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They lost anyone that supported them when they kneeled for BLM and antifa. I mean the police lost the people that would stand in front of them and take bullets and beatings for them.

The police lost our support when they kneeled. They lost our support when they refused to stop arsonists.

The police lost our support when they arrested the right and moderates protecting their homes and businesses.

The police lost our support when they enforced masks.

The police lost our support when they backed up public "health" officials shutting down businesses.

The police lost our support when they kettled us into leftwing rioters.

The police lost our support when they stood down for california police patrolling and disarming people during hurricane katrina.

The police lost our support when they cooperated with the release of murderers, rapists, and arsonists all across the country during riots.

They police lost our support when they cooperated in the framing of J6, who are still being tortured and held as political prisoners.

What the regime doesn't realize, is the courts are going through the same loss of support, despite the courts ruling in our favors.

Because people are simply fed up and are starting to see it for what it is: a game, where the last "bastions" of sanity are the GOP and the courts, and both only ever act at the last minute, as backstops for the agenda.

People are fed up with the games, and want them to stop. And the fall of one domino has caused people to realize all the players in the game are part of the same game. Doesn't matter the flattery, or pretty words, or tough talk.

People are starting to see.

They see the GOP as the DNCs rightwing arm.

They see the courts as last-minute pretenders that only exist to quell dissent until the public goes back to being distracted by making a living.

They see the police and the thin blue line hero-worship as rank left-wing unionism disguised as patriotism.

They see our institutions lip-service to the constitution, while flagrantly instituting policies that have devolved into rampant out-in-the-open felony racketeering.

People SEE congress and the senate blame the institutions, and claim to be powerless, while that same congress and senate acts with force, and unity, when some agenda enriches them all or expands the scope of their authority.

People see the media's lipservice to "peace and constitutional law!" while they openly promote terrorism by mobs and ideological terrorists, funded by foreign and domestic NGOS.

People see the histrionic foaming at the mouth of the 24/7 news cycle, the agenda of fear, and division.

They see the open campaigns of slander, defamation, character destruction, cancelling, school brainwashing, open degeneracy like tranny story hour, and the people who see this, are not fooled by the pretty words of "equality" or "equity" or "tolerance" anymore.

They see the campaigns of force compliance. Coercion. They see the people dying of medical malpractice. They see the hypocrisy of those who demand masks and vax, and call us all terrorists or ignorants and backwards for refusing--while these same officials are caught flaunting their on rules.

They see these unaccountable officials enjoy freedom from the very laws they make. Freedom from the consequences of their own lawbreaking. They see these officials enjoy a privileged place above the law.

People SEE. They see the condescending nature of these officials and public figures, the word games, the open and disgusting of these bureaucrats, living high on pensions and overbloated budgets, while demanding we all obey. Obey lockdowns. Obey a lower standard of living. Obey or lose our jobs. Obey or lose our homes. Or guns. Or families.

People see it for what it is.

And many people are getting "unreasonably" angry.

Because there is nothing reasonable about this perfidious, violent, and totalistic campaign of outright borderline-violent impositions disguised as "democracy".

These are the actions and markers of illegitimate governments everywhere, throughout history. These are the so-called "policies" and actions of criminal organizations, and not real governments.

People see this and are beginning to understand:

None of the so-called governments in the west? None of these officials or people have any authority.

They are ruling without consent, and doing what they want, at the expense of peoples lives lost, livelihoods destroyed, and nations wrecked, generationally, culturally, spiritually, and economically.

They are not a government.

They are mob of thinly-disguised violent profiteers, bureaucrats, criminals, and looters.

And like looters, people are starting to realize how these criminal gangs running their governments, should be treated.

They rule with (poorly) constrained and (incompetently) excused violence, proxy street thugs composed of gangs of violent criminals released en mass, killers, rapists, thieves, and arsonists, backed up by union forces who are promoted to empty and failing hero-worship by a mouthpiece media propaganda organ.

And those leaders, from the local, to to the national level, of this EU-style stalinist shadow government? They are governments of no authority or consent, and they are only just now realizing that all of us are starting to become aware of these facts.

