Welcome to Poal!
Don't forget to provide solid sources/evidences if you don't want people to think you're just here to rant.
Newfag proceeds to drop (((mainstream))) sources.
But you know that sources are right this time
Trust the science goy
Thanks, AOU, for Poal,my favourite place to waste my life.
Evidence on Putin is like things of its own
Putin - FeelsBadMan - USSR is no more - https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna7632057
To quote my favourite Slim Boy Cenk Uygur: "Just Google it" - "Putin Rotenberg" or "Putin Abramovich" and obligatory - https://www.gettyimages.ch/detail/nachrichtenfoto/russian-president-vladimir-putin-arrives-at-the-nachrichtenfoto/585139076?language=fr
Say As-salamu alaykum to Chechen Allah-warriors on Ukraine soil - https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/26/putins-chechen-ally-says-forces-deployed-ukraine-to-back-russia
I will let Finns and other Eastern Europeans on Poal to say what do they think of Putin Reconquista of Eastern Europe. NATO does not expand to the East because just Globo-Shlomo wants it. It's the Eastern Europe is running away from Putin to the tender trans-gender hugs of Brussels. But where else do they go to? That's tough life of Wild Wild East.
My God man could you be any more obvious. You made a Soviet-style agenda
If I happened to be part of the apperatchik I woould tear that apart
The whole Putin thing is Soviet nostalgia.
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Gratz faggot.
Up to a week ago, you can see all these Holodomor references on Poal. Now Putin is doing Holodomor 2.0 again.
Being disappointed with it - yeah, definitely suspicious.
(post is archived)