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The more the left threatens to riot.

The more they commit perjury in court.

The more they persecute the right.

The more they use antifa and blm to threaten jurors and judges, uncontested by the law.

The more we will point out the riots were Jewish riots.

If the occupation doesn't like its useful idiot middlemen's ethnicity or religion being named, because they're over-represented like that corrupt-as-fuck jonah-hill-lookalike scumbag--then naturally we should name his religion and ethnicity.

Yes this makes us look bad, and justifies the lefts excuse of "we did it because of 'muh nazis!'". But if I'm right, what they will resort to sooner or later, is violence.

And if the narrative is already "leftwing good vs antisemite right", we already have the middle. Because they've already called everyone nazis, including blacks (lol) and people who simply don't want socialism and totalitarianism in america.

I think what will happen is the left will double down and escalate in response to this, and officially accidentally blow open the can of worms about just who ziminski, gaige, rosenbaum, and the others leading antifa were.

For extra effect call them "White Jewish Violent Fascists".

If they want to act as a collective, 80-90% of em are liberals, while demonizing half of all america, and threatening jurors and judges--if they want to do that, then they don't get the benefit of anonymity or going unnoticed anymore.

If you want to stop perpetrators of mass crime and violence, first you have to name them.

There is no other way around it.

This post is in direct response to the crimes being committed by the Jewish DA in Kyle Rittenhouse's case. If you don't like us noticing his ethnicity or religion, then we would advise you to reign in the lawlessness of your own people and to cease immediately persecution of ours.

The more the left threatens to riot. The more they commit perjury in court. The more they persecute the right. The more they use antifa and blm to threaten jurors and judges, uncontested by the law. The more we will point out the riots were Jewish riots. If the occupation doesn't like its useful idiot middlemen's ethnicity or religion being named, because they're over-represented like that corrupt-as-fuck jonah-hill-lookalike scumbag--then naturally we should name his religion and ethnicity. Yes this makes us look bad, and justifies the lefts excuse of "we did it because of 'muh nazis!'". But if I'm right, what they will resort to sooner or later, is violence. And if the narrative is already "leftwing good vs antisemite right", we already have the middle. Because they've already called everyone nazis, including blacks (lol) and people who simply don't want socialism and totalitarianism in america. I think what will happen is the left will double down and escalate in response to this, and officially accidentally blow open the can of worms about just who ziminski, gaige, rosenbaum, and the others leading antifa were. For extra effect call them "*White* Jewish Violent Fascists". If they want to act as a collective, 80-90% of em are liberals, while demonizing half of all america, and threatening jurors and judges--if they want to do that, then they don't get the benefit of anonymity or going unnoticed anymore. If you want to stop perpetrators of mass crime and violence, first you have to *name* them. There is no other way around it. This post is in direct response to the crimes being committed by the Jewish DA in Kyle Rittenhouse's case. If you don't like us noticing his ethnicity or religion, then we would advise you to reign in the lawlessness of your own people and to cease immediately persecution of ours.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

I had to look this one up. So a jewish child rapist called a hotline for 2 jewish child actors who were rape victims? Is that right?

[–] 0 pt

Lmao no I was just joking, I meant the Corey hotline from the Simpson's, Lisa used to ring cause it was a hot boy. Rosenbaum is a Pedo..

[–] 0 pt

I didn't believe it without proof (and the timeline would be weird too). But that hotline was apparently based on a real one for Corey Haim and Corey Feldman. You can look up the details on their lives if you have the stomach for it.

[–] 0 pt

Really I never thought about that, I knew about Feldman and how he said he saw or knew about Charlie sheen face funking haim behind a trailer or something on set