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They lost anyone that supported them when they kneeled for BLM and antifa. I mean the police lost the people that would stand in front of them and take bullets and beatings for them.

The police lost our support when they kneeled. They lost our support when they refused to stop arsonists.

The police lost our support when they arrested the right and moderates protecting their homes and businesses.

The police lost our support when they enforced masks.

The police lost our support when they backed up public "health" officials shutting down businesses.

The police lost our support when they kettled us into leftwing rioters.

The police lost our support when they stood down for california police patrolling and disarming people during hurricane katrina.

The police lost our support when they cooperated with the release of murderers, rapists, and arsonists all across the country during riots.

They police lost our support when they cooperated in the framing of J6, who are still being tortured and held as political prisoners.

What the regime doesn't realize, is the courts are going through the same loss of support, despite the courts ruling in our favors.

Because people are simply fed up and are starting to see it for what it is: a game, where the last "bastions" of sanity are the GOP and the courts, and both only ever act at the last minute, as backstops for the agenda.

People are fed up with the games, and want them to stop. And the fall of one domino has caused people to realize all the players in the game are part of the same game. Doesn't matter the flattery, or pretty words, or tough talk.

People are starting to see.

They see the GOP as the DNCs rightwing arm.

They see the courts as last-minute pretenders that only exist to quell dissent until the public goes back to being distracted by making a living.

They see the police and the thin blue line hero-worship as rank left-wing unionism disguised as patriotism.

They see our institutions lip-service to the constitution, while flagrantly instituting policies that have devolved into rampant out-in-the-open felony racketeering.

People SEE congress and the senate blame the institutions, and claim to be powerless, while that same congress and senate acts with force, and unity, when some agenda enriches them all or expands the scope of their authority.

People see the media's lipservice to "peace and constitutional law!" while they openly promote terrorism by mobs and ideological terrorists, funded by foreign and domestic NGOS.

People see the histrionic foaming at the mouth of the 24/7 news cycle, the agenda of fear, and division.

They see the open campaigns of slander, defamation, character destruction, cancelling, school brainwashing, open degeneracy like tranny story hour, and the people who see this, are not fooled by the pretty words of "equality" or "equity" or "tolerance" anymore.

They see the campaigns of force compliance. Coercion. They see the people dying of medical malpractice. They see the hypocrisy of those who demand masks and vax, and call us all terrorists or ignorants and backwards for refusing--while these same officials are caught flaunting their on rules.

They see these unaccountable officials enjoy freedom from the very laws they make. Freedom from the consequences of their own lawbreaking. They see these officials enjoy a privileged place above the law.

People SEE. They see the condescending nature of these officials and public figures, the word games, the open and disgusting of these bureaucrats, living high on pensions and overbloated budgets, while demanding we all obey. Obey lockdowns. Obey a lower standard of living. Obey or lose our jobs. Obey or lose our homes. Or guns. Or families.

People see it for what it is.

And many people are getting "unreasonably" angry.

Because there is nothing reasonable about this perfidious, violent, and totalistic campaign of outright borderline-violent impositions disguised as "democracy".

These are the actions and markers of illegitimate governments everywhere, throughout history. These are the so-called "policies" and actions of criminal organizations, and not real governments.

People see this and are beginning to understand:

None of the so-called governments in the west? None of these officials or people have any authority.

They are ruling without consent, and doing what they want, at the expense of peoples lives lost, livelihoods destroyed, and nations wrecked, generationally, culturally, spiritually, and economically.

They are not a government.

They are mob of thinly-disguised violent profiteers, bureaucrats, criminals, and looters.

And like looters, people are starting to realize how these criminal gangs running their governments, should be treated.

They rule with (poorly) constrained and (incompetently) excused violence, proxy street thugs composed of gangs of violent criminals released en mass, killers, rapists, thieves, and arsonists, backed up by union forces who are promoted to empty and failing hero-worship by a mouthpiece media propaganda organ.

And those leaders, from the local, to to the national level, of this EU-style stalinist shadow government? They are governments of no authority or consent, and they are only just now realizing that all of us are starting to become aware of these facts.

