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DC has been at war with mainstreet for years, in a very real sense. We have not been represented. And a lot of moderate policies, like ending the wars, gun rights, punishing the pharmaceutical companies for the opiod crisis, reigning in the FBI and federal agencies, regulating the banks and making the fraud the banks committed in 2008 major felonies, an end to superpacs and corporate lobbies, all of these are policies americans have vehemently supported on all sides of the aisle, that have gone no where. DC has prevented them from happening. This same war, to prevent anything DC doesn't like from going through, to prevent americans from gaining real representation that isn't threatened or compromised or sold out, this war has openly been lead by the ADL, FBI, and marxist university professors, which americans will sooner or later catch on to, as they already are.

And the RNC has assisted them, and played interference at every turn preventing any real candidates from running or gaining a foothold. Meanwhile you have vilified a million or so americans and told them, basically, in so many words, that you are coming after them, but that they are terrorists if they don't accept this persecution. "we will beat you and terrorize you and persecute you with the political system, theres nothing you can do about it, and if you dont like it we will break down your door, point guns at your children, and destroy you in both the rigged courts and the media. Fuck you racists. Fuck you white people. Fuck you conservatives. We like to joke about putting conservatives kids in cages with immigrants to be raped, because you all deserve it, including your families. We're not coming for your guns, but millions of you are neurotic rightwingers who can and should be redflagged and disarmed."

Thats what you have said to half a million to two million people.

You have set a standard that "structural laws are a form of violence", that words others don't like, defamation and slander, demonization, are violence, and used it to persecute and condemn half of america. You have set a standard that policies that disenfranchise people are "hatred" and "structural violence."

And then you have expected half of all america not to see this itself as violence against us .

And you expect that this won't somehow lead to you being killed by angry mobs and spontaneously formed civilian groups when some disaster hits the u.s. and western nations.

You can't politically persecute an entire segment of society and not expect that that segment won't eventually tune out to political solutions. You can't run two false parties to deny real representation, and expect in a country of 327 million people, that a few million won't eventually tune out voting. You can't have an entire year, and even years, going back to 2016, where the 24/7 news is the leftwing committing rampant violence, aided by the FBI and DAs doing nothing (or actively helping), and not expect that a segment of society won't eventually tune out even attempting peaceful protest. You can't lock up and torture 700 people in a DC prison, armed with haitain guards, beat a man until he loses an eye, deny them bail, many for simple trespassing, appoint them radical marxists defense attorneys whos job has apparently only been to force humiliating apologies from the very people they're supposed to defend--you can't do that and expect people will continue to think protest, or even engaging with the courts, will not just tune out and eventually resort to talk of violence as the only means for redress of grievances.

You can't expect to do all these things and more to the public, and not expect a hardcore disaffected cohort of maybe half a million to two million people, won't eventually decide that you're illegitimate. That they won't spontaneously conclude nothing will ever get better unless you're gone, and that because you refuse to leave through peaceful means, they must eventually conclude the only way to stop the punishment, suppression, and outrages, is to kill you and those officials and agencies supporting you.

This is the sentiment I see forming. This is what I see happening in america to the u.s. federal and state governments. This is what I see happening in large cities to local governments. I predicted a while back that it "wont be civil war but brushfire conflicts that will sprout up and then fizzle". But now I think thats incorrect. I think, having a better understanding of the processes unfolding, that its going to lead to a much larger conflict than the incompetent experts in the state department and federal agencies really understand or can control. I think once it starts it will start in earnest and rapidly spiral out of local control even by the national guard, and I think once it reaches that point, it will be irreversible to stop, even if radical reforms are immediately made to the parties. Both sides will then join the fray and immediately enter a reactionary loop where the violence they commit against each other will feed and amplify to larger scale and more organized violence.

I see this coming in the wake of not 2024, but actually, the end of 2022, some time as early as spring of 2023.

