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Theme song to the french Reign of Terror 2.0 coming to americas shore, for all of you like me in need of a soundtrack as we sit back, relax, and eat popcorn, and watch DC and federal stooges in the 'intelligence agencies' burn from the backlash they're fomenting.

For Whom The Bell Tolls(youtube.com)

Good runners up include "Back In Black", "For a few dollars more", "The Ecstasy of Gold" and "A Gringo Like Me."

Another good one is Kashmir(youtube.com) because can't you just see it as the theme of a new DC march, a decidedly less friendly one? Who can't hear it playing as a a hundred thousand protesters march on the capitol. DC needs dragged into the fucking street for the beating of their fucking lives, after the four, six, eight years of shit they've talked about us, all the demonization, suppression, hatred, violence, and terrorism they've committed against half of america. The complete fucking uselessness of the RNC 'defending us', failing us, making excuses, bending over backwards to enable the DNC to rape america and let banks rob us all, while talking down to americans about lowering our expectations for the future.

I saw a banner by the left that said "we don't want bernie. We want revenge."

And I feel that.

200 million americans want revenge against DC.

Us versus them.

Accountability motherfuckers. Do you speak it?

Do you feel it?

Because if you work in DC, its coming.

I can feel it like a tidal wave. Even a pacifist like me can see it brewing. Fucking stevie wonder could see it coming.

Theres going to be a calamity if there isn't accountability. Can feel it in my bones.

The bible called it "a day of accounting."

I'd call it a reckoning.

Fly you fools. Reform while you can. Theres still time to fix your fuckups and throw some of your own to the wolves and save this country from tearing itself apart.

But if you commit to the prosecution of the J6, grandmothers, the parents of kids (who your officers saw fit to point rifles at when you were breaking down their doors), business owners, people who just went on walking tours. If you see fit to shut down gasoline production further. To 'build back better' while destroying the economy.

There will be no saving yourselves past that point.

And us real americans, us fighters, those who are capable, but choose peace, will not come to save you. We will not call up the militias like in the old days to help restore the peace. You destroyed the militias. We will not aid law enforcement from the right and left who will join hands to destroy you and your bureaucrats and legions of stasi, because your enforcers sided with antifa and blm at every turn.. We will not obey your conscription in the wars you start because your government and your causes are illegitimate. We will not pay your taxes to fund your theft through unlimited inflation anymore because you have used our tax dollars to destroy our nation. We will not preserve the peace, or fight for it, because your peace is tyranny.

We will sit back and let it burn until there is nothing left to salvage.

And at last when the guillotines are in the streets. When the nooses are in the streets from the economic collapse you created, the collapse of law and order you thought you could start to gain power, and halt at your discretion. When at last the mobs have come for you, because they have realized what you've done to everyone .

We will remain silent and deaf to your pleas for the return of sanity, and reason. Because we were the ones who called for it, and were silenced by you as you enforced your riots and double standards in 2020.

And over the sites of your destruction, in the concrete will be written a single epitaph in dedication to your final and deserved destruction:

"They did it to themselves"

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Theme song to the french Reign of Terror 2.0 coming to americas shore, for all of you like me in need of a soundtrack as we sit back, relax, and eat popcorn, and watch DC and federal stooges in the 'intelligence agencies' burn from the backlash they're fomenting. [For Whom The Bell Tolls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-JKSklPC0o) Good runners up include "Back In Black", "For a few dollars more", "The Ecstasy of Gold" and "A Gringo Like Me." Another good one is [Kashmir](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzVJPgCn-Z8) because can't you just see it as the theme of a new DC march, a decidedly less friendly one? Who *can't hear it* playing as a a hundred thousand protesters march on the capitol. DC needs dragged into the fucking street for the beating of their fucking lives, after the four, six, eight years of shit they've talked about us, all the demonization, suppression, hatred, violence, and terrorism they've committed against half of america. The complete fucking uselessness of the RNC 'defending us', failing us, making excuses, bending over backwards to enable the DNC to rape america and let banks rob us all, while talking down to americans about lowering our expectations for the future. I saw a banner by the left that said "we don't want bernie. We want revenge." And I feel that. 200 million americans want revenge against DC. Us versus them. Accountability motherfuckers. Do you speak it? Do you feel it? Because if you work in DC, its coming. I can feel it like a tidal wave. Even a pacifist like me can see it brewing. Fucking stevie wonder could see it coming. Theres going to be a calamity if there isn't accountability. Can feel it in my bones. The bible called it "a day of accounting." I'd call it a reckoning. Fly you fools. Reform while you can. Theres still time to fix your fuckups and throw some of your own to the wolves and save this country from tearing itself apart. But if you commit to the prosecution of the J6, grandmothers, the parents of kids (who your officers saw fit to point rifles at when you were breaking down their doors), business owners, people who just went on walking tours. If you see fit to shut down gasoline production further. To 'build back better' while destroying the economy. There will be no saving yourselves past that point. And us real americans, us fighters, those who are capable, but choose peace, will not come to save you. We will not call up the militias like in the old days to help restore the peace. You destroyed the militias. We will not aid law enforcement from the right and left who will join hands to destroy you and your bureaucrats and legions of stasi, because your enforcers sided with antifa and blm at every turn.. We will not obey your conscription in the wars you start because your government and your causes are illegitimate. We will not pay your taxes to fund your theft through unlimited inflation anymore because you have used our tax dollars to destroy our nation. We will not preserve the peace, or fight for it, because your peace is tyranny. We will sit back and let it burn until there is nothing left to salvage. And at last when the guillotines are in the streets. When the nooses are in the streets from the economic collapse you created, the collapse of law and order you thought you could start to gain power, and halt at your discretion. When at last the mobs have come for you, because they have realized what you've done to *everyone*. We will remain silent and deaf to your pleas for the return of sanity, and reason. Because we were the ones who called for it, and were silenced by you as you enforced your riots and double standards in 2020. And over the sites of your destruction, in the concrete will be written a single epitaph in dedication to your final and deserved destruction: "They did it to themselves"

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 3y

Nice selection

[–] 0 pt 3y

Nice selection

Thank you. I'm taking suggestions.

[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)

you mentioned a reckoning.

check out the reckoning (don't tread on me) by iced earth.(youtube.com)

"if it was up to me eye for an eye i'd seek but the high road we will take lady justice is at stake

the judgement has been made in blood it shall be paid Death knows what to do the horseman comes for you!"

the song gets more relevant by the minute.

[–] 0 pt 3y

check out the reckoning (don't tread on me) by iced earth.

Fucking wild man. Not my thing but its definitely completely different.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Metallica is on point no need for more selections