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1) Quick kill of the useless eaters 2) Slo de-pop via a 15% decrease in fertility 3) Replace annoying peons with Robots and AI over time 4) Maintain power, privilege and wealth

1) Quick kill of the useless eaters 2) Slo de-pop via a 15% decrease in fertility 3) Replace annoying peons with Robots and AI over time 4) Maintain power, privilege and wealth

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

I think your #4 is their TOP priority: but how to escape their day of reckoning considering that the plebs in USA are/were about to find out about the lies & deceit that was thrust upon them via manipulation & total control of the pre-internet MainStream Media MSM? This era will come to be known as The Age Of Deception.

The Great Information Plane Equalizer is now the deep state's biggest concern. That's why they wriggled themselves into everything digital too. Like the deviant changelings that they are.

They can't stop the truth from getting out so their only plan at escaping their day of the rope is in two parts:

1) create mass confusion & rift in citisenry by funding all sorts of individual rights groups & funding massive amounts of fake news outlets 2) {& this one I think I'm the first one to have figured out} ... to ensure that they are not faced with a great big, inescapable worldwide rothchild/Carnegie/ Rockefeller (&their parasitic supporters) hunt, for all the raping and pillaging and installing puppet dictators in democratically elected countries, that their mega corporations have wrecked on countries worldwide, the Great Reset of 2030 is much more than that. It's a reset of the currencies(that now is EXTREMELY rushed due to cryptos chipping away at sanctions) at the same time as carbon credits scam worth over 150 trillion $ over the next 30 years. This $ will flow out of the pockets of taxpayer in the west, into the pockets of these parasite super-elites, out of their pockets and into the pockets of the countries that their mega-corporations have preyed on since forever, as a means to appease the growing anger of the billions of sufferers who were done wrong by these mega corporations.

At the same time the psychopaths weaponize the MSM and all the useful idiots with the 'white devil' narrative. The beta cucks absolute idiots in the west believe it, without realizing that had the psychopaths not strangled all information flow into the west about all the atrocities being done in foreign lands, that the people of the west would have rioted nonstop for the injustices done in foreign lands, in the way of the protests against the Vietnam war. The Shiels have been trying to tell us for a very long time: 'western education is toxic(progressive deviant ideology disguised as human rights), wall St is it the devil' ...etc. But Hollywood controlled all narratives so we would never be exposed to the truth, & always ended up ridiculing the 'terrorists' even though their pleas were valid & concerns for themselves & us were accurate. There are parasites bedded everywhere.

The psychopaths pedophile super-elites, you know, the ones who see you and I as nothing more than a bug to squash under their feet, they manage to convince all the useful idiots here home that it's my fault, & your fault, for what was done in foreign lands by these psychopaths super-oligarchs with their mega-corporations. While at the same the even turned US into their cash cows to be milked for their ill-gotten profits. Our Health Turned Into a Comodity! Poisoning us all and our children to make us sick! Conspiring to keep us sick!!!

& to all the race-baiting glo-fegs reading this thread, you're welcome.

PM me for more eye-opening red-pills. Welcome to the club.

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