I have in the past advocated for radical peace because for years I have been a pacifist, despite also being a fighter, because I abhor violence. However, I think in order to preserve the peace it is also necessary to say what isn't being said by others because of their (correct) fear of persecution for saying it. I think part of preserving the peace is saying what a very large segment of the disaffected population is thinking and privately discussing among themselves. And I think its important to say it because I think the federal government, like the governments of many other western nations, have lost the plot, and lost touch with both reality, and have dangerously lost the ability to hear an increasingly volatile and increasingly angry and rapidly growing segment and sentiment of their citizens.

The numbers I cited are small, 0.5 million to 1.5 million (with an upperward limit of 2 million) of people who don't believe political solutions will work any more, and have normalized internally that violence against what they (rightly) perceive is illegitimate actions by their government, is to them, both acceptable, and preferable, to having no hope, or ability to change what is being done to them. And I think that the ruse of the two parties, contrary to the rising "my party vs your party!" chorus ahead of most elections, that despite this, this chorus is actually a misleading signal in intelligence right now. That this time really is different. That the election of either party will not in fact quell popular violence and dissent, like trump was used in 2016 to do, or obama was used in 2009 to do. But rather, that when the elections are won in 2022, whatever party is in,this will be seen as a moment when either the lefts extremists will say "finally we get our revenge and the cementing of our way of thinking in this nation!" or the right will say "finally, everything the left has done will be rolled back and the left will be punished for their crimes", and when those things don't happen, let alone happen fast enough , when the parties call for compromise, or resort to petty infighting, what it will do is to show, even if the parties are still superficially supported--it will work to show or teach the public "whats the point, politics never works." This will not be the mere disengagement of the voting class, but rather the mainstreaming of political nihilism .

And with the pent up anger from both sides, one whos grievances are commiserate with their genuine political suppression, and the other whos upsets have more to do with being of a vengeful and innately politically revolutionary mindset--that once that political nihilism kicks in, there will be a sufficient mass of people to make the conflict self-sustaining: war feeding on war.

I think the 2022 midterms in the u.s, and other elections abroad, will very rapidly devolve into actual blood baths, that will spread as rapid, or more rapidly, than the 2020 riots, and the blm riots in years prior. I think they will almost from the get go become a tit-for-tat affair, with attacks, and reprisal killings, and immediately escalate to firebombings on officials who step in to "sue for peace" or condemn their own side. And that when that stage kicks off, the "apology and shame-on-my-base tour!" as ted cruz did with J6, those already disaffected, whos party may or may not have one, will see this as the final abandonment, the support-us-or-your-the-enemy moment, the moment where the respective parties will attempt to deescalate, and the segment of the bases that are unreachable, seeing this as those parties taking each others sides over their own supporters.

I think from there we will experience infrastructure attacks very quickly, as those, who don't believe they can stand against police or national guard, will resort to ambush attacks and sabotage. Rightwing militia will attempt to keep the peace and very rapidly fall into open gun fights with left wing gangs like blm and antifa. Leftwing militia, namely panthers, and other groups that will form between now and the elections, will, having spent the year intimidating people, pulling them out of their cars, and threatening juries and politicians, will attempt to throw their weight around and set up autonomous zones, and citizens, knowing the police have abandoned them and unions support blm, will escalate it to running gun fights in the streets.

There will be fires everywhere, very rapidly, as haitain and immigrant gangs take advantage of the chaos, just as they did in the LA Riots, with organized arson and looting, and there will appear to be a complete collapse of government ability to regulate, slow down, deescalate, or stop the violence and destruction, at all .

There will be a declaration of total lockdown, and martial law, that will roll out at first, with force, across almost every single state, and rapidly collapse in ranks and be overwhelmed. We will see seattle style no-go zones in both red and blue areas pop up, sporadically at first, but very quickly form into larger areas, as the citizens resort to 'self defense' (mass killing against each other) wherever they even spot a large organized opposition group approaching, much as the roof top koreans had resorted to. This will follow from a general and widespread belief that the federal and state governments had abandoned them, were unable or unwilling to defend them, and worse, had in the past and leading up to the conflict, "actively aided and abetted the other guys" in past and ongoing attacks against the respective groups.

