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Because if we all don't hang together we will all surely hang apart.

The courts ruled against religion and in a few years time they'll be packed, to rule against firearms.

They are arresting dissidents, and political opponents.

The federal government is forcing deadly injections on americans, with dangerous lots sent specifically to red states.

Street thugs backed up by the state threaten rape, arson, and murder against citizens on a daily basis, against juries and judges alike.

Unelected socialists, with the help of the occupation and federal agencies, call everyone terrorists, while all across the media the mouthpieces and "activists" call for violence and bloodshed against anyone that dares stand up against them or call them out.

While woke-takeovers of schools, universities, and institutions force anti-American deconstruction of our society down everyones throats.

And corporcrat juggernauts and their gladhands in the DNC and RNC, arrogantly and dogmatically moralize down to us about climate change and lowering our expectations, while completely insulated from the consequences of their every policy--growing fat on our taxes while all of us accept a lower standard of living and a dimmer future for our families and towns.

All the while bureaucrats, so called "representatives" in high-minded and distant DC, and wealthy executives on wallstreet, force tens of millions of americans, at the threat of losing everything, to get jab after jab that can and will kill them--holding all of america hostage at the point of a proverbial gun to our heads. Forcing it on children, a half million who will die by january or be permanently maimed so wallstreet and federal banks invested in major pharmaceutical corporations can reap every greater, soaring profits from the human damage of their war crimes and and crimes against humanity.

Meanwhile the occupations propaganda outlets, or 'media', spread demonization and outright calls to disarmament, taking peoples kids away, and even incitements to mass violence against us because of who we are: caucasians, christians, straights, and conservatives, moderates, and libertarians, who love America.

The minority party, the GOP, thats supposed to defend us, plays patty-cake with these enemies of America, and like occupation rats, speak fire but never deliver. Because their job is to always fail and compromise at the last minute. Think about it and you'll start to see the truth.

Authorities can destroy evidence, like they did in Kyle Rittenhouses trial, violate attorney client privilege like they did to Trump arrest anyone without trial like they did to the J6 protesters, demonize, deny legal rights, and unperson anyone from banking, free speech, a right to a lawyer, etc.

The truth is this: The rule of law in America is over. There is no rule of law. We have no say, we have no representation, at all. None. No real representation. No voice. No rights.

The rule of law is over, there is no rule of law in America, or Australia, or any western nation.

Conduct yourself accordingly, with prudence.

We live under a real life occupation, and we are in a war, that the illegitimate u.s. government started against all of us. Persecuted by an out of control, unelected, and unaccountable bureaucracy, and occupation puppets put in office through fraudulent elections nationwide.

We can no longer deny that our government is at war with the very public it is supposed to protect. And with each passing month, each passing week, each passing day, they harm more people, coerce more innocents, jab and destroy the lives of more children, fire, unperson, harass, discriminate against, and make homeless our people, the American people, homeless on a continent our forefathers built.

Therefore I offer this plan of action:

Ubiquitous Mutiny.

What does this mean?

It's simple, but it'll take boldness from all of you.

Boldness to share this.

Boldness to suggest it to others.

It is simple.

The federal government has gone on too long, unchallenged. Trampling on us left, right, and center. Denying its every action, and its future actions, only for those very prognostications by critics, to come true, every time. Openly lying as it pursued a rampant agenda of absolute deprivations and depredation against the american people, and citizens of western nations. For anyone with eyes to see.

This is no longer tolerable. This is no longer acceptable.

They will not be allowed to tread on us any nore.

I propose what you may call Ubiquitous Mutiny : The act of making your displeasure, the unacceptability of these conditions, known by your simple attire, your very presence.

Remember when the Trump trains were attacked?

People wearing maga hats, or just carrying the flag?

I propose something entirely different: We all wear The Gadsden Flag, specifically that one. Wear it somewhere on our person.

Either as a patch, or as an arm band.

The state and its supporters will go insane over this, comparing us to nazis and fascists, but no matter.

