He's big ole butt hurt his savior turned out to be a shill like the rest of em
A while back a women on twitter joked about locking Trump's 11yo son in a cage with an illegal, to be raped and murdered. This has stuck with me for a long time. Not because I didn't see it as the true character of the left, the tech platforms that encourage it, or the federal government that funds those platforms in one fashion or another.
No it stuck with me because Trump didn't do a fucking thing about it.
If that had been my son, and I was president, I would have legitimately immediately ordered a hellfire missile to 'accidentally' hit her home.
Failing that I would have had her arrested, dragged to a blacksite, and executed.
Without hesitation or hyperbole.
Thats what our standard of law, order, and justice, has become today anyway. A joke.
And this is what the RNC has become, allowing these shits on the left to pull this sort of sordid fucking nonsense. This is what RNC presidents have become.
But today, for anyone to see, plain as the nose on his face, he kneeled to an illegitimate and compromised president and a stolen election, which NO president would do, on the basis of the very security of the nation alone, hired swamp creatures despite being smart enough to become a billionaire, despite being smart enough to know better , over and over again, and made the same excuse every time "I was fooled", and seemingly could barely get a dollar or a dime for OUR border wall, but billions for israels.
He showboated and grandstanded at every turn, hesitated at every inopportune time to hesitate, empowered our enemies in the DNC at every turn, paid lip service to fighting for us, and sat on his hands, and did nothing for the J6. And almost everyone he has endorsed has done the same, sooner or later.
All while saying "hillarys been through a lot", all while instigating warp speed, all while advocating openly and forcefully for the vaccines, when it came time to save himself.
Unhesitating, unwavering, defense of family, faith, and nation.
Where was Trumps?
Mere lip service.
Now more than ever, the situation I blame, not on our enemies , but on those who willfully and wantonly enabled and empowered them .
Now more than anything I blame the traitors among us.
Because you can beat any enemy outside your gate, but you will always fall to the enemy within .
That is why historians have always wrote
"If you clean house, be sure it is traitors before enemies."
Where was trump?
Pretending to defend us.
While selling us down the river.
A paper mache president for a paper mache empire, ran on confetti, and thinly veiled violence and coercion against its citizens, and run by parties that are, on paper, different, but are all the same. just like the redistricting scandal in MO I believe. Just like republican speaker Vos secretly working to enable drop boxes for ballots. Just like bush creating the patriot act. Just like romney shipping american manufacturing overseas. Just like all the republicans who ever and a day threaten this bill and that bill, and to write a new law, or threaten to pass a new law, but always make excuses when it fails, grandstanding like the loud mouthed traitors that they are, while they do nothing, and stand back, or offer useless half measures and empty promises.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
The middle class is broke and being broken every day, more and more. The bureaucracy is woke and insane and absolutely hateful of everything america, while they live high on american taxes. The banks and corporations are liberal, out of control, and totalitarian. There is no future in america for any of us. The future is stolen. Our rights are stolen. Our citizenship is diluted more and more, stolen. Our media is a non-stop 24/7 propaganda machine spewing demonization and division and new psychosis's like poisonous over-the-top ichor into the mind of the public, every day, tied to the hip with our our out of control intelligence agencies that act more like violent and privatized east european secret police than any real law enforcement. There is no law. We have mass violence. Daily rapes. Rampant homelessness. A decaying infrastructure. A profusion of new legalisms, new policies, spreading like cancer across local municipalities all across america, robbing americans on the highway, at the gas pump, on their heating bill, on their taxes, on their farms, and in every other way possible or imaginable, regulating, ruining, and raping americans, lock stock and fucking barrel. Billion dollar pharmaceutical companies peddling meth to children diagnosed with ADHD by useless overpaid marxist union teachers, a fentanyl epidemic brought in by the mexican cartels flooding our non-existent borders, manufactured courtesy of china, public representatives who openly joke about nuking american citizens who refuse to disarm or get jabbed, public officials who demand police arrest people for questioning the curriculum of a school system that has devolved into out-in-the-open brainwashing, an executive branch that weaponizes the DOJ and FBI as its personal army to drag peoples from their homes, from their PTA meetings, from their places of business, for going on a walking tour of the capitol, or even being present, that weaponizes the ATF to break down doors and shoot peoples dogs or point guns at their families. An army and a federal bureaucracy that blanket denies religious exemptions in order to build a database of refusers and purge them from their jobs.
And on and on and on. America is a failed state.
The future of america is gone. Stolen by private banks that are some how allowed to be called "federal". Stolen by a media whos hateful invective, 24/7 slander and defamation campaigns of violence, lead half the public to believe blacks were killed by Kyle Rittenhouse in kenosha, leading to a terrorist running down and murdering children in waukesha. A punditry that openly advocates violence, and gives air time to those who do. A law enforcement and judicial system that refuses to prosecute or pursue these people. A class of millions of people propagandized to the point of neuroticism, with open, proven, lies, by a news media 100% dependent on pharmaceutical ads, into open calls for taking peoples families away if they are conservative or a gun owner, putting people in camps if they are unjabbed, removing them from their jobs if they are christian, refusing them the ability to work, go to school, or go out in public if they are white or conservative.
And the best the republicans can say "actually we support illegals" and "moderate gun reform at the NRA!", and "trannies for trump! MAGA"
They are the party of useless traitors.
Criminal enablers.
Do nothings.
Fair weather representatives.
And democrats with red ties.
I will never lift a finger to help any of them get 'elected' again. And I would vote 100% solid fucking blue this year if voting even mattered anymore, all to see the MILLIONS of violent neurotic raving lunatics the left is composed of, march, after the collapse of the confetti monopoly money that is the u.s. dollar--to witness them march in the street, drag the RNC out of their offices, and watch them executed by the leftwing mob, every last one, down to the last fucking man.
So that when it was all over, the traitors would no longer be there to tut-tut us, their base, about "peaceful change and reform" and "getting the opposition back!" and "this time we'll win and drain the swamp for real guys!", while continuously betraying us, stabbing us in the back, lying, and failing to do anything except be the lying spineless traitorous rope-bait little libshits-in-red-ties that these motherfuckers are.
So that when all was said, all was done, all that would be left is to remove the left from power, without obstruction from guys saying "I believe in the orderly transfer of power!", like should have been done to them years ago.
We don't need a purge.
We need The Purge.
Stand back and watch the left. Let it happen.
Fuck all these motherfucking traitors.
Not my government. I hope it burns, crumbles, and everyone working for it dies at the hands of the flood of immigrants, and leftwingers they enabled, in one giant cancerous event like J6, but for real.
I hope for it sincerely, honestly, even fucking earnestly .
I'm voting for secession.
And if they don't want to allow it, if they want to persecute secessionists like they are doing to the J6, like they are doing to parents against CRT, like they have done with street thugs in antifa and blm against everyone right of mao or stalin, then I'm voting on write-in:
"Hang every last one of them."
(post is archived)