Mass formation, part of totalitarianism, relies on "free floating anxiety and anger".
If this is true, then it makes sense why we are continually demonized, labelled terrorists, and the targets of violence from the left. The idea is that a label misapplied can't be countered, only ignored.
And so as long as they continually apply it incorrectly, as long as its pure demonization, without merit, then the propaganda works.
Whatever retard in government and NGOs decided on this course of action has made a gargantuan mistake and turned the entire u.s. (and western countries in general) into a giant time bomb.
Let me explain:
Assuming people become aware of mass formation
And that it relies on labels and demonization misapplied specifically to an entire group of nonviolent people
What happens when the people backed into a corner realize nonviolence isnt stopping the demonization and persecution?
See, the thing is, mass formation only works if it is complete in its course , kind of like antibiotics. If its stopped part way, or the propaganda fails, it blows up in the face of the people pushing it.
Thats what happened in 2016. The decades and decades of hatred against ordinary americans, disenfranchisement, demonization, which had only been simmering? It spontaneously failed. The damage and political, social, and economic fallout would be the social equivalent of nagasaki or hiroshima.
So the u.s. banks, NGOs, bureaucracy, and media, double down with the covid great reset nonsense. So how much more serious would that backlash be if the narrative fails? If the citizens call the bluff as it were?
I thought the experts predicting "civil war wont happen" were correct, but after careful reconsideration I think they seriously misapprehended the dangerousness of the scenario currently unfolding in America.
Someone tricked the federal bureaucracy and its ilk into pursuing this, because I think they intend, not to create totalitarianism, but to light the fuse and bring the u.s. down through internal conflict.
This is exactly how I would take down the u.s. if I were running any of the major competing powers.
This is also why the federal's strategy of suppressing the right through bad jacketing is going to blow up in their face. Because if anonymity, e.x. patriot front, or proud boys, fails, the dangerous elements are much more likely to 1. radicalize, 2. discard anonymity in favor of infamy.
And then you have your flashpoint:
One person or group becoming terrorists, to force the label to stick.
And then the misapplication of that label fails to entrance the public.
And that snowballs into outcries and riots on an enormous scale.
Suddenly the "free floating anxiety" no longer works because it has a solid target to feel anxious about. Names and faces, instead of a boogieman.
People start saying "why did this happen? Whos responsible for creating these monsters? What they did is AWEFUL. But we need to look at the causes that drove it!"
Once the public starts asking questions like that, its all over. Heads roll figuratively, and literally, in DC.
The very side that was peaceful, then spontaneously becomes, en masse , the very thing they were mislabeled and demonized as.
This is a dangerous course, and a strategic mistake by the occupation regime, least of all the DOD.
My recommendation would be to tear down the "covid 19" and "white supremacy" hysteria narratives as fast as humanely possible, because these policies are very likely already being exploited simultaneously as future fracture points for foreign competitors to take down the u.s. through triggering violent internal national conflict.
(post is archived)