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Remember these are the same police unions that

  1. orchestrated letting in/allowing antifa to frame the entire right and 80 million people as domestic terrorists. And the cops followed orders to assist.

  2. the same police system that stood down for blm and antifa all across the country, while the left beat, terrorized, murdered, and sometimes even raped, men, women, pregnant women, the elderly, the disabled, and children. And the cops followed orders to stand down.

  3. the same cops that kettled/pushed the right head first into the left at charlottesville, and then manipulated the evidence to make it look like a terrorist attack. And the cops followed orders to harm the right in the process.

  4. Consistently illegally arrested the right, forced them to id themselves, or otherwise identify, at peaceful protests, so the left could use law firms to look up the arrest records, dox, and threaten to burn their home/work/church, threaten to rape their wife/kids, and murder their families. And the thin blue line (blue because its marxists and democrats) that pretends to be conservative, followed orders.

  5. Actively assisted the FBI in harassing, containing, doxxing, threatening and breaking up any protests the right participated in. And the cops participated.

  6. In some instances started the riots, like "umbrella man" in minneapolis. And yes that was a cop. And the democrat/marxist controlled police departments covered it up.

  7. Marxists in the rank-and-file police forces (tons of them), specifically attacked and agitated crowds even when those crowds were actually peaceful, as opposed to rioting. And the police departments hired them.

  8. Tens of thousands of rape kits, many of them blacks on whites, sit untested and covered up by police departments. And police know about this and do nothing.

  9. Many of them continue to harass citizens about masks, back up social workers who are systematically being used to red flag citizens and attack rightwing families and take their kids if they speak out.

  10. Many of them rampantly continue to enforce gun laws voraciously, blindly stuttering about 'its the law!" at every turn when they're asked if they would enforce a law thats unconstitutional. This is the excuse used by enemies in our midst pretending to be "conservatives" or allies of the right, as they collect fat pensions and arrest elderly people for refusing to get a mask, or refusing other state tyranny bullshit like airport strip searches.

  11. They continue to backup