You know what, this would not surprise me. Just recently there was that big push to make women have to register for selective service when they turn 18 just like men. The political motivation for that initiative did not make sense to me. This would fit in there.
The nightmares reported by the branches is horrific. As a league professional gamer, I know females will get exponentially more men killed in the line of duty, than without. This is fact, no amount of finger pointing, woke berating, or snowflake crying will change this. Maybe in 20-30 millennia of evolution with mandatory female gaming/exercise/sport could change that, but today no.
Females are a lead weight in the gaming world, I can count on one hand how many females I've come across that beat me in gun fights online. Even a newbie player can whomp on a pro female after only a couple of months, their brains are built different. The only female pros that make substantial money are support pros, they heal and support the Fraggers, when it comes to awareness and gun skill, they either die or die and get you killed with them.
As an ex-GB/MLG ladder tourney faggot I can confirm this.
Women can grasp the core concepts and excel past other women and newb males, but never take the trophy.
Halo by chance? I was on GB as well.
Just recently there was that big push to make women have to register for selective service
If they had not overturned this it legitimately would have lead to warfare against the regime.
How so? I'm not sure I know anyone that was going to die on that hill, no pun intended.
How so?
Exactly as it was written.
I'm not sure I know anyone that was going to die on that hill,
Then you don't know any men who have daughters that are almost old enough to qualify for the draft.
How did it not make sense? The whole point of male voting was due to more responsibilities. Women wanted the right without any responsibilities entailed. Draft is stupid anyways since like over 60% of the pop is at least overweight. Conscripting into a jew war shouldn't be a thing.
(post is archived)