The news will feed into the killing, and many disparate groups, grifters on the left and the right, will be a central source of escalated rhetoric, fear, panic, outrage, and calls to retaliation, though they won't at first be explicit about it. If public leaders actions will be like gasoline on a fire, the medias reaction will be like throwing hand grenades on a fire.

It will appear as if the entire country had lost its entire collective minds.

The DOD doesn't believe this. The experts in the fusion centers don't believe this. The NGOs don't believe this. But I can tell you with confidence, this is exactly what will happen. This is what is going down, and how its going down. The question is not even a matter of 'if' but 'when', and its not a large time window. It will, for the u.s., definitively break down in this fashion, or a similar manner, either up to or immediately after 2022 midterms, not simply because of the political factors, but because of the economic, and realpolitik factors. The expert are wrong, and you would be stupid to listen to them saying that we are heading toward "limited" conflict. The political situation looks more like a national separation along religious lines than political, a completely fundamental difference of opinions, but critically coupled with a nihilism-trigger, disengagement with political solutions, and disillusionment with the political process, in a time of competitors actively trying to cause a color revolution in the u.s. and abroad (along with domestic elements helping them), all while the mass anger over the last two years of lockdowns now simmers to the top, and the economy falters, and continues to falter to the point of imploding in depression-era fashion.

This will happen no later than 2022, or spring 2023. If it doesn't, then take all these factors, magnify them, assume they are going to become much worse, leading to much more public volatility and disillusionment, and then add the election in 2024 as a trigger.

It will absolutely take either a mass pandemic with a real death toll, a mass infrastructure collapse to where people are starving so they can't fight, or a mass external war, to prevent these events from unfolding as I have predicted in the u.s., and abroad, but particularly the u.s.

I put a 60% confidence interval on the prediction of these events unfolding no later than spring 2023. And a 70-80% confidence interval of them unfolding between then and the elections in 2024. In the months prior and months after the 2024 presidential election, I put an 80-90% confidence interval if this scenario has not already unfolded at the earlier dates.

Short of a temporary ten to twenty year rollback of leftwing and (CRITICALLY) neoconservative policy in the u.s., I predict a 90-95% chance of 2-5 million people, to upwards (on the very high end) of 7-12 million (counting the participants on both sides), entirely disengaging with the political process. While typically this would be an eventual outcome, that happens gradually, I predict instead it would happen rapidly , a lot quicker than anyone in an analysts position would otherwise expect, and that it will appear unaccounted for and inexplicable in existing models.

These are my predictions for the future, and I urge anyone who has the power to listen, and change policy, to do so, as fast and reasonably as possible, if they would preserve the peace and the united states as a nation at all.

