Never trust a massive black cock
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn got it right. They let them take them one by one in soviet russia. In small groups. Not unlike the J6. The bolsheviks go after individuals and organizations at first, be they presidents, proud boys, or people like Gaetz, or MTG, or just people who went on a walking tour of the capitol.
And its this bleeding out that eventually leads to larger scale persecutions. Like the genocidal replacement of Americans with millions of foreign imported laborers so the chamber of commerce can bring in more cheap workers and the DNC and RNC can bring in replacement voters.
Solzhenitsyn said "what if we hadn't waited? What if we hadn't allowed them to pick us off one by one?"
Its the correct mindset too. Many many places, at least here in the u.s, where there won't be door to door anything for example.
That myth is spread intentionally. Its a distraction.
We'll wait and wait and wait for the day theres door to door jab mandates, or gun "buybacks", or a round up of dissidents. Maybe we'll even hear about those on the news on rare occasion, in some far off part of the u.s.
But the incidents, even supposing they're large scale, will be so rare, you'll be able to count them on one hand.
No, instead, as we wait, and wait, what we'll see is the slow tightening of the noose around America and other nations:
More checkpoints. Regional lockdowns. More red flag attacks by federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies. More occasions where troops are patrolling american streets. More random checkpoints and papers please . A federal id. Then a federal id that contains your vaccine status. Then the federal id will say whether you own guns. Then the federal id will have a chip in it. We'll see fearmongering stupidity about chips in hands. Or chips in foreheads. "The mark of the beast", and all of it will be spread online by shills and propagandists to alienate the public from the truth.
The chip in the federal id will eventually be linked to your gun ownership records, to your tax records, everything. And gradually you'll get used to waving it everywhere you go. From even gaining entry to a store, to your job at a private business. You won't be able to log into your pc without using it.
And though the round ups and confiscations and door to door anything never happens, there will be a growing sense in you, with each check point, each "where you heading to day.", each curfew, each tax hike on ammo or food or gasoline--there is a growing sense within you that you are less free, that something has gone horribly wrong, and whatever it is you cannot extricate yourself from it or escape, no matter what you do, that there is no escaping no matter how hard you struggle.
It will be like being encircled, choked, and swallowed alive, by an invisible boa constrictor.
And with each passing year, more regulations. More political divisions. Your hopes will raise. And then be dashed. Again and again. With each step to rollback the over-regulation, the over policing of daily life, it will be over turned. Your representatives will claim to be powerless, while they get richer, and jet set around for their next campaign, seemingly unaffected at all by the ever-increasing smothering new blanket of restrictions on everyday life. They will daily argue online, or television, about how they're going to fight for you, or call out the madness, and yet at every turn, with every new manufactured crisis, they will seem to fail to follow through, fail at the very last minute to stop that next new terrible bill coming down the pipeline, or someone you would have never expected crosses the aisle and is condemned by the party, whatever party you are, and yet at each turn, the representatives who fail us, who betray us, who compromise against us, who lie to us, whos every action, and failure, and excuse, expose an absolute despotic design to utterly and completely lie to us and deny us real representation until its too late --at every step, these representatives will never be called out by their fellow party members. Will never seem to be punished. Done away with. Censured. Booted out.
Because they do not intend to reform. Because you are not represented. The parties will, then, over the coming years, march, in lockstep, toward a new oligarchy, a new police state, empowered by drones, and digital ID systems, and ubiqitious mass spying, and mass propaganda like "see something say something", and mass indoctrination in the school systems.
And gradually, the principles you held dear, the rights, the free exercise of liberty, and free choice, like that spark of moral conscious that animates all good Americans--gradually, ever so gradually, that spark will fade until your kids, or perhaps their kids, do not even remember what America used to be.
They will grow up in a society where you have to get permission to even raise a family.
They will grow up in a society where the government can and will fine them if they drive more than 30 miles a week, or more than 30 miles from home. Maybe just a higher tax bill, or a steep 'fee'.
They will grow up in a society where ammo costs $2 a round in taxes, and think it absolutely normal.
Where 1 in 5 women will experience rape or assault by a foreigner or some other criminal.
Where 1 in 5 teenage boys will have forced sexual experiences, or be exposed to gay pornography in school , from activists.
Where 1 in 10 americans will have the IRS show up at their door with one or two heavily armed backup, at some point in their lives, to assess Americans for "reparations" or "social debt" or "Back taxes" or "fines for violating your carbon footprint" for owning "too much property."
They will live in an america where words like these will be considered a felony.
They will live in an america where having the wrong opinion, and expressing it, can and will have them brought before a court, like the J6, to apologize for those opinions.
All these horrors, and more, can, and are coming to America, and western nations.
If you don't believe me, I invite you to look at the absurdities of 2020-2021, and ask yourself, if I told you everything that was gonna happen in those years, back in 2018, would you have believed me?
(post is archived)