What it important is we see. Each of us SEE. Through our silent mutiny against the suppression, the silencing, the terrorizing--that we see through all of this--just how many of US there are and how FEW of them there are.

The act of wearing this says

"I am here. I exist. I will not be silenced, but by the drawing of my breathe, every breathe, my continued presence stands testament, however silent, that I will not be silenced any further."

By this sign you shall know your own.

And no longer feel alone anymore. No longer be silenced. Even facing assault, persecution, doxxing for those afraid of that. You will know, at last how many of us are out there. How many of us, are prepared to help you, to come to your aid, to stand with you, at a moments notice. To stand by your side, even if we don't know you.

Gadsden Flags for one, and for all. Get you a patch or an arm band. Let the left scream, at the top of their lungs, about nazis, and facists, let them demonize, and call for violence against us. Let the public SEE these rats and fanatics as they grow ever more hysterical and violent against all that is good, and just, and righteous, and worth preserving in this nation.

And by this sign you will come together, united, under a single banner to say

"Lets go brandon"

And fuck the occupation.

This is the meaning of Ubiquitous Mutiny:

We will be everywhere, and we will not be atomized, suppressed, or silenced any longer.

Stand ye calm and resolute, Like a forest close and mute, With folded arms and looks which are Weapons of unvanquished war.

And if then the tyrants dare, Let them ride among you there; Slash, and stab, and maim and hew; What they like, that let them do.

With folded arms and steady eyes, And little fear, and less surprise, Look upon them as they slay, Till their rage has died away:

Then they will return with shame, To the place from which they came, And the blood thus shed will speak In hot blushes on their cheek:

Rise, like lions after slumber In unvanquishable number! Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you:

We are many, they are few.

From now until the next january seventh, on any given day, I will be wearing a yellow armband or a Gadsden flag on my person. You should too.

Let the "perpetual victim" class and the bureaucrats and officials know.

We are many, and they are few.