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DC has been at war with mainstreet for years, in a very real sense. We have not been represented. And a *lot* of moderate policies, like ending the wars, gun rights, punishing the pharmaceutical companies for the opiod crisis, reigning in the FBI and federal agencies, regulating the banks and making the fraud the banks committed in 2008 major felonies, an end to superpacs and corporate lobbies, all of these are policies americans have vehemently supported on all sides of the aisle, that have gone no where. DC has prevented them from happening. This same war, to prevent anything DC doesn't like from going through, to prevent americans from gaining real representation that isn't threatened or compromised or sold out, this war has openly been lead by the ADL, FBI, and marxist university professors, which americans will sooner or later catch on to, as they already are. And the RNC has assisted them, and played interference at every turn preventing any real candidates from running or gaining a foothold. Meanwhile you have vilified a million or so americans and told them, basically, in so many words, that you are coming after them, but that they are terrorists if they don't accept this persecution. "we will beat you and terrorize you and persecute you with the political system, theres nothing you can do about it, and if you dont like it we will break down your door, point guns at your children, and destroy you in both the rigged courts and the media. Fuck you racists. Fuck you white people. Fuck you conservatives. We like to joke about putting conservatives kids in cages with immigrants to be raped, because you all deserve it, including your families. We're not coming for your guns, but millions of you are neurotic rightwingers who can and should be redflagged and disarmed." Thats what you have said to half a million to two million people. You have set a standard that "structural laws are a form of violence", that words others don't like, defamation and slander, demonization, are violence, and used it to persecute and condemn half of america. You have set a standard that policies that disenfranchise people are "hatred" and "structural violence." And then you have expected half of all america not to see this itself as violence against *us*. And you expect that this won't somehow lead to you being killed by angry mobs and spontaneously formed civilian groups when some disaster hits the u.s. and western nations. You can't politically persecute an entire segment of society and not expect that that segment won't eventually tune out to political solutions. You can't run two false parties to deny real representation, and expect in a country of 327 million people, that a few million won't eventually tune out voting. You can't have an entire year, and even years, going back to 2016, where the 24/7 news is the leftwing committing rampant violence, aided by the FBI and DAs doing nothing (or actively helping), and not expect that a segment of society won't eventually tune out even attempting peaceful protest. You can't lock up and torture 700 people in a DC prison, armed with haitain guards, beat a man until he loses an eye, deny them bail, many for simple trespassing, appoint them radical marxists defense attorneys whos job has apparently only been to force humiliating apologies from the very people they're supposed to defend--you can't do that and expect people will continue to think protest, or even engaging with the courts, will not just tune out and eventually resort to talk of violence as the only means for redress of grievances. You can't expect to do all these things and more to the public, and not expect a hardcore disaffected cohort of maybe half a million to two million people, won't eventually decide that you're illegitimate. That they won't spontaneously conclude **nothing** will ever get better unless you're gone, and that because you refuse to leave through peaceful means, they must eventually conclude the only way to stop the punishment, suppression, and outrages, is to kill you and those officials and agencies supporting you. This is the sentiment I see forming. This is what I see happening in america to the u.s. federal and state governments. This is what I see happening in large cities to local governments. I predicted a while back that it "wont be civil war but brushfire conflicts that will sprout up and then fizzle". But now I think thats incorrect. I think, having a better understanding of the processes unfolding, that its going to lead to a much larger conflict than the incompetent experts in the state department and federal agencies really understand or can control. I think once it starts it will start in earnest and rapidly spiral out of local control even by the national guard, and I think once it reaches that point, it will be irreversible to stop, even if radical reforms are immediately made to the parties. Both sides will then join the fray and immediately enter a reactionary loop where the violence they commit against each other will feed and amplify to larger scale and more organized violence. I see this coming in the wake of not 2024, but actually, the end of 2022, some time as early as spring of 2023. I have in the past advocated for radical peace because for years I have been a pacifist, despite also being a fighter, because I abhor violence. However, I think in order to preserve the peace it is also necessary to say what isn't being said by others because of their (correct) fear of persecution for saying it. I think part of preserving the peace is saying what a very large segment of the disaffected population is thinking and privately discussing among themselves. And I think its important to say it because I think the federal government, like the governments of many other western nations, have lost the plot, and lost touch with both reality, and have dangerously lost the ability to hear an increasingly volatile and increasingly angry and *rapidly growing* segment and sentiment of their citizens. The numbers I cited are small, 0.5 million to 1.5 million (with an upperward limit of 2 million) of people who don't believe political solutions will work any more, and have normalized internally that violence against what they (rightly) perceive is illegitimate actions by their government, is to them, both acceptable, and preferable, to having no hope, or ability to change what is being done to them. And I think that the ruse of the two parties, contrary to the rising "my party vs your party!" chorus ahead of most elections, that despite this, this chorus is actually a misleading signal in intelligence right now. That this time really is different. That the election of either party will not in fact quell popular violence and dissent, like trump was used in 2016 to do, or obama was used in 2009 to do. But rather, that *when* the elections are won in 2022, whatever party is in,this will be seen as a moment when either the lefts extremists will say "finally we get our revenge and the cementing of our way of thinking in this nation!" or the right will say "finally, everything the left has done