As Libtards see everything through the lens of race, so Poal just gets carried away with globohomo.
Progressive Totalitarians will turn your kids and frogs gay, while Conservative Totalitarians like Putin, will send LGBT, liberals and those whole like 1st and 2nd amendment to Gulag. all together.
They are different flavors of the same totalitarian regime
Im still not following.
Progressive Totalitarians will turn your kids and frogs gay
Conservative Totalitarians like Putin, will send LGBT, liberals and those whole like 1st and 2nd amendment to Gulag.
And this is a problem how?
The problem is in the part of the sentence: " Conservative Totalitarians will send......those whole like 1st and 2nd amendment to Gulag." Conservative Totalitarians do not like True American Liberty. Do you know USSR Penal code legally prohibited homosexuality. So what? Do you like USSR now?
If some aspect of Totalitarism appeals to you, it does not mean you need to support the whole thing.
If Putin is agains western Great Cabal, it does not mean we need to support him, cause he wants Great Eastern Cabal (like Xi)
(post is archived)