Slavic Foundation, Putin blew it all.
(post is archived)