will be rolled back and the left will be punished for their crimes", and when those things don't happen, let alone happen *fast enough*, when the parties call for compromise, or resort to petty infighting, what it will do is to show, even if the parties are still superficially supported--it will work to show or teach the public "whats the point, politics never works." This will not be the mere disengagement of the voting class, but rather the *mainstreaming of political nihilism*. And with the pent up anger from both sides, one whos grievances are commiserate with their genuine political suppression, and the other whos upsets have more to do with being of a vengeful and innately politically revolutionary mindset--that once that political nihilism kicks in, there will be a sufficient mass of people to make the conflict self-sustaining: war feeding on war. I think the 2022 midterms in the u.s, and other elections abroad, will very rapidly devolve into actual blood baths, that will spread as rapid, or more rapidly, than the 2020 riots, and the blm riots in years prior. I think they will almost from the get go become a tit-for-tat affair, with attacks, and reprisal killings, and immediately escalate to firebombings on officials who step in to "sue for peace" or condemn their own side. And that when that stage kicks off, the "apology and shame-on-my-base tour!" as ted cruz did with J6, those already disaffected, whos party may or may not have one, will see this as the final abandonment, the support-us-or-your-the-enemy moment, the moment where the respective parties will attempt to deescalate, and the segment of the bases that are unreachable, seeing this as those parties taking each others sides over their own supporters. I think from there we will experience infrastructure attacks very quickly, as those, who don't believe they can stand against police or national guard, will resort to ambush attacks and sabotage. Rightwing militia will attempt to keep the peace and very rapidly fall into open gun fights with left wing gangs like blm and antifa. Leftwing militia, namely panthers, and other groups that will form between now and the elections, will, having spent the year intimidating people, pulling them out of their cars, and threatening juries and politicians, will attempt to throw their weight around and set up autonomous zones, and citizens, knowing the police have abandoned them and unions support blm, will escalate it to running gun fights in the streets. There will be fires everywhere, very rapidly, as haitain and immigrant gangs take advantage of the chaos, just as they did in the LA Riots, with organized arson and looting, and there will appear to be a complete collapse of government ability to regulate, slow down, deescalate, or stop the violence and destruction, **at all**. There will be a declaration of total lockdown, and martial law, that will roll out at first, with force, across almost every single state, and rapidly collapse in ranks and be overwhelmed. We will see seattle style no-go zones in both red and blue areas pop up, sporadically at first, but very quickly form into larger areas, as the citizens resort to 'self defense' (mass killing against each other) wherever they even spot a large organized opposition group approaching, much as the roof top koreans had resorted to. This will follow from a general and widespread belief that the federal and state governments had abandoned them, were unable or *unwilling* to defend them, and worse, had in the past and leading up to the conflict, "actively aided and abetted the other guys" in past and ongoing attacks against the respective groups. The news will feed into the killing, and many disparate groups, grifters on the left and the right, will be a central source of escalated rhetoric, fear, panic, outrage, and calls to retaliation, though they won't at first be explicit about it. If public leaders actions will be like gasoline on a fire, the medias reaction will be like throwing hand grenades on a fire. It will appear as if the entire country had lost its entire collective minds. The DOD doesn't believe this. The experts in the fusion centers don't believe this. The NGOs don't believe this. But I can tell you with confidence, this is exactly what will happen. This is what is going down, and how its going down. The question is not even a matter of 'if' but 'when', and its not a large time window. It will, for the u.s., definitively break down in this fashion, or a similar manner, either up to or immediately after 2022 midterms, not simply because of the political factors, but because of the economic, and realpolitik factors. The expert are wrong, and you would be stupid to listen to them saying that we are heading toward "limited" conflict. The political situation looks more like a national separation along religious lines than political, a completely fundamental difference of opinions, but critically **coupled** with a nihilism-trigger, disengagement with political solutions, and disillusionment with the political process, in a time of competitors **actively trying** to cause a color revolution in the u.s. and abroad (along with domestic elements *helping* them), all while the mass anger over the last two years of lockdowns now simmers to the top, and the economy falters, and continues to falter to the point of imploding in depression-era fashion. This will happen no later than 2022, or spring 2023. If it doesn't, then take all these factors, magnify them, assume they are going to become much worse, leading to much more public volatility and disillusionment, and then add the election in 2024 as a trigger. It will absolutely take either a mass pandemic with a *real* death toll, a mass infrastructure collapse to where people are starving so they can't fight, or a mass external war, to prevent these events from unfolding as I have predicted in the u.s., and abroad, but particularly the u.s. I put a 60% confidence interval on the prediction of these events unfolding no later than spring 2023. And a 70-80% confidence interval of them unfolding between then and the elections in 2024. In the months prior and months after the 2024 presidential election, I put an 80-90% confidence interval if this scenario has not already unfolded at the earlier dates. Short of a temporary **ten to twenty year** rollback of leftwing and (CRITICALLY) *neoconservative* policy in the u.s., I predict a 90-95% chance of 2-5 million people, to upwards (on the very high end) of 7-12 million (counting the participants on both sides), entirely disengaging with the political process. While typically this would be an *eventual* outcome, that happens gradually, I predict instead it would happen *rapidly*, a lot quicker than anyone in an analysts position would otherwise expect, and that it will appear unaccounted for and inexplicable in existing models. These are my predictions for the future, and I urge anyone who has the power to listen, and change policy, to do so, as fast and reasonably as possible, if they would preserve the peace and the united states as a nation at all.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 3y

