William Luther Pierce argued for WW3. Not as the best solution but better than leaving the US on its current course "because that course leads to certain extinction for our people." America would essentially be destroyed but least it would be a clean slate for America 2.0, the 4th Reich, whatever you wanna call it.
William Luther Pierce argued for WW3. Not as the best solution but better than leaving the US on its current course "because that course leads to certain extinction for our people." America would essentially be destroyed but least it would be a clean slate for America 2.0, the 4th Reich, whatever you wanna call it.
If you read back to napoleon, he had networks of spies everywhere, helping him, ahead of many invasions. Don't know if it had anything to do with his public declarations supporting Judaism and emancipation.
But I'll tell you this: Alexander the great also did something similar.
WW3 may be a burn-flat that gives us a fresh start, but you also have to look at the likely configuration of whos left after. You have to ask "what powers will survive the conflict, in whatever capacity they have left? And are *any* of the potential survivors within our ability to control or on our side?"
In all cases the answer is still no.
Instead what the survivor nations will do will likely focus on conscription, rapid mass re-industrialization and a tenfold increase in base-line automation (robotics in every day use). Yes theres the argument of "new dark ages", "no power grid", but you'll be surprised by the contingencies put in place by many nations and funded by international banks.
It will not be mad max. It'll be more like 1984, where all sorts of shit is in utter shambles from the bombs. Subsistence living, and a fuckton of spies drawn from the regular population because living in the husk of a mansion will be preferable to living in a refugee camp. Spying will be the national make-work job. And thats how you get the new stasi.
I write this because its important to what I'll say next:
There is the idea that after ww3 or a similar disaster, the CONUS occupation government will be in such shambles, they will not have the resources to police and control large segment of the population.
This will only be temporarily true, and there are likely contingencies already in place, including the DoD using regional commands to conscript vast swaths of local survivors as spies, informants, and make-work enforcers, and rewarding them with rations, or reallocation of private property, whats left of it to confiscate anyway. There will also be heavy use of automated gorgon-stare tech (already in use in some u.s. cities), for wide regions, and drones to map, track, and restrict the movement of survivors.
Things like "the cajun navy" won't even be fought. They'll be 'deputized', both in rescue and relief, but also in enforcement. The purpose of this is two fold: manpower, and because the guys who *would* act as an effective organizing alternative to the occupation, now have to choose between using their resources for what they *want* to do, which is helping people, vs. not being able to help people and on top of that wasting those resources fighting an opponent that while greatly weakened, is still likely vastly better equipped and dangerous.
So if or when ww3 comes, or some other disaster that threatens western nations, like the u.s. occupation, there has to be a hardliner movement that already exists. And the hardliners main missions have to be the following:
1. organize the resources effectively within their respective area.
2. force cooperation between wildly different groups, towards a common goal, and against a common foe.
3. to punish or make it far too costly for anyone to defect to helping the occupation. To make it far too risky, regardless what reward is offered, to aid the occupation and its bureaucrats and footsoldiers. They should arrive in a town or community, post-disaster, and no one should even want *help* from them. They should be so thoroughly rejected by the local population, the effect would be the same as an ICE squad arriving in a barrio or DEA task force arriving in a chicago neighborhood: no one cooperates, everyone tells them to get the fuck out. The idea is "everywhere a flash point. Everywhere a brushfire." proverbially speaking. So that the end effect is that the government, in shambles, sees the resistance *across the board* as it were, and decides not to waste resources on a campaign that will just end up turning into a war of attrition.
Without what I just outlined, counting on ww3 to save us is a pipedream.
(post is archived)