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They lost anyone that supported them when they kneeled for BLM and antifa. I mean the police lost the people that would stand in front of them and take bullets and beatings for them. The police lost our support when they kneeled. They lost our support when they refused to stop arsonists. The police lost our support when they arrested the right and moderates protecting their homes and businesses. The police lost our support when they enforced masks. The police lost our support when they backed up public "health" officials shutting down businesses. The police lost our support when they kettled us into leftwing rioters. The police lost our support when they stood down for california police patrolling and disarming people during hurricane katrina. The police lost our support when they cooperated with the release of murderers, rapists, and arsonists all across the country during riots. They police lost our support when they cooperated in the framing of J6, who are still being tortured and held as political prisoners. What the regime doesn't realize, is the courts are going through the same loss of support, despite the courts ruling in our favors. Because people are simply fed up and are starting to see it for what it is: a game, where the last "bastions" of sanity are the GOP and the courts, and both only ever act at the last minute, as backstops for the agenda. People are fed up with the games, and want them to stop. And the fall of one domino has caused people to realize all the players in the game are part of the same game. Doesn't matter the flattery, or pretty words, or tough talk. People are starting to see. They see the GOP as the DNCs rightwing arm. They see the courts as last-minute pretenders that only exist to quell dissent until the public goes back to being distracted by making a living. They see the police and the thin blue line hero-worship as rank left-wing unionism disguised as patriotism. They see our institutions lip-service to the constitution, while flagrantly instituting policies that have devolved into rampant out-in-the-open felony racketeering. People SEE congress and the senate blame the institutions, and claim to be powerless, while that same congress and senate acts with force, and unity, when some agenda enriches them all or expands the scope of their authority. People see the media's lipservice to "peace and constitutional law!" while they openly promote terrorism by mobs and ideological terrorists, funded by foreign and domestic NGOS. People see the histrionic foaming at the mouth of the 24/7 news cycle, the agenda of fear, and division. They see the open campaigns of slander, defamation, character destruction, cancelling, school brainwashing, open degeneracy like tranny story hour, and the people who see this, are not fooled by the pretty words of "equality" or "equity" or "tolerance" anymore. They see the campaigns of force compliance. Coercion. They see the people dying of medical malpractice. They see the hypocrisy of those who demand masks and vax, and call us all terrorists or ignorants and backwards for refusing--while these same officials are caught flaunting their on rules. They see these unaccountable officials enjoy freedom from the very laws they make. Freedom from the consequences of their own lawbreaking. They see these officials enjoy a privileged place above the law. People SEE. They see the condescending nature of these officials and public figures, the word games, the open and disgusting of these bureaucrats, living high on pensions and overbloated budgets, while demanding we all obey. Obey lockdowns. Obey a lower standard of living. Obey or lose our jobs. Obey or lose our homes. Or guns. Or families. People see it for what it is. And many people are getting "unreasonably" angry. Because there is nothing reasonable about this perfidious, violent, and totalistic campaign of outright borderline-violent *impositions* disguised as "democracy". These are the actions and markers of illegitimate governments everywhere, throughout history. These are the so-called "policies" and actions of criminal organizations, and not real governments. People see this and are beginning to understand: None of the so-called governments in the west? None of these officials or people have any authority. They are ruling without consent, and doing what they want, at the expense of peoples lives lost, livelihoods destroyed, and nations wrecked, generationally, culturally, spiritually, and economically. They are not a government. They are mob of thinly-disguised violent profiteers, bureaucrats, criminals, and looters. And like looters, people are starting to realize how these criminal gangs running their governments, should be treated. They rule with (poorly) constrained and (incompetently) excused violence, proxy street thugs composed of gangs of violent criminals released en mass, killers, rapists, thieves, and arsonists, backed up by union forces who are promoted to empty and failing hero-worship by a mouthpiece media propaganda organ. And those leaders, from the local, to to the national level, of this EU-style stalinist shadow government? They are governments of no authority or consent, and they are only just now realizing that all of us are starting to become aware of these facts.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

What I'm going to write, is going to be alienating. I won't mince my words. Take it for what it is, and understand I bare you no ill will.

they're also very conservative leaning

The police unions are 100% coopted. Were they not, they would not have sided with blm. "And you will know them by their fruits."

Their fruits are rotten. The fruit is rotten.

how long do you think it would take to actually make that a real recognized thing everywhere?

About 15 years by my estimate. Thats to start it, and begin normalization of it.

I don't know anything about california except that they may as well be a foreign country compared to where I live in Montana.