This is very astute analysis. Thanks for posting that.

I have noticed another phenomenon on our side, there are two very distinct groups of people:

1) THE IDENTIFIERS - This is the groups of people that can identify 100% of the problems we are all facing but they end their statements with:

  • But diversity is good as long as it is good diversity.

  • Racism is bad.

  • Everyone should be treated equally.

2) THE WAY FORWARDERS - This is the group of people that can identify 100% of the problems we are all facing but we also offer a vision for the future and sometimes even a way on how to get there.

I started to notice this watching streamers whom I thought were on our side absolutely cower under the fear of some invisible threat. All of these streamers were effectively at public war with the sjw and communist types, they have all been ostrasized from "mainstream" and are basically on our side and I couldn't figure out what was going on until I noticed our side.

We are the second group. We know what must be done and we even know how. While I cannot call our side astute, I can call our side sophisticated enogh to identify calls for violence and other methodologies as glownigger bait.

I am of the opinion that we should be focusing all of our efforts on the second group and none on the first group. The reason for that isn't because you cannot convince them to come over or they are grifters or what have you. Instead, it is because there is always a leadership group that PROVIDES A VISION FOR THE FUTURE and then cements in our peoples mind through social proof.

Social proof is basically a DEMONSTRATION of value, a demonstration that life is better in the direction of the group demonstrating social proof. In the direction of social proof is safety, security, respect, love, beauty and all those things our people want while in the other direction is darkness, evil, hatred, degeneracy and all of that stuff.

Now, here is the catch:

  • Look at all of our sites. We offer social proof (kinda). We offer a way forward, a giant set of possible options of how to move forward through conversation and we gather together in a culture that is offering some kind of meritocracy, love, beauty and so forth. WE HAVE ZERO DEGENERACY ON OUR SIDE. ZERO! I would NEVER send kids to twitter, facebook and all the jew sites, I would ONLY ever send them here and our other sites because OUR COMMUNITIES ARE FAMILY FRIENDLY.

