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And we took the bait.

That and a distraction from the tearing down of u.s. oil and energy, passed and funded thanks to the "infrastructure" bill.

And we took the bait. That and a distraction from the tearing down of u.s. oil and energy, passed and funded thanks to the "infrastructure" bill.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 3y

Only crazy people are vaccinating their kids. Unlikely we could actually do anything to stop them. Nobodies bad off enough for a hot war yet which is realistically the only way out of any of this.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Only crazy people are vaccinating their kids.

No plenty of people, millions of them are being coerced .

And once they are, the deaths and injuries will be blamed on everyone who refused, in order to justify forcing it on us , among other genocidal laws, e.x. "wellness" camps.

Everything being done in new zealand (disarmament), germany (denying entry to stores) and australia (lockdown for unvaxxed, firings, and cutting off access to bank accounts) is coming to america--unless the precedent that is being set now , is stopped.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

It's not going to stop by conventional means. Nothing short of a hot civil war, secession, foundation of new sovereign territories will stop it.

[–] 0 pt 3y

The people giving their kids this poison gene therapy would have eventually caved to the jew no matter what. They are weak pawns. Anyone who has a brain is refusing to take this shit no matter the cost.

[–] 0 pt 3y

would have eventually caved to the jew no matter what.

I don't buy that, not for a minute. I thin its very much a toss-up directly related to the level of pressure and coercion on the general public.

[–] 2 pts 3y

We are witnessing the Bible being played out right before our eyes.

Now, I'm not overly religious, I don't attend church, but I do know when we are in the Book of Revalation. We're in it as deep as we can possible be.

Only God can help us now.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Now, I'm not overly religious, I don't attend church

Where in the Bible is it decreed that one must attend church? Where does it say that there will be "holy men" (preachers of various titles)? Did Jesus leave instructions to form an organized religion which worships him and idolizes the crucifix? No?

I think praying to a crucifix is idolatry. God is very clear about this. A man needs no preacher- they only exist because we needed them back then, BECAUSE THEY WERE THE ONLY LITERATE PEOPLE IN TOWN, OFTEN! Today, most people are literate- and I don't see anything in the Bible about performing rituals such as eating the wafer and drinking the wine.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Eating Jesus' flesh and drinking his blood was fashioned after a middle ages victory right of Kings after a battle, the victor would eat the flesh and drink the blood of his foe, not in "remembrance".

Who in their fucking right mind thought this was cool? Oh, let's eat Jesus and drink his blood, then we'll be saved. Do you think God enjoys that little symbolism of his son? Or the meatbag hanging off the cross, exactly what Jesus wants to see....talk about PTSD on his return...seeing his hanging flesh on a cross for a welcome sign.

Once you step back and think of it that way, we're dealing with some very sick and evil entities.

What they fear is us knowing that.

[–] 0 pt 3y

My interpretation of Jesus's intentions: He openly claimed "I have not come to unite, but to set people against each other!" He formed his philosophy based on John the Baptist's teachings and through communion with the Lord.

Jesus seemed to want to do away with organized religion. He didn't form a church and give himself a title. He was just "Jesus of Nazareth". Others named him King of the Jews, which he denied each time it was leveled at him.

His teachings and connection to God terrified the pharisees. He threatened their power structure. This is why they had him tortured and murdered in a very graphic, public manner. I believe that the "temple splitting in half from an earthquake" at the moment of Jesus's death is a metaphor- the faith was now divided. He came to divide, and that was a symbolic representation of him completing his mission on earth.

Does any of this make sense to you? I am sort of... a recent convert. I do not attend church or anything, I read my Bible when I can and I pray. I do not believe in organized religion- based on my interpretation of the Bible and Jesus's teachings, organized religion is a form of HERESY. Catholics are like the ultimate heretics- lustful, greedy, idolatrous, ambitious... these are not the traits Jesus would want out of men.

If Jesus had laid out clear instructions about "When I am gone, form groups with a preacher to spread my word, everyone will attend church on Sundays and simulate my final meal with a ritual, etc..", then I may feel differently. As of now, I think that... faith is a personal thing. God and his Son know your heart. They know you better than you will ever know yourself. If you lead a good life, and you have accepted Jesus- you are saved. No other prerequisites.

