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Remember these are the same police unions that

  1. orchestrated letting in/allowing antifa to frame the entire right and 80 million people as domestic terrorists. And the cops followed orders to assist.

  2. the same police system that stood down for blm and antifa all across the country, while the left beat, terrorized, murdered, and sometimes even raped, men, women, pregnant women, the elderly, the disabled, and children. And the cops followed orders to stand down.

  3. the same cops that kettled/pushed the right head first into the left at charlottesville, and then manipulated the evidence to make it look like a terrorist attack. And the cops followed orders to harm the right in the process.

  4. Consistently illegally arrested the right, forced them to id themselves, or otherwise identify, at peaceful protests, so the left could use law firms to look up the arrest records, dox, and threaten to burn their home/work/church, threaten to rape their wife/kids, and murder their families. And the thin blue line (blue because its marxists and democrats) that pretends to be conservative, followed orders.

  5. Actively assisted the FBI in harassing, containing, doxxing, threatening and breaking up any protests the right participated in. And the cops participated.

  6. In some instances started the riots, like "umbrella man" in minneapolis. And yes that was a cop. And the democrat/marxist controlled police departments covered it up.

  7. Marxists in the rank-and-file police forces (tons of them), specifically attacked and agitated crowds even when those crowds were actually peaceful, as opposed to rioting. And the police departments hired them.

  8. Tens of thousands of rape kits, many of them blacks on whites, sit untested and covered up by police departments. And police know about this and do nothing.

  9. Many of them continue to harass citizens about masks, back up social workers who are systematically being used to red flag citizens and attack rightwing families and take their kids if they speak out.

  10. Many of them rampantly continue to enforce gun laws voraciously, blindly stuttering about 'its the law!" at every turn when they're asked if they would enforce a law thats unconstitutional. This is the excuse used by enemies in our midst pretending to be "conservatives" or allies of the right, as they collect fat pensions and arrest elderly people for refusing to get a mask, or refusing other state tyranny bullshit like airport strip searches.

  11. They continue to backup "health inspectors", who shut down small businesses. And the cops go along and follow the orders.

  12. They shut down churches, ready at a moments notice, if they are threatened with choosing their job or choosing whats right--stand ready at a moments notice to bludgeon the elderly into a coma, shoot children, or beat on pregnant women--actual examples of which I've seen.

  13. They fire whistle-blowers at the drop of a hat and protect the worst among them. And the other cops are okay with this.

  14. They disarmed and arrested the McCloskeys after the McCloskeys wielded firearms against an armed mob that threatened them with rape, arson, and murder, on video. They did not investigate a single one of those in the mob. They arrested the victims. And then the police department in conjunction with the FBI falsely restored inoperable firearms to actively frame the McCloskeys with **brandishing fully-loaded and operable weapons. **

Not a single cop called this bullshit out. Ever last cop in that specific department deserves federal prison, or a firing squad.

I've seen the face of our enemy. And he wears a police uniform and a "thin blue line mask".

Remember these are the same police unions that 1. orchestrated letting in/allowing antifa to frame the entire right and 80 million people as domestic terrorists. And the cops followed orders to assist. 2. the same police system that stood down for blm and antifa *all across the country*, while the left beat, terrorized, murdered, and sometimes even raped, men, women, pregnant women, the elderly, the disabled, and children. And the cops followed orders to stand down. 3. the same cops that kettled/pushed the right head first into the left at charlottesville, and then manipulated the evidence to make it look like a terrorist attack. And the cops followed orders to harm the right in the process. 4. Consistently illegally arrested the right, forced them to id themselves, or otherwise identify, at peaceful protests, so the left could use law firms to look up the arrest records, dox, and threaten to burn their home/work/church, threaten to rape their wife/kids, and murder their families. And the thin blue line (blue because its marxists and democrats) that pretends to be conservative, followed orders. 5. Actively assisted the FBI in harassing, containing, doxxing, threatening and breaking up any protests the right participated in. And the cops participated. 6. In some instances *started* the riots, like "umbrella man" in minneapolis. And yes that was a cop. And the democrat/marxist controlled police departments covered it up. 7. Marxists in the rank-and-file police forces (tons of them), specifically attacked and agitated crowds even *when* those crowds were *actually* peaceful, as opposed to rioting. And the police departments hired them. 8. **Tens of thousands** of rape kits, many of them blacks on whites, sit untested and covered up by police departments. And police know about this and do nothing. 9. Many of them continue to harass citizens about masks, back up social workers who are systematically being used to red flag citizens and attack rightwing families and take their kids if they speak out. 10. Many of them rampantly continue to enforce gun laws voraciously, blindly stuttering about 'its the law!" at every turn when they're asked if they would enforce a law thats unconstitutional. This is the excuse used by enemies in our midst pretending to be "conservatives" or allies of the right, as they collect fat pensions and arrest elderly people for refusing to get a mask, or refusing other state tyranny bullshit like airport strip searches. 11. They continue to backup "health inspectors", who shut down small businesses. And the cops go along and follow the orders. 12. They shut down churches, ready at a moments notice, if they are threatened with choosing their job or choosing whats right--stand ready at a moments notice to bludgeon the elderly into a coma, shoot children, or beat on pregnant women--actual examples of which I've seen. 13. They fire whistle-blowers at the drop of a hat and protect the worst among them. And the other cops are okay with this. 14. They disarmed and arrested the McCloskeys after the McCloskeys wielded firearms against an *armed* mob that threatened them with rape, arson, and murder, *on video*. They did not investigate a single one of those in the mob. They arrested the victims. And then the police department in conjunction with the FBI falsely restored inoperable firearms to actively frame the McCloskeys with **brandishing fully-loaded and operable weapons. ** Not a single cop called this bullshit out. Ever last cop in that specific department deserves **federal prison**, or a firing squad. I've seen the face of our enemy. And he wears a police uniform and a "thin blue line mask".

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Has nothing to do with the foreign voters.

The votes stolen, from federal down to local. Almost entirely done by black and hispanic gangs.

The key problem is big tech and the media. They can create controlled opposition "hes /our guy!/" every election. heavily push (not just influence, but outright push) elections in any direction they want. And destroy the entire reputation and support base of almost any representative before they ever get in office. And the intelligence agencies enable this war against America, acting as their electioneers, fraudsters, strong-arm mob men, and criminal syndicates. Its RICO-act corruption. The government is a violent gang, and whether some of them know it or not at the lowest levels, no one above entry level isn't aware of how things actually operate.

It's 90+% of bureaucrats.

And even if you get one or two that do something, or turn against the system, it doesn't even matter, because they'll be hunted down, burned out, and stomped by federal and state resources.

The government is involved in human traffiking, narco-terrorism, opiods killing millions, gun trafficking to create the violent pretext to disarm citizens, creating a massive coercive spy state, the active use of militarized propaganda techniques, and fusion centers, in conjunction with "private" news corporations that are glorified fronts for DOD and intelligence agency propaganda, laundering funds through pharmaceutical advertising, committing open assination as with seth rich and the son in law of (I want to say) the governor of Georgia, and so many other crime. All while giving billions in tax payer money to illegals, and foreign nations who lobby america through the likes of the ADL, arab, and asian fronts.

Edit: for the poster insinuating I'm pro-immigrant, I'd like to clarify something. I'm not denying foreign "voters" are a problem. I'm saying they're a branch.

Not the root.