  • Look at all of the communist sites. They offer self hatred, misery, uncertainty and NOTHING BUT DEGENERACY. That is the side of evil, that is the side of darkness that surrounds us.

So, once you start to see it, what does this mean? Here are a few observations:

1) Their side is more vibrant because it has more people in it. In terms of social proof, that is very powerful for those that don't know what is going on.

2) Our side is 100% on the right course, but in terms of the optics of social proof, we have a way to go. Gab is getting better. Win is actually not a bad halfway point. But mostly it goes off the cliff from there, partially because we don't have the numbers and economics yet, but partially because no one on our side has come to the understand of why we are on the right track (described above) and what we must do to start winning a bit more.

STRATEGY #1: Recognize the demographics of our side as described above, understand there is a group that just wants to point to problems but do nothing about them and understand there is another group that wants to move forward because they have already scouted the route ahead and we have options.

The first group will always follow the second group under the right circumstance. THE MOMENT they can smell money and safety they will switch. JF Giareppy just jumped ship to Odyseey the other week. People are jumping to Gab. It took the jew to get Odyseey up and the Christian to suffer to get Gab to a place where this can start to happen, but it is starting to happen.

Recognize, identify and watch.

STRATEGY #2: LEAN INTO SOCIAL PROOF ON OUR SIDE. Now that we have burned through the first wave grifters, we now have people fully seeing those on our side that are pointing the way forward. We need to lean into that, we need to fix the optics on that side of things. For example:


Martinez keeps on impressing. He has a depth of knowledge, he has vision and he speaks the fucking truth without a care in the world for his safety. I don't know who the other fellow is, but for someone that needs to work 7 days a week to keep house he is very astute and on point.

What is the problem here in terms of optics alone? As far social proof is concerned, one guy is streaming in poor lighting with shower curtains behind him and the other works 7 days a week to keep the lights on. We can have all the truth that we want, but, the only people in our tribe that will ever hear or understand the truth that are in the second group above, not the first. Before we can EVEN BEGIN to teach and train those in the first group, we first need to be able to provide them with the social proof so they can get close and make the jump.

So, what is the fix here? Every marketing person know the answer automatically: packaging. You need light. You need presentation. You need language. You need it in bite sized pieces. You need it in a perpetual stream available for consumption by those in the first group 100% of the time all the time. And all of this requires what? That's right. MOTHER FUCKING MONEY.

THIS is what they are afraid of. What do you think the three letters and jew shadow groups do all of their time? WHY do you think they are DEADLY AFRAID OF RED ICE? They are afraid of Red Ice because Henrik and Lana are ABSOLUTE AND TOTAL SOCIAL PROOF FOR NORMIES. Why do you think the 3 letters and governments hammer on all of our people all the time? TO KEEP THEM FROM EVER MAKING ENOUGH MONEY TO DEMONSTRATE SOCIAL PROOF.

This is the start of the next stage of things. We need to make money. We need to lean into our visionary people THE WAY FORWARDERS and give them just the right amount of resources to see what they can do. From there it is up, up, up.


You can see the stark contrast between Martinez and the other fellow in the clip above. It isn't the drawl that takes away from social proof, it is the almost unsophisticated and unsure way of how that gentleman speaks. That is okay, that can be trained for. Martinez, he has the iq, I can see some training but I suspect he also understands what training he needs to get his linguistic skills up to the next level. JF Giareppy, although can be wrong, is a monster thought leader level thinker. His analytical capabilities are superb and his use of language sharp.

And so on. You can go down the line and if you know what social proof needs to look like from the perspective of language and analytical thought you already know what is missing and how we can upgrade skills to address those issues.

And so on.

@GetCynical, I like your analysis because it is dramatically different from how I have been analyzing the situation. I will learn from that.