Btw- I have long been struggling with faith. I want to believe, but maybe I'm too autistic to shut off that rational part of my mind? But God would know this of me. He played a major role in making me who I am. He would be understanding, would He not? I began praying recently, and I know you're not supposed to talk about what you pray about, but it was clot-shot related. I am being pressured at work to get the clot-shot, and I almost caved in. But that night, I prayed- and I felt stronger in my conviction. Is this the hand of God lending me strength? I'd like to think so. When I finally turned to Him in my time of distress, when I finally acknowledged Him and accepted him... so much just poured out of me, it was quite cathartic.

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[–] 0 pt 3y

Or the meatbag hanging off the cross, exactly what Jesus wants to see

I think this is a form of idolatry as well. First commandment- Thou shalt not have other gods before Me.

By placing his Son as the "centerpiece" in a massive, gilded church, you are placing the Son before the father. You are supposed to worship GOD, not Jesus. But the way I see most "traditional" Christians, they seem to worship Jesus over all else. Jesus is to be revered, his teachings studied and followed- but ultimately it is He whom we kneel before, and no one else.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)

Also the 1.2 trillion in tax payer money your kids kids will be paying off.

But ya know that'll cost you 👌

We find the origins of this made up deadly virus yet? That were injecting experimental garbage therapeutics into our bodies to keep us from getting symptoms because it could have been worse.

[–] 0 pt 3y

You assume:

  1. People are watching the Rittenhouse trial closely enough to be distracted from the deadly vaxx being pushed on children.

  2. The powers that be need a distraction for this, when the real mechanism carrying this out involves psychological manipulation of parents, coercion, and covert means.

  3. That the horrors being paraded in front of you are distractions from each other and not distractions from the one freeing truth. (Hint: there's a reason the people doing this are known as glow-ball-ists, balligarchs, or the ca-ball).

[–] 0 pt 3y

Sometimes a banana is just a banana. An important part of pattern recognition is recognizing when you are overanalysing. That doesn't mean you shouldn't go through the process of overanalyzing, it's how you build that skill.

[–] 0 pt 3y

How do you know when you've reached the point of over-analysis?

[–] 1 pt 3y

I don't have a solid answer, but the only pattern that I have found is life experience. It sounds stupid but it is the only thing that I know of that gives us the reference point to know what is likely true and what is likely not.

So, for example, before I ever went into sales, I thought people were rational and they made all of their purchases rationally. Then, when I went into sales, I learned that people run on very small pattern loops (or scripts as another person here put it so well) and if what you are selling matches the expections of their script they will buy it.

Then, I had the luck to start a business or two. Before I started a business I believed ALL of the leftist bullshit that we discuss here. I believed in unions, I believed in a livable minimum wage, I believed firing people was a crime against humanity and so forth. Then, when running businesses, what I learned is that employees are not employees or even human. Employees are actually parasites leeching off of you. For example, you know what is the best way to ruin productivity of an employee? Give him a raise. I swear, you give someone a raise and something happens psychologically and they settle and produce less. You want to increase productivity? Reduce their pay. You want stuff to not get stolen? That's not a thing, there is no such thing as staff giving a fuck about you. Not a single employee understand that most businesses barely make money and if they do they are only a blip away from failure.

And so on.

If I were to summarize it, it would be something like this: You know how a magician knows like 30 or 40 magic tricks? Those are grifts. Learning the first grift is hard. Learning the second grift a little less so. But eventually, you learn 30 or 40 and you see patterns everywhere. The trick to knowing when you are overanalyzing something is to learn as many grifts as possible so that you can become a seasoned grifter and see the patterns.

Most conversations that suffer from overanalysis are done so by well meaning individuals that just don't have enough experience (don't know enough grifts) to have a feeling for when it's over thinking it.

I'm not saying that a seasons grifter cannot be fooled. I'm just saying that like an accountant that can walk in and look at the books and know immediately if something is being cooked, or a lawyer that looks at a case and knows immediately who is lying, people examining specific situations need to practice to get the feel for what is probably true or not.

My apologies, that is the best that I can do to put that into words. It's the first time I've had to try and write it down.

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