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I give it 8-15 weeks before we're in another full lockdown or similar crisis. But that's just an educated guess.

The last few weeks or so since Kyle's trial ended, the regime has been kinda quiet on the narrative front. That tells me they were either not sure what to do next (doubtful, they always have some sort of contingencies ready), or they were clearing the slate for a new narrative push.

My guess, having been thwarted in court (maybe intentionally from the way the judge allowed the DA to trample all over due process), the next narrative goes something like

  1. "After this abortion case and Kyle rittenhouse, and judges blocking mandatory jabs it's obvious we need to pack the courts!"

  2. Take guns or do a new push on ar15s specifically. That's what the mass shooting narrative that's being pushed is about besides the distraction from Maxwell's case. Keep in mind I've both shot down the common "mass disarmament" talk in the past, and explained how they could and would actually do it if they wanted to. Theres both a slowboat strategy which they now persue, and a faster strategy that's open to them involving mass starvation and ration-cards-in-exchange-for-no-questions-asked-gun-buybacks. Shut off police support to law abiding citizens, while arresting anyone that defends themselves, much as was done in the 2020 mass riots across the u.s. Then after a few days of hunger, NGO organizers enable and coordinate inner city gangs to brutalize "white supremacist hoarders" and rob citizens in-city and out-of-city of their guns and everything else. This is a plausible scenario if they wanted disarmament, as hungry gangbangers and black marxists are an easily disposable shittier army that, for the sake of their own preservation, would more readily fight and die for the permission to loot. Certainly more readily than cops ever would or could. This is the "anarcho-tyrannny" route and in general really just exists as a doubling-down of 2020s strategy. And sooner or later, the regime always , without fail, doubles down. They wont use police because police, facing the growing backlash, would quit pr refuse after a few high profile losses in their ranks (they're more like localized mercenaries or praetorian than ideological enforcers - their loyalty to the law does not extend past their paychecks, and certainly doesnt extend to life and limb in most cases).

  3. Both one and two would be used to justify court rulings banning the ar15, about the only generally available weapon that gives us a rough on-the-ground firepower equivalence to the military. Keep in mind that "you cant fight tanks and planes" is irrelevant, because as numerous conflicts world wide have shown you must gave troops on the ground to hold territory. Tanks can be disabled and are actually vulnerable without supporting forces, and planes are really only good for recon (defeatable), bombing (self defeating strategy for the american regime when used on home soil), and hitting replaced enemy structures (which militias dont have anyway).

And before anyone says AR platforms will never be banned, remember: They were already banned for years

The surest sign in fact that the pentagon is engaging with and planning on a large scale war against Americans is the fact that the regime itself unbanned the AR platform.

The fights still a few years out, maybe 2-5 at the extreme, but it is absolutely coming. They absolutely intend to start a large scale or intermittent conflict in the u.s. with the goal of stripping more rights from americans. The model the DOD and the regime wants is chinese style soft totalitarianism, and they are almost there.

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I give it 8-15 weeks before we're in another full lockdown or similar crisis. But that's just an educated guess. The last few weeks or so since Kyle's trial ended, the regime has been kinda quiet on the narrative front. That tells me they were either not sure what to do next (doubtful, they always have *some* sort of contingencies ready), or they were clearing the slate for a new narrative push. My guess, having been thwarted in court (maybe intentionally from the way the judge allowed the DA to trample all over due process), the next narrative goes something like 1. "After this abortion case and Kyle rittenhouse, and judges blocking mandatory jabs it's obvious we need to pack the courts!" 2. Take guns or do a new push on ar15s specifically. That's what the mass shooting narrative that's being pushed is about besides the distraction from Maxwell's case. Keep in mind I've both shot down the common "mass disarmament" talk in the past, and explained how they could and would actually do it if they wanted to. Theres both a slowboat strategy which they now persue, and a faster strategy that's open to them involving mass starvation and ration-cards-in-exchange-for-no-questions-asked-gun-buybacks. Shut off police support to law abiding citizens, while arresting anyone that defends themselves, much as was done in the 2020 mass riots across the u.s. Then after a few days of hunger, NGO organizers enable and coordinate inner city gangs to brutalize "white supremacist hoarders" and rob citizens in-city and out-of-city of their guns and everything else. This is a plausible scenario if they wanted disarmament, as hungry gangbangers and black marxists are an easily disposable shittier army that, for the sake of their own preservation, would more readily fight and die for the permission to loot. Certainly more readily than cops ever would or could. This is the "anarcho-tyrannny" route and in general really just exists as a doubling-down of 2020s strategy. And sooner or later, the regime *always*, without fail, doubles down. They wont use police because police, facing the growing backlash, would quit pr refuse after a few high profile losses in their ranks (they're more like localized mercenaries or praetorian than ideological enforcers - their loyalty to the law does not extend past their paychecks, and certainly doesnt extend to life and limb in most cases). 3. Both one and two would be used to justify court rulings banning the ar15, about the only generally available weapon that gives us a rough on-the-ground firepower equivalence to the military. Keep in mind that "you cant fight tanks and planes" is irrelevant, because as numerous conflicts world wide have shown you *must* gave troops on the ground to hold territory. Tanks can be disabled and are actually vulnerable without supporting forces, and planes are really only good for recon (defeatable), bombing (self defeating strategy for the american regime when used on home soil), and hitting replaced enemy structures (which militias dont have anyway). And before anyone says AR platforms will never be banned, remember: They were *already* banned for *years* The surest sign in fact that the pentagon is engaging with and planning on a large scale war against Americans is the fact that the regime itself unbanned the AR platform. The fights still a few years out, maybe 2-5 at the extreme, but it is absolutely coming. They absolutely intend to start a large scale or intermittent conflict in the u.s. with the goal of stripping more rights from americans. The model the DOD and the regime wants is chinese style soft totalitarianism, and they are almost there.