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[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

We have 10 months, maybe less, on the low end, to focus on a way forward.

Bannon actually said the same thing you did, that a small, highly organized, and polished group, could, with the resources, and money, game elections, and rally people back to sanity and useful action, that a winning coalition was possible, not just politically, but in the broader sense of the word, 'a new way forward' as it were.

Money is an issue yes, but not the issue you would think. A group, foregoing income, could feed itself, and drive around, and live comfortably, while doing the work, on 50k a year. Take that up a magnitude to 500k, that same group can start to have a tactical effect on politics, effecting key races in big ways. So its very doable, and money isn't the issue.

The bigger issue is the people of federal spies, or participating at all. How do you get participants and recruits to the table for an organization, even just a political one?

I've handed out phone numbers for the better part of a year now, to a bunch of people. One of them who answered me was 100% an informant because of the subjects he talked about, with someone he had never met. Only an idiot or an infomant trying to entrap someone does that. The others were fairly friendly, polite, and I think, mostly real people.

But despite everyone I've talked to, not a one wanted to meet over a meal or drinks. All of them were too sketched out even by the idea.

You can do anything, go anywhere, and accomplish a lot, if you just have people willing to show up. And thats just the purpose of my posts: People are scared of their own shadows so much that even though I've been explicit about being peaceful, non-violent, and strictly looking for participants in legal and lawful political operations, people dont want to. They're scared. They've told me as much. They have been frightened, legitimately frightened, into not even being able to exercise their right to assemble, to speak freely, or participate peaceably in the political process because of 'spies, stasi, infiltrators, fbi agents, law enforcement'. And thats what I mean by political repression. There should NOT be law enforcement at political protests. There should NOT by fusion center employees encouraging violence in political forums and then using it to shutdown or harass those very same forums. This is the intolerable fucking nonsense that has lead completely ordinary people to say "well I just cant organize with anyone, I can't afford to exercise my free speech, or attend a group or a protest, because what if you're a fed?"

Feds don't encourage peace. Feds don't refuse violence. Feds encourage it.

I met a guy like myself a couple years ago, online, who wanted to start a political organization too.

You know what I said to him back then?

"Sorry but its too sketchy. I don't really know you and frankly, the way political organizations are co-opted by feds looking to encourage violence, I'm sorry to say I can't join your group."

He was 100% within the law, and back then, I didn't want to participate.

We have a massive problem in the u.s., and even abroad, with actions by the federal government, that by accident or design, are significantly chilling to free speech and the free exercise of our political liberties. It is absolutely suppression and it is absolutely disgusting. These sort of things should not be happening, and absolutely should be grounds for terminations and disbanding of the agencies involved, if not open investigations.

We really need a massive campaign involving FOIA requests against most of the agencies patrolling modern speech and grass roots political organizations. And I think we'll find, that once those requests go through, even if the bulk of them don't, that if we have enough of them--I think we'll find the flagrant abuses, suppression, organized attempts at chilling free speech, will be so galling, so damning, as to prompt a constitutional crisis. I think we'll find those abuses, the organized and willfully malicious pursuit of them, will be more numerous, more common, and way more heinous than anyone in the public previously imagined.

Its time we bust up the federal 'law' enforcement and so called 'intelligence' agencies, and expose their corruption to the public once and for all.

And I think it starts with the federal drone footage of the kenosha riots, and what the feds knew about all the preceding riots, and what they did to help them or at least failed to stop.

Really target them and start a citizens group to expose them veritas-style, the federal agencies, and any other group that needs busted up, until theres so much evidence that the parties ignoring it itself becomes a scandal effecting their legitimacy (not unlike the pelosi insider trading scandal). The RNC doesn't get a pass either. That way the uniparty can't retreat and play the "bad party good party" game while failing to answer for their crimes.

We need a campaign in this country, of citizen journalists, and hit-piece style hidden camera news blitzes.

Expose them. Expose them all.

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