I'm glad you're not there. The story on california is that the LA riots were the point at which the coup-by-arson playbook was first formulated in it's modern reincarnation. The opposing party capitulated and from there, the ne regime spread its influence across the rest of the state. They have not had a legitimate election since then.

I'm glad for your uncle, but please redact those details for your sake and for his.

I support any and all state separation from federal government, most importantly at the school level.

Glad to hear it. Keep doing that. Don't ever give up, even for a second. And if you ever need legal advice on it, I know someone who can be of a huge help in that regard.

I don't believe this is the general case at all especially given that the police union has been completely against mandates.

They've been completely against mandates for them . For everyone else, they have enforced it against us.

This is what I'm talking about. They're not, as an institution, for one standard of law. They're for one standard for them and theres and a different standard for everyone else. I'm not talking rank and file.

Look at the orders being given. You can't afford to be uncertain about where leaderships loyalty lays. Look at the actions and let the individual actions inform you about the broad thrust of actual loyalty.

If you choose to have doubts, if you falter, and say "what about them doing xyz for us" you've already lost to people who have lied to you and used you for bad ends.

Always ask "why did someone give this order?" If you have to ask if its a bad order, then you already know the answer.

And then you should be asking the next question: Whats the motive?

Theres your answer.

You may not be comfortable with it. You may not accept it, or agree with it, but it is the truth.

The rest of what you say reads like a hollywood movie. I don't mean to offend you but that's just the way I speak to people. The vast majority of people just want to raise their kids and live an enjoyable life and retire as early as possible and go fishing

Oh I'm solid on the hyperbole, thats practically my trademark, but theres a bit of truth to it. If you don't disrespect law and authority then you won't push against it to the full legal limit when it decides to impose unlawfully.

Most people just want to live, but they only just see how fare gone the u.s. is. What happens in california?

Thats gonna be normal in Montana in less than 20 years.

Don't believe me?

Utah thought they were safe from that too.

So did texas.

This is exactly what I mean when I say you won't believe it until you see it. Go talk to someone from those states. NO seriously. Go talk to an old timer. Ask them if they ever thought there would tranny story hour, and riots in their suburb or even small town. Go talk to the amish in michigan who had the county trying to confiscate their homes because they wouldn't hook up to the county utilities.

This dysfunction, this violence, can and is coming your way, to all of us, whether you want to believe and accept it, or not.

I would like nothing more than my fellow Americans and other people in countries like australia, and canada, to be able to live our lives.

The truth is though, things are going to get harder. Poorer. Taxes are going higher. You are in fact, regardless of who gets elected , going, in effect, to have less influence or say in events. Your children are gonna grow up poorer, less safe. There will be more wars. They will be drafted. They will not have a say in that, or the injections the military pushes on them as part of service. If theres not a draft, the u.s. will be impoverished while the military is pumped up to "voluntarily" push people into it as a way out of the destroyed non-existent middle class, which will be reduced to poverty over the years. Nine out of ten homes will be owned by black rock or vanguard, and all of them will forbidden firearm ownership on the premise, or require a very high liability insurance payment to restrict the right. You will pay $6-7 a gallon for gas, and with taxes, pay an average of $0.60-$1.50 per bullet for your guns, and that will be considered cheap compared to the permitting. The direction of more widespread gun rights is walkback, and like all walkback, is provably temporary, because walkback is always temporary.

Where I live the police are afraid of the citizens. The politicians are afraid of the citizens.

Good, they ought to be. None of them are honest or trustworthy and will betray their constituents the moment the political calculus forces them to.

There is literally no enforcement for crimes committed in public office. And every incentive for intelligence agencies and lobbyists to bribe, threaten, and blackmail officials.

Assume all of them are and it will always explain the taciturn and ineffective nature of every one of them. Why things never improve.

I still have not been disappointed, not once, by following this rule. This singular rule, has not failed me, at all, ever, not a single time that I have employed it in the last four years.

Yes this reads like hyperbole. Unfortunately it is also true. I invite you to try it. Take any even seemingly minor issue, say in the courts, being ruled on. Assume the worst, that the judge is compromised, or the political leader leading the charge, is no good. Wait six to eight months. See if it gets overturned and hurts us. See if our politicians compromise on it when they could have taken it all the way.

And then ask yourself, why?

They don't want to win, because they don't represent us.

