This is gonna be a long post, my keyboard has a key or two going out, and I'm still editing it, so bare with me.
But I think you deserve a better response than some pithy two paragraphs. And thank you for the service you provided fwiw.
> I can appreciate everything you wrote. I would just like to add that the media showed only the .0001% of the police in that light and amplified that just like the media does with everything else so that it looks normal and the status quo.
Yes and that is the intention. However they are making a mistake and don't realize it yet, and with the abandonment of the local police system to nationalization what will happen is the national police force will go the route of the FBI (and DHS, and ATF), near-complete in the deligimitization of the institution, and bankrupt for public support or consent.
The regime wants a nationalized police force (really a standing army), because they have no connection to the local areas they are going to being enforcing DC's dictates in. Makes it a whole lot easier for serious overreach like happened with *california patrolmen* being used for gun confiscation during hurricane katrina.
What they, DC, and the regime don't fully realize is the locality-factor of policing is what makes locals support them to begin with. The alienation will cut both ways. And the brutality that will result because of it will force local politicians to support severing relations with the federal government in one capacity or another, sooner or later. The politics just works out that way.
The truth is that there are many really good men in the military, and a majority in the police force are too. And right now they are still 100% an obstacle to the regime making bigger, less manageable, mistakes. They are an obstacle, not to the regime gaining control, but ultimately losing it.
Because of this unfortunate set of circumstances, abandonment of local policing will be necessary to win against the enemy.
As long as there are local police who choose, local chiefs, who choose, to obey the politics of the moment, over actual law enforcement, it undermines any good the rest of the majority may do at all. A dozen good policemen in kenosha, or seattle, disobeying orders, would not have made a difference, because the chiefs send the few who *will* obey, and boot the ones who won't.
Theres limits to this, but this is the general case.
I know this post is kinda long, but in order to beat these people, not the cops, but the regime, it is gonna take a certain kind of fuck-you attitude.
The kind of attitude that is *willing* and *morally able* to break the law when the law is wrong, or when the law is a farce. The kind thats *criminal* at heart. That is what we need. Men so fucking free, that they have utter disregard for the law where it's used as a double standard, but who adamantly resist the urge to lawlessness. Men who choose, by pushing the law to its very limits, the way the illegitimate regime officials does--men who fight fire with fire. You cannot win by playing by someone elses rules, not without enormous odds against you, nor can you reliably win when you follow rules that your opponent doesn't have to, and it is very obvious at this point that the u.s. government (and other governments such as the uk, france, australia, new zealand) does not follow the law anymore.
We need men who are *criminal* at heart, but *principled and LAWFUL* in their actions. Because right now there are millions of people in america and the west, who *do not exercise* their rights to the fullest. They self-censor because of fears, spread by DOD and fusion centers, of "infiltrators everywhere". They refuse to participate in lawful community policing like militias or even just stopping criminls like Petland did, because they fear being framed and entrapped like the michigan militias or destroyed by regime kangaroo courts. They do not go to lawful protests or meetings because they fear being terrorized by mobs and arrested by police like the parents protesting CRT. They do not exercise their righs in public because they fear being stopped and harassed. They joke about being put on lists to dismiss the real fear of being put on lists which the state should be indicted for even making. They live in a country where a firearm trigger could have their door broken down, their kids shot like at ruby ridge, and their entire life turned upside down by a court system that is out of control and beholden to bloated and utterly unregulated militarized intelligence and enforcement agencies like the DHS and ATF.
They fear talking too loudly in public, or having the "wrong opinions". They fear writing letters to their congressmen, or being too involved, lest they be labelled "fixated persons". They fear the no-knock raid, and the misuse of policy to create gun registries, which yearly are denied as a policy, while paradoxically, being openly admitted to without serious consequence. They fear defamation campaigns for "hate speech" like saying they dont want trannies in girls bathrooms. They fear slander from a 24/7 news cycle that operates as a defacto arm of the CIA, spewing labels that are de facto used to justify mob violence and *unending streams *of uninvestigated death threats against peoples homes, families, schools, and places of employment.
People fear to live or exercise their rights at all. It is so blatant, so obvious, and so clear to me that I wonder how anyone at all can't see it for exactly what it is.
We live in a police state. Like the official meaning of the word.
Complete with unaccountable bureaucrats, state-sponsored terrorism, mass spying, passing the buck, hordes of men who stand down in the face of open criminality because they're told to, while going home after work to excuse to themselves why they're still "real americans" and still "uphold the law". The very law they stood down for as it was trashed, and their communities burned, looted, and overrun with millions of illegals bused in by their own government, communities abandoned to lawlessness, drugs, rape gangs, human trafficking, institutional financial impoverishment like in 2008, homelessness by vets abandoned and the promises made to them about jobs, pensions, healthcare to fix the poisons injected into them as they were used for guinea pigs, health wrecked by the very government that promised to provide for fixing these outrages, mass waves of daily suicides, men addicted to pain meds to manage their knees, joints, and backs destroyed in pointless fucking wars, men forced under their COs orders to take uppers, or downers, or whatever kept their morale in check so they'd keep fighting in a war that never should have happened.