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts 3y

I agree another lockdown is on the horizon, also believe electricity blackouts will happen, after hearing Bidens "Dark Winter" statement, combined with fuel shortages and their global warming nonsense. Texas was a test run.

[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)

I agree another lockdown is on the horizon, also believe electricity blackouts will happen, after hearing Bidens "Dark Winter" statement, combined with fuel shortages and their global warming nonsense.

Thats because we're under an attack by a faction of israel, a coalition of middle-easterns using the red-green strategy to take down america, elements of the old russian and eurocentric sphere, french elites, and the chinese. Thats what it looks like to me anyway.

Its a dog pile on america.

And in any case, regardless of who is attacking us, they need people out in the streets agitating and organizing, if they want to topple the u.s. government.

Its that, or the intent is to stabilize the existing regime, while using it to crush the american middle class, economy, production, and military.

It very much looks like the second. That and a strong push toward totalitarianism.

Says to me, in a real way, that what we see now, even the existing pushback, is mostly theater. Says to me, we're not in control of the republic any more.

Probably the best bet of undoing this course of action is either

  1. driving a hard ideological divide now instead of letting them play it out at the regimes pace, and catching them off guard in the process. Forcing them into overplaying their hand before they can convert the military to full ideological compliance.

  2. or making a strong anti-wallstreet push to unite the middleclass across boundaries and fuck with the divide-and-conquer mechanism. This would redirect the inflation ire from internal divisions, to the upperclass, and break the upper-lower class alliance being used to strip-mine and destroy America.

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[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

having a "multi-cultural" population is the white man's Sisyphus. And China knows it.

[–] 1 pt 3y

my thoughts are more along the lines of ADE or Merak's disease kicking in and then having them spin that as a huge crisis to push more vaxx

[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)

my thoughts are more along the lines of ADE or Merak's disease kicking in and then having them spin that as a huge crisis to push more vaxx

Not impossible. I think the amount of death by itself is going to be underwhelming though if you buy the narrative completely. It would be just like them to oversell the alternative narrative in the sigint's shittingpool (because the alphabet bois love to shit where they drink), especially culturally upstream (the non-mainstream sites like here, gab, chans, etc). And this would be useful to them to oversell it because it leads many to believe either

  1. "hey our opponents will all be dead anyway, why do anything to stop it!?"

  2. disempowers people "nothing can be done anyway"

  3. drives a cleaner divide in the center/moderates and public, making the national and international dialogue easier to control, and spurring on factionalism as each side argues about what the jab means or could mean.

It'll be underwhelming in the short term is my guess, but again, just another educated guess The long term effects, are, however, more plausible.

That of course conveniently lines up with the 2-5 year timeline I've outlined, falling neatly into place with mass dieoff predictions (deagle crowd, which very much looked intentional, which is why I call it a probable limited hang-out). It also aligns with the myocarditis survival rates over 2-5 years. So maybe I'm wrong.

The big thing is, however the regime does it, they intend to 1. start a hot war with the public 2. whos intensity they can carefully manage, and 3. direct in a way that opposition fails, 4. imposing a complete alteration of governance and law.

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[–] 0 pt 3y

There is a voter “enhancement” struggle going on right now.
The chaos will continue.

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

There is a voter “enhancement” struggle going on right now.

Internal factions infighting for power. One thinks if populism doesnt get its way, the backlash will destroy the regime. The other thinks if they let up on the throat of the nation at all, that they'll be destroyed.

Both intend to keep their boot on our necks.

I think you're right that its about that, at least superficially. But even before trump, its always been a matter, of "move the agenda further left/totalitarian."

The distraction-from-the-audits bit doesn't explain that prior tendency, which is why I think its not the full picture, merely a contributing factor.

The regimes embattled. As would be any regime with strongly competing internal factions where one faction committed a coup.

The "elite overproduction" theory is another one thats explanation-after-the-fact. More like the regimes "collective-conscious" as it were, justifying the post-coup clean-up of its useful idiots now that they've ceased being all that useful and only act to destabilize power. Even if stability here and now is the goal, the long term is still to use the regimes new grip on power, to tighten their grip further, and hollow out america for their bosses in the internationalist sino-asian sphere. To do that, the old useful idiots have to be purged by the regime, and new, more hardened, dedicated, and deadly useful idiots need to be brought in, namely muslim jihadist elements, cartels and supporting populations with dreams of reconquista, haitain and somali organized crime to provide the logistics to new radicalized elements of antifa and blm militarizing against the right, etc.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Thanks for expanding my post. Was having the elite overproduction conversation with my kid the other day, sure fits.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

of course. We're on the cusp of mid term elections so everything that is happening is right on cue. No surprises here. School shootings and new "'rona mutations" are expected; seminal court cases all occurring one after another with white male Christians at the epicenter taking the brunt of the blame and the death toll.
America is as I call it "the new Israel" for jews. That's why there is an all out assault on whites (including this virus shit), pedophilia and (((they))) are using non-whites to do the extermination and usurpation of white women into non-white ethno-cultures. "Soft totalitarianism"? No doubt. We're experiencing ethnic cleansing and whites don't even realize it. Guns? Do what the niggers do- get em and hide them.