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They lost anyone that supported them when they kneeled for BLM and antifa. I mean the police lost the people that would stand in front of them and take bullets and beatings for them. The police lost our support when they kneeled. They lost our support when they refused to stop arsonists. The police lost our support when they arrested the right and moderates protecting their homes and businesses. The police lost our support when they enforced masks. The police lost our support when they backed up public "health" officials shutting down businesses. The police lost our support when they kettled us into leftwing rioters. The police lost our support when they stood down for california police patrolling and disarming people during hurricane katrina. The police lost our support when they cooperated with the release of murderers, rapists, and arsonists all across the country during riots. They police lost our support when they cooperated in the framing of J6, who are still being tortured and held as political prisoners. What the regime doesn't realize, is the courts are going through the same loss of support, despite the courts ruling in our favors. Because people are simply fed up and are starting to see it for what it is: a game, where the last "bastions" of sanity are the GOP and the courts, and both only ever act at the last minute, as backstops for the agenda. People are fed up with the games, and want them to stop. And the fall of one domino has caused people to realize all the players in the game are part of the same game. Doesn't matter the flattery, or pretty words, or tough talk. People are starting to see. They see the GOP as the DNCs rightwing arm. They see the courts as last-minute pretenders that only exist to quell dissent until the public goes back to being distracted by making a living. They see the police and the thin blue line hero-worship as rank left-wing unionism disguised as patriotism. They see our institutions lip-service to the constitution, while flagrantly instituting policies that have devolved into rampant out-in-the-open felony racketeering. People SEE congress and the senate blame the institutions, and claim to be powerless, while that same congress and senate acts with force, and unity, when some agenda enriches them all or expands the scope of their authority. People see the media's lipservice to "peace and constitutional law!" while they openly promote terrorism by mobs and ideological terrorists, funded by foreign and domestic NGOS. People see the histrionic foaming at the mouth of the 24/7 news cycle, the agenda of fear, and division. They see the open campaigns of slander, defamation, character destruction, cancelling, school brainwashing, open degeneracy like tranny story hour, and the people who see this, are not fooled by the pretty words of "equality" or "equity" or "tolerance" anymore. They see the campaigns of force compliance. Coercion. They see the people dying of medical malpractice. They see the hypocrisy of those who demand masks and vax, and call us all terrorists or ignorants and backwards for refusing--while these same officials are caught flaunting their on rules. They see these unaccountable officials enjoy freedom from the very laws they make. Freedom from the consequences of their own lawbreaking. They see these officials enjoy a privileged place above the law. People SEE. They see the condescending nature of these officials and public figures, the word games, the open and disgusting of these bureaucrats, living high on pensions and overbloated budgets, while demanding we all obey. Obey lockdowns. Obey a lower standard of living. Obey or lose our jobs. Obey or lose our homes. Or guns. Or families. People see it for what it is. And many people are getting "unreasonably" angry. Because there is nothing reasonable about this perfidious, violent, and totalistic campaign of outright borderline-violent *impositions* disguised as "democracy". These are the actions and markers of illegitimate governments everywhere, throughout history. These are the so-called "policies" and actions of criminal organizations, and not real governments. People see this and are beginning to understand: None of the so-called governments in the west? None of these officials or people have any authority. They are ruling without consent, and doing what they want, at the expense of peoples lives lost, livelihoods destroyed, and nations wrecked, generationally, culturally, spiritually, and economically. They are not a government. They are mob of thinly-disguised violent profiteers, bureaucrats, criminals, and looters. And like looters, people are starting to realize how these criminal gangs running their governments, should be treated. They rule with (poorly) constrained and (incompetently) excused violence, proxy street thugs composed of gangs of violent criminals released en mass, killers, rapists, thieves, and arsonists, backed up by union forces who are promoted to empty and failing hero-worship by a mouthpiece media propaganda organ. And those leaders, from the local, to to the national level, of this EU-style stalinist shadow government? They are governments of no authority or consent, and they are only just now realizing that all of us are starting to become aware of these facts.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

Well I don't know about all that, but I'll tell you the clearest indicator the u.s. intends to build concentration camps:

The supreme court ruled booting out military vets for refusing the vax, is legal.

And the jab is 100% being used as a rank-and-file political purge. Those who didn't get purged after filing for an exemption, will never make rank past a certain level.

The ones giving the orders, the ones recruiting, and eventually the ones following the orders will be 90-95% leftwing/prosocialism.

The military will eventually absolutely be used to suppress, and round up americans.

The police and military vets who might read this, even the ones "monitoring radicals" online, who might think this is nutbar? They don't believe it, and despite all the wacked out shit I've written, I am 100% correct in on this specific topic.

Your government is planning on rounding you up and putting you in actual concentration camps. Yes even you guys sitting in fusion centers.

