I had a conversation with one of my young employee, who, not coincidentally is in is 4th year of college. The main problem we had was understanding each others idea of what a "conservative" is. He's clearly been "taught" that a conservative is a far right radical faccist. Which in my opinion and understandings is the furthest thing from the truth. I explained my,opinion to him this way: If you draw a line on a pieces of paper...from the Left to the Right.... On the absolute left side of that line is 100% control By The Government...of everything, Agriculture, Utilities, Banking, Commerce, etc...everything. On the absolute Right of the line is Zero control by the government, or no control by a governing body...ie, anarchy. On the absolute Left, you'll find Communists 100% control. A totalitarian system. Just shy of the absolute Left is Socialism and Fascism... Different heads of the same snake, slithering through the kaos they created to get to their goal...Communism! I believe in our founding framers Constitutional Republic, a limited form of government with constitutional checks and balances to ensure our 3 separate Branches don't become corrupted (clearly it's been infiltrated and corrupted).... On a scale of 0% (anarchy, zero control by government) to 100% (communism), I, as a constitutional conservative, believe we need to be between the 20-30% range, as our founding framers outlined... You can read the Federalist Papers... They argue both for and against... It will give you a much clearer understanding...as out history books have been written and rewritten by infiltrators that Don't have our (We The People) best interests in mind! I'll by happy to clarify or answer any questions.. Feel free. Btw, this comment is meant for OP.
I had a conversation with one of my young employee, who, not coincidentally is in is 4th year of college.
The main problem we had was understanding each others idea of what a "conservative" is.
He's clearly been "taught" that a conservative is a far right radical faccist.
Which in my opinion and understandings is the furthest thing from the truth.
I explained my,opinion to him this way:
If you draw a line on a pieces of paper...from the Left to the Right.... On the absolute left side of that line is 100% control By The Government...of everything, Agriculture, Utilities, Banking, Commerce, etc...everything.
On the absolute Right of the line is Zero control by the government, or no control by a governing body...ie, anarchy.
On the absolute Left, you'll find Communists 100% control. A totalitarian system. Just shy of the absolute Left is Socialism and Fascism... Different heads of the same snake, slithering through the kaos they created to get to their goal...Communism!
I believe in our founding framers Constitutional Republic, a limited form of government with constitutional checks and balances to ensure our 3 separate Branches don't become corrupted (clearly it's been infiltrated and corrupted)....
On a scale of 0% (anarchy, zero control by government) to 100% (communism), I, as a constitutional conservative, believe we need to be between the 20-30% range, as our founding framers outlined... You can read the Federalist Papers... They argue both for and against...
It will give you a much clearer understanding...as out history books have been written and rewritten by infiltrators that Don't have our (We The People) best interests in mind!
I'll by happy to clarify or answer any questions..
Feel free.
Btw, this comment is meant for OP.
(post is archived)