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Focus on how the GOP did nothing.

How they enabled the DNC's enforcers.

And how they continue to do so.

Traitors one and all.

Doesn't matter how much they decide to fight for americans now.

They're only doing it because they realize americans have lost faith and see through it for what it is: a big fucking scam by criminals and compromised grifters.

We already see it: Anti-CRT is just the start. Trump was just the start.

And it won't be the downfall of the left. It'll be the downfall of the GOP.

Good riddance.

Traitors before enemies. Kick all of congress and the senate to the curb, along with their corrupt judges.

Focus on how the GOP did nothing. How they enabled the DNC's enforcers. And how they continue to do so. Traitors one and all. Doesn't matter how much they decide to fight for americans *now*. They're only doing it because they realize americans have lost faith and see through it for what it is: a big fucking scam by criminals and compromised grifters. We already see it: Anti-CRT is just the *start*. Trump was just the start. And it won't be the downfall of the left. It'll be the downfall of the GOP. Good riddance. Traitors before enemies. Kick all of congress and the senate to the curb, along with their corrupt judges.

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts

They're the same thing. There is no dichotomy. You're being played.

[–] 2 pts

They're the same thing.

They're the same in principle.

They are not the same in function.

The GOP are the safety backstop for maintaining control when the DNC goes too far too fast.

Remove the backstop and watch the u.s. crack right down the middle.

[–] 1 pt

But the GOP is the exact opposite. It's the Hegelian Dialectic manifest. Both sides have the same goals - to exercise people back to the center.

There isn't a difference between the parties though. We've only developed this idea because the Mockingbird Media has painted the picture. They work for the same people, they have the same sponsors, etc. Treating them as though they are dissimilar is how they keep getting away with pitting the people against each other.

[–] 0 pt

"Treating them as though they are dissimilar is how they keep getting away with pitting the people against each other. "

But arguing they are the same favors civnats, which are just a means of making people shrug and sit on their hands.

They do serve a different function, and its just what I wrote: The GOP are a backstop when the DNC gets out of hand too fast.

One step forward, two steps back, is always the operating manual.

[–] 1 pt

GOP is the defense, DNC is the offense. One holds the Overton window from going right, the other pushes it to the left.

[–] 0 pt



The US is a nation with one party system. Like the USSR.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

GOP is just as much an enemy as the left. Both are just managing the decline. It's just that the GOP manages it a bit better.

[–] 1 pt

It's why the GOP has done an about face and is superficially pushing back now.

When things get too tense in the public, the GOP steps in and takes one step forward. After things cool down, they go back to standing down, and putting up only verbal or ineffective resistance, while the DNC takes america two steps back.

True. The right in America are way too concerned with how they appear. The left gives zero fucks about optics.

[–] 0 pt

The left gives zero fucks about optics.

This has very little to do with optics, and a lot to do with managing and controlling the levels of outright dissent from the public.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

Are they pushing back?

How many GOP Senators are fighting for election integrity?

Hint: 0

[–] 1 pt

Traditionally the FBI and the GOP support each other. Of course they're not going to disband their allies

[–] 1 pt

It's time to rat the rats out. This can be done on the local level, just take the party over. Precinct committeemen elect district, county, and state party officers, delegates to the Presidential convention and RNC members:


Precinct committeeman is called different things in different states (precinct chair, precinct delegate, precinct committee officer, member, etc.); the bottom line is that you want to become a voting member of your local or county committee, and it is not difficult to do so.

[–] 0 pt

Why just the gop? While they did nothing, dems were actively participating

[–] 1 pt

You will never beat the dems, and the bolsheviks, or banks, so long as the GOP exists to whip up patriotism for the enforcers and enforcement of the state.

Their job is to gatekeep, rally for you when you get too hot on the collar, and then twist the knife in your back when its time to go back to the business as usual of annihilating America and the west.

[–] 2 pts

You will never beat the dems, and the bolsheviks, or banks, so long as the GOP exists to whip up patriotism for the enforcers and enforcement of the state.

Their job is to gatekeep, rally for you when you get too hot on the collar, and then twist the knife in your back when its time to go back to the business as usual of annihilating America and the west.

just like what Trump did on Jan 6th :(

[–] 0 pt (edited )

just like what Trump did on Jan 6th :(


And your job is not to get sad, or demoralized.

Nor even angry.

Your job is to get motivated and ask what you can do about it.

Of course, anger helps.

[–] 0 pt

The Left and Right are the same. Democrats and Republicans are tools the Jew uses to commit white genocide in America; and equivalent political charades worldwide. Liberals and Conservatives are tools the Jew uses to commit white genocide worldwide.

Do you know what the most insidious tool the Jew ever subverted for the purposes of white genocide?


[–] 0 pt

The Fact that the GOP didn't disband the FBI after waco and ruby ridge, is the biggest reason that the entire GOP deserves tar, feathers, and life imprisonment.

How do you propose that the legislative branch disbands part of the executive branch, especially while the executive branch is controlled by an opposition party?

[–] 0 pt

How do you propose that the legislative branch disbands part of the executive branch,

By the legislative branch breaking the law, which they already do on a weekly basis.

is controlled by an opposition party?

What opposition party.

It's globohomo every day of every month, twelve months a year, for 18 out of every 24 months.

[–] 0 pt

By the legislative branch breaking the law, which they already do on a weekly basis.

They have to make it happen. They can pass a bill that says it has to happen, but how are they going to make it happen? The executive controls the military and law enforcement.

[–] 0 pt

The executive controls the military and law enforcement.

The executive answers to the congress, in practice, and not just in principle. The "out of control" executive is a farce and has been a long time.

The congress works hand in glove with the federal agencies ("intelligence agencies" is a stretch).

Both answer to the senate.

The senate answers to the pentagon.

The pentagon answers to wallstreet.

Wallstreet answers to the federal reserve and its affiliate banks.

The reserve answers to the IMF, WEF, and other groups.

[–] 0 pt

Two sides of the same coin. It has been like that for decades now.

[–] 0 pt

"It's a big club... and you ain't in it." - George Carlin (nigger lover, White-hater, jew apologist... but he still managed to be funny)

One in a million.

..so yeah, there's probably about 8,000 people as funny as George Carlin alive today.

[–] 0 pt

He misspoke...it's a SMALL club.

[–] 0 pt

Late stage roman empire levels of decadence?

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