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**UBIQUITOUS MUTINY** *Because if we all don't hang together we will all surely hang apart.* The courts ruled against religion and in a few years time they'll be packed, to rule against firearms. They are arresting dissidents, and political opponents. The federal government is forcing deadly injections on americans, with dangerous lots sent specifically to red states. Street thugs backed up by the state threaten rape, arson, and murder against citizens on a daily basis, against juries and judges alike. Unelected socialists, with the help of the occupation and federal agencies, call everyone terrorists, while all across the media the mouthpieces and "activists" call for violence and bloodshed against anyone that dares stand up against them or call them out. While woke-takeovers of schools, universities, and institutions force anti-American deconstruction of our society down everyones throats. And corporcrat juggernauts and their gladhands in the DNC and RNC, arrogantly and dogmatically moralize down to us about climate change and lowering our expectations, while completely insulated from the consequences of their every policy--growing fat on our taxes while all of us accept a lower standard of living and a dimmer future for our families and towns. All the while bureaucrats, so called "representatives" in high-minded and distant DC, and wealthy executives on wallstreet, force tens of millions of americans, at the threat of losing everything, to get jab after jab that can and will kill them--holding all of america hostage at the point of a proverbial gun to our heads. Forcing it on children, a half million who will die by january or be permanently maimed so wallstreet and federal banks invested in major pharmaceutical corporations can reap every greater, soaring profits from the human damage of their war crimes and and crimes against humanity. Meanwhile the occupations propaganda outlets, or 'media', spread demonization and outright calls to disarmament, taking peoples kids away, and even incitements to mass violence against us because of who we are: caucasians, christians, straights, and conservatives, moderates, and libertarians, who love America. The minority party, the GOP, thats supposed to defend us, plays patty-cake with these enemies of America, and like occupation rats, speak fire but never deliver. Because their job is to always fail and compromise at the last minute. Think about it and you'll start to see the truth. Authorities can destroy evidence, like they did in Kyle Rittenhouses trial, violate attorney client privilege like they did to Trump arrest anyone without trial like they did to the J6 protesters, demonize, deny legal rights, and unperson anyone from banking, free speech, a right to a lawyer, etc. The truth is this: The rule of law in America is over. There is no rule of law. We have no say, we have no representation, at all. None. No real representation. No voice. No rights. The rule of law is over, there is no rule of law in America, or Australia, or any western nation. Conduct yourself accordingly, with prudence. We live under a real life occupation, and we are in a war, that the illegitimate **u.s. government** started against all of us. Persecuted by an out of control, unelected, and unaccountable bureaucracy, and occupation puppets put in office through fraudulent elections nationwide. We can no longer deny that our government is at war with the very public it is supposed to protect. And with each passing month, each passing week, each passing day, they harm more people, coerce more innocents, jab and destroy the lives of more children, fire, unperson, harass, discriminate against, and make homeless our people, the American people, homeless on a continent our forefathers built. Therefore I offer this plan of action: *Ubiquitous Mutiny.* What does this mean? It's simple, but it'll take boldness from all of you. Boldness to share this. Boldness to suggest it to others. It is simple. The federal government has gone on too long, unchallenged. Trampling on us left, right, and center. Denying its every action, and its future actions, only for those very prognostications by critics, to come true, every time. Openly lying as it pursued a rampant agenda of absolute deprivations and depredation against the american people, and citizens of western nations. For anyone with eyes to see. This is no longer tolerable. This is no longer acceptable. They will not be allowed to tread on us any nore. I propose what you may call *Ubiquitous Mutiny*: The act of making your displeasure, the unacceptability of these conditions, known by your simple attire, your very presence. Remember when the Trump trains were attacked? People wearing maga hats, or just carrying the flag? I propose something entirely different: We all wear The Gadsden Flag, specifically that one. Wear it somewhere on our person. Either as a patch, or as an arm band. The state and its supporters will go insane over this, comparing us to nazis and fascists, but no matter. What it important is we see. Each of us SEE. Through our silent mutiny against the suppression, the silencing, the terrorizing--that we see through all of this--just how many of US there are and how FEW of them there are. The act of wearing this says "I am here. I exist. I will not be silenced, but by the drawing of my breathe, every breathe, my continued presence stands testament, however silent, that I will *not* be silenced any further." By this sign you shall know your own. And no longer feel alone anymore. No longer be silenced. Even facing assault, persecution, doxxing for those afraid of that. You will know, at last how many of us are out there. How many of us, are prepared to help you, to come to your aid, to stand with you, at a moments notice. To stand by your side, even if we don't know you. Gadsden Flags for one, and for all. Get you a patch or an arm band. Let the left scream, at the top of their lungs, about nazis, and facists, let them demonize, and call for violence against us. Let the public SEE these rats and fanatics as they grow ever more hysterical and violent against all that is good, and just, and righteous, and worth preserving in this nation. And by this sign you will come together, united, under a single banner to say "Lets go brandon" And fuck the occupation. This is the meaning of Ubiquitous Mutiny: We will be everywhere, and we will not be atomized, suppressed, or silenced any longer. Stand ye calm and resolute, Like a forest close and mute, With folded arms and looks which are Weapons of unvanquished war. And if then the tyrants dare, Let them ride among you there; Slash, and stab, and maim and hew; What they like, that let them do. With folded arms and steady eyes, And little fear, and less surprise, Look upon them as they slay, Till their rage has died away: Then they will return with shame, To the place from which they came, And the blood thus shed will speak In hot blushes on their cheek: Rise, like lions after slumber In unvanquishable number! Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you: We are many, they are few. From now until the next january seventh, on any given day, I will be wearing a yellow armband or a Gadsden flag on my person. You should too. Let the "perpetual victim" class and the bureaucrats and officials know. We are many, and they are few.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 3y

me too, I haven't been able to spell 'remember' correctly for years now

You mean remmeber?

I'm kidding.

Its actually spelled remnember.

[–] 1 pt 3y

I always type 'remeber', every time, it's so annoying...