To fix america, we first have to abandon the men who claim to protect it, when all they protect is themselves in a job.
To fix america, unfortunately, we have to cultivate an attitude of lawlessness, while upholding that very law, and pushing it to its limits.
You don't get fearless men from those who only believe in the law and only the law, rather than spirit that inspired it.
You have to believe in something bigger than the law. You have to believe in principles that supersede it, because without that you will never be fearless enough to exercise your rights *fully* to the limit. You will always shrink back to what is 'reasonable'. And now is not a time for patient men. Now is a time for *ruthless* men. Men who are **unreasonable** in their insistence toward ONE law FOR ALL, and **not** a two-tier system where celebrities, and bankers, and executives, and officials, and well-connected people in DC are free to endorse, fund, manage, and encourage leftwing mobs, or engage in campaigns of 'slander' encouraging mass violence against their political opponents.
What we need is men who are intolerant of evil. utterly and completely. Who are "free" in heart as their forefathers truly were. *criminals* at heart, who by the founding of the NEW law, the constitution, set a standard for ALL, though in their case they ultimately had to fight a war to do it. And had they not been at least WILLING, had they not been beyond laws that are unjust, beyond courts that are beholden, beyond officials who are unrecognizable representatives of interests contrary to the public good--
Had they not been in their own right truly "criminal", they would never have had heart to do what was necessary, regardless of whether it was to be peaceful or not.
To restore the rule of law in America, we must be composed of men utterly in contempt for illegitimate authority and unjust law. Men whos contempt for useless officials and overreaching bureaucrats and street enforcers, overrules any sense of modesty, decency, fairness, consequence, or temperance. We must be men who are utterly disciplined in *following* the law, and thoroughly against it's (lack of equal) enforcement.
Like the unjustified and grievous outrage and slander of the "terrorism" label they unlawfully and treasonously apply to everyone without legal recourse--our very existence must become to them a real and apparent threat to their power. That we should so provocatively uphold the law and so readily be in contempt of its officials, that they say to themselves "surely these men are terrorists! SURELY they *really will* will sooner or later become a real threat!", while we ever hold fast the law that the real terrorists running the regime daily break and undermine.
We must to them become a splinter in their eye. A thorn in their side. The roar of thunder that warns of lightening.
A patriot isn't a terrorist. Or some stupid red-dawn-esque guerilla freedom fighter.
A patriot is someone willing to uphold the law *against their own government*.
Regardless of what unlawful punishments they would level at them.
Do not bow to evil my man. Do not tolerate it. Even if you job orders you to. If you can't destroy it, resist it and thwart it in everyway you can.
I am a patriot, because I hold the unreasonable belief that government officials *really should, genuinely and utterly* be thoroughly afraid of their citizens, and it is our duty to make sure, however we uphold the peace and the law, that they are never certain that we will continue to do so, but are always looking over their shoulder for loose cannons and the sons of liberty.
If you want freedom, first become someone who doesn't care about consequences.
And then demand, at the risk of all punishments, be they from congressmen, or all-powerful "princes" in their princedoms, that the law be upheld equally, with swiftness, fairly, and openly, for all.
Or else.
Your job is to live fully, and freely, so that your life becomes that "or else" to any officials who tread on sacred ground.
As you retreat from this obligation, so they take more of that sacred ground. That is what being "reasonable" and polite, and not saying risky things, causes. Our law. Our way of life. Our obligations, and oaths, are NOT light matters. These are issues of life and death, that in the face of utter lawlessness from our government, begger all questions of right and wrong.
They mean to tread on you. Really. In a very real sense. With laws designed to hem in your gun rights, generationally. Designed to confiscate your property, in a real way, through incremental taxes. To edge you out with imported foreign labor and foreign voters. To disenfranchise you.
They don't call it "treading", but that is what it is. And these grievances go unremedied. Unfixed. And get worse, year on year, with lipservice by one party or another about "doing something", but only when they're looking for a handout. And the M.O. never changes. And anyone thats real, thats genuine, who tries to stop this disgusting violent charade of crimes against the american public, is destroyed or blackmailed by unaccountable spy agencies, like they tried to do to Matt Gaetz.
They look down on you and mean to tread on you, and do this all without any real representation. None. Not a one is real or genuine.
They mean to tread on you.
Don't let them.
Your job is to make them afraid that there are still americans out there, australians, canadians, brits, new zealanders, and others, however lawful, however peaceful, that if pushed too far, will push back, men who are unpredictable, and truly do "just want to be left alone."
Dangerous men.
You very appearance on the scene, your presence in any movement, must be like a warning sign, a red flag, a watchword, that says to those in charge. "we are fucking with fire, and should back down."
Theres a prayer I want to close with, one I try to pray daily:
"Lord let me live my life as a prayer and in honor to liberty, and the mortal fear of the wicked and tyrants, and let no hesitation enter my heart in the pursuit of what is right, and good in true, upholding the peace and the law wherever I go and in anything I do, and fearing nothing but you. Amen."
Stay well brother, and may you always keep liberty, as liberty keeps you.
(post is archived)