You are paid not to believe it, and because you are paid not to believe it, you won't.

Don't believe me do you?

But see thats exactly why I'm correct.

Even if turn out wrong, and unfortunately I won't, I just highlighted to you, or anyone in law enforcement, an absolute blindspot.

And thats the fucked up part: Suppose I were right. No really. Imagine for a moment in some alternative universe, another you was reading this very post, and I happened by pure chance and nuttery, to be correct, despite a thousand predictions that didn't come true.

Do you think that other you would believe it?

Now imagine instead you are me.

You tell a colleague about what you know is going to happen. Would any of the colleagues you work with right no, believe you, if you told them your government was engaged in planning a mass murder or at least a round up?

Would they though?

Mentally go through a list of your colleagues. If you told them something unbelievable like that, that you knew was true, that a public analyst could point at the parallels in history and say "yeah, discounting the fact we live in this current year, and 'it cant happen here', discounting that detail, everyone else who ever experienced a round up by their government, thought it couldnt happen in their time, in their country." And if you told any one of the colleagues you're thinking about right now, try and picture what they're response would be.

Theres your blind spot.

Some of the more astute will say "wheres your proof."

Well, lots actually. Years and years of looking at the history, at unfolding events.

Seems kind of sketch, like its thin on evidence?

When was the last time you had a suspect with tons of circumstantial but the DA wouldn't go after them because "no solid proof."

Congratulations, thats the same process that all us guys talking "conspiracies" use.

It's just putting two and two together, and realizing something doesn't add up.

And then coming to a conclusion that does.

And for the foreign fusion center employees, the hasbaras, and german intelligence, understand you are not exempt .

Imagine the worst boss you ever had.

Now imagine they dictated everything in your life, and held the power of life and death over you.

Now imagine they ruled your entire nation.

That is whats coming to you too.

Wake up you god damn fools. You are working for your own imprisonment because you were traumatized from a young age with holocaust propaganda designed to weaponize you to the point of neurosis. They've tried to use atrocity propaganda to lobotomize you.

Imagine, you wouldn't even have to work the shitty propaganda job you're working now. Imagine doing your favorite hobby for a living. Go on, imagine.

Now understand, what your job really is: A make-work position to demoralize and terrorize and confuse people--including people like you , that you are stuck in and funneled into because international banks and political cartels stole half the wealth of the world through hedge funds.

Every miserable institution, job, and asshole you ever worked with, you wouldn't have had to if the world economy hadn't been robbed blind by guys living in unimaginable opulent luxury while throwing you breadcrumbs to suppress all the people they stole the entire future from including you .

The u.s. and many other nations are building or actively planning on building detainment camps, not just for the unvaxxed, but for those who aren't sufficiently compliant . And as they do this, resistance will increase. And as it increases they will grow more and more paranoid.

And your workplace will devolve, like the rest of society, into those "kneel-in-the-street enmasse for blm" 2-minutes-of-hate practices.

Think about it like a failing or passing grade. Did you pass al your tests in school? Were the teachers always happy with your performance and compliance? I'm willing to bet you didn't get perfect grades, most of you anyway.

Now imagine that, but anything except the top 10th, you will live under constant threat of being unpersoned, and vanishing into a detainment camp. Look at how the right 'wins' a few, in the u.s. and nationally, on political issues. Look at how it always inevitably loses the broader fights. Extrapolate the trends on cancel culture, the direction toward ESG and social credit.

You are going to be locked in the same prison you are currently patrolling, as it is built around you . And then one day, you will realize "I was never the prisoner guard. I was the prisoner ."

Because that is what you will be.

But what can you do?

Even if you don't have the courage to leak damaging information, or fall on your sword, you can still do something. It is up to you. You can still change jobs. Change careers. It will be painful, but not as painful as watching what an apparent crazy person on the internet wrote, coming truing like a nightmare, before your very eyes.

You fools, you stupid fools. You were worried about antisemitism , and terrorism , and white supremacy and all the other isms, while antisemites on the internet ACTUALLY warn you about what is coming , what is going to happen , not just to them, but to you if you continue to work at groups committed to political suppression around the world.

Are these the words of a hostile enemy, out to get you?, to fool you? or the words of a crazy? or the words of someone who realizes the direction of society is going to lead to bad things that will effect all people, including you?

Am I your enemy, an "online radical", a crazy, or are just you uncomfortable with what I just told you?

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