I want you to ask yourself something. How often does it seem our political representation fails to follow through on promises? When you were in the military, or your family was, or how you were raised, ask yourself, were excuses ever an acceptable answer to why someone failed? Was blaming the other guy ever an acceptable answer? If someone did that all the time, while say, benefiting from insider trading, and failing to stop bad bills, would that look like "accident" or does that look like a pattern of repeated behavior to you?

I'm telling you, you are not getting what I'm driving at.

The guys in office we support are there to be a temporary obstacle, because they can be always be reelected. And when it comes time they always fail us last minute, or pass bills but add no teeth, and call it "mission accomplished" while we get walked on and shafted by the u.s. congress and senate and state governments. The guys in office, maybe even the ones you suported, will never tell you that when the political agenda in this country changes, they will be willing to step out of the way, or conveniently fail to stop it, and their excuse will be the same that we have already heard : Aw shucks, we just couldn't stop it this time! BUT we'll get em next time, we sure will! Remember to donate.

Look at the upcoming midterms. Heres my prediction to you. If the GOP sweeps the elections, house and senate, and maybe they will, watch as they squander their control. As they put that power up on a shelf like a trophy, and do nothing with it. Watch as anything they 'try' to do is 'frustered in committee'. And anythign they could do, any obvious strategy or tactic they could employ to bypass this obstruction? Watch as for some "odd reason" it doesn't pass.

Watch as, like younking in virginia, they pass things by executive order rather than as bills. Executive orders against things like CRT, but which actually roll back nothing , and provide no teeth for consequences or enforcement.

This is the game they are playing with us, you, me, and everyone else.

I am telling you, in no uncertain terms, disregarding hyperbole, that these people are not on our side, and are in fact grifting us and working hand and hand in with the left. Yes this is hard to believe, and no I can't convince of it. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide.

He wanted Hillary Clinton to win against Trump. He got both vaccines and the booster. And that's what makes this country so great. The fact that him and I for all intents and purposes are of opposite politics yet go out together hunting and hiking and helping our community speaks volumes.

You do not understand the threat or the danger and your neighbors is not your friend. He is humoring you as if you were a fool.

No one who supports the second amendment could support hillary. No one who supports liberty could support the jabs. If there is one thing I promise you, is that if anyone tells you different, they. are. lying. to you.

Your neighbor, at the first sign of civil war, at the first mass-panic about "widespread civil conflict" and the next corona-level panic campaign about "see something say something"..that neighbor will be the first to turn you in.

Also served in the military, trains in the wilderness and I've gone with him numerous times to go shooting and training with them. He's also a patriot but he thinks people like my neighbor aren't true patriots

Hes right and you should listen to him on that topic.

From my perspective they're both patriots celebrating and taking part in a framework called American culture where both sides are tolerated and allowed to express themselves

One side tolerates dissent. The other side is ok with officials making jokes about nuking americans who won't disarm, or taking the presidents sons and putting them in cages to be raped. They're ok with that. Understand thats the rhetoric of hillary and the left. They're ok with that. And your neighbor supports that by extension.

You are deluding yourself with ideals. These people are not americans. These people are monsters and will become enemy combatants the moment they face a big enough national disaster and are lied to that you and people like us are responsible.

Sorry for taking so long to reply, there's no black and white when it comes to military and police

No, there definitely are.

you do not obey unlawful orders.

If you do, you are an enemy combatant.

That is the standard they will be held to when things collapse in america, and there will be no changing sides or live and let live.

"join or die" is not a slogan, it is a way of life and understanding everything around you. It was, is, and will be, the ideology of those who must be free, no matter the cost, that must see others free, instead of trampled under foot by illegitimate and unlawful governments.

And it will take hard, indefatigable will, to win.

Anything else is half measures, and calling people who support the regime, like clinton supporters, or vax supporters, or anti-second amendment activists, your fellow patriots.

You are welcome to believe different. And if you do, you are useless and a danger to anyone that would have you.

Do not make peace with oathbreakers or tolerate evil, or with those who do.

If you do, your ideals mean nothing, because the people you associate with do not hold the same values as you and do not hold the same ideals as you .

You are american, they are not.

Your military friend is right, listen to his advice.

You'll know them by their fruits.

This is the only question you have to ask. What do they support despite what they claim to support?

Like I wrote. It was going to be alienating. You shared more with me, than I did with you, and I'm grateful for that. Again, I bear you no ill will.

Wish you the best on your end, you and yours.

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[+] [deleted] 1 pt 3y