Using Pureblood is like using Let's Go Brandon. It's innocuous, funny, and it really pisses off the jabbed.
It's also got a secondary meaning here, I would assume, since most of us here are white with primarily European heritage, and unlikely to mate with non-whites. I think the MSM actually brought that up at one point, equating "pureblood" to "racial purity." In fact, that's the only time I saw the MSM say "Pureblood" but I don't really consume much MSM content.
As for only the jabbed getting sick...for me, that would have been a true statement until this week. The only people I knew who got sick and tested positive for SARS-COV-2 were the jabbed, till my kids got sick and got tested this week. I mean, I wasn't dumb enough to believe only the jabbed were getting sick, but as far as people I knew personally, again, it had been true for most of the last two years.
I don't know what you're reading and where, but considering how high a percentage of those getting sick now are jabbed, one could understand the hyperbole, particularly from right-leaning sources.
Fuck, you complain about this, but not the retarded shit people link from
I liked the term pureblood from the git go. Not even sure, but I think I was one of the first to use it on Poal at least. I think I'm going to order a t-shirt with PUREBLOOD on it as a matter of fact.
I regard anyone who is uninjected by the drug cocktail to be PUREBLOOD, not just whites or anyone else since they don't have whatever is in the injection whether it is nanoparticles, spike proteins, or graphene, etc,... floating around in their blood.
Fuck, you complain about this, but not the retarded shit from
I don't read a lot of natural news. Enlighten me.
but as far as people I knew personally, again, it had been true for most of the last two years.
But the post illustrates this: Somethings changed. And in some areas, the jabbed are making the rest of us sick.
And those I've seen bring it up, I've seen commentators, almost no activity for the ones I looked into, or screen names I've never seen before, out of the woodwork, all to argue the same thing, like within minutes of any comment on zerohedge: "ONLY THE JABBED GET SICK." Like someone lit a fire under their ass all of a sudden. Like its a narrative. Because it looks and smells like one.
NaturalNews takes actual news(Germany reports the vax might cause immune issue,) and shoves it full of bullshit (German study proves the jab will cause AIDS.)
I imagine many of the people you're talking about are big fans of NaturalNews. They make mountains of molehills, use extremes like NEVER and ALWAYS when trying to make a point.
I don't see shills, I just see retards. But hey, I dunno, I mostly ignore stupid statements like that and don't even pay attention to the names. This place is just Fark for National Socialists, to me.
I don't see shills, I just see retards.
Maybe I've been on poal too long.
Or maybe I'm retarded after all.
They say when you stare into retards long enough, the retards stare into you.
(post is archived)