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It's the judges. Unequal application of law to create victims and victimizers.

Divide and conquer.

Focus on the judges and who they work for.

Same with the vaccines. Public becoming too outraged over a policy?

Walk it back with a judicial ruling.

And then undo that ruling later and say "aw shucks, we'll get them next time."

The judicial system is too far gone and ruining America. They've become enemies of the citizenry in every way, and rulers de jour.

They need to be reined in, and brought to heel and this needs to become a political issue, because what the courts do in america on any given day is commit outrage after outrage.

No more rule by decree.

We are not subjects.

And we will not be made slaves to an illegitimate government.

It's the judges. Unequal application of law to create victims and victimizers. Divide and conquer. Focus on the judges and who they work for. Same with the vaccines. Public becoming too outraged over a policy? Walk it back with a judicial ruling. And then undo that ruling later and say "aw shucks, we'll get them next time." The judicial system is too far gone and ruining America. They've become enemies of the citizenry in every way, and rulers de jour. They need to be reined in, and brought to heel and this needs to become a political issue, because what the courts do in america on any given day is commit outrage after outrage. No more rule by decree. We are not subjects. And we will not be made slaves to an illegitimate government.

(post is archived)

[–] 12 pts

Forget about the judges — start with the District Attorney. They have the ability to bring and drop charges with no justifications to their hearts’ content.

By the time you actually get to the judges, you’re already too late. The process is the punishment.

[–] 2 pts

Depends. If the DA pressed capital murder charges but the jury only convicted on manslaughter and the judge lets them walk, that's not the DA's fault.

[–] 1 pt

True, but that’s not the norm, and it doesn’t change the fact that the process is the punishment.

Darren Wilson was cleared of all wrongdoing but his life is effectively ruined. The McMichaels might walk, but again, same thing.

[–] 0 pt

Focusing on the DAs and not the judges is treating the symptom and not the problem.

In fact come to think of it you just caused me to have realization: Thats what the GOP and conservatism is all about. Gain complicity by focusing people on the symptoms (what we can see), and not problem (the people at the highest and mid-levels allowing, and incentivizing the evil spreading through America and the west).

[–] [deleted] 9 pts

UPVOTED! Society has been corrupted from the bottom to the top. The jewdicial system is especially corrupt and high level Dems openly break any and all laws they want.

[–] 4 pts

Society has been corrupted from the bottom to the top.

More like at every level, through every vector imaginable and then some.

More like at every level, through every vector imaginable and then some.

It's so bad it is the plot line from some really bad science fiction novel filled with shit you think "that's stupid, that will never happen in the USA".

[–] 6 pts


It's okay. You can say 'nigger' here.

Nigger judges are one of the most striking symbols of the failure of Western civilization. Might as well put an actual monkey on the bench.

Same for female judges. So often it's the feminist cunts who let niggers off the hook.

[–] 1 pt

Hinders the message spread to regular people.

[–] 3 pts

"Regular" people who do not recognize the problem for what it is will be of no help.

You should worry less about offending people who won't agree with you anyway, and focus more on finding people who accept reality.

[–] 1 pt

"Regular" people who do not recognize the problem for what it is will be of no help.

Regular people who shut down because beep-boop programming before you can finish a sentence will be of no help either.

You are focused on finding common minds and quality. That is good. It is also good to be unoffensive sometimes too and focus on quantity.

Shock value is useful. Plain language is also useful.

I do not see any disagreement here.

[–] 1 pt

I agree. We need to rise to this chaotic tyranny and destroy the entire rotten core before we cleanse the remaining filth.

[–] 1 pt

Step one: follow them home. Step two: hand them a note expressing your indignation.

[–] 0 pt

Why just blacks who get off with a slap on the wrist?

[–] 0 pt

Why just blacks who get off with a slap on the wrist?

Polarize people so they cant be sucked into the civic-nationalist trap of the GOP and their backpeddling gatekeeping for the communists.

[–] 0 pt

The judges who let black criminals get away with their crimes against whites are usually women, and usually either Jewesses or Negresses.

There's a nigger every day on Judge Judy and all she ever does is give them a slap on the wrist.

[–] 0 pt

"And we will not be made slaves to an illegitimate government."

never forget. they have no right to rule

[–] 0 pt

Got sued by a nig. Got a jew judge. Knew I was fucked. Judge wrote nig didn’t deserve any money and was trying to go the wrong way to get it. Awarded the sheboon $7k anyway. Fucking jews. Fucking niggers. Always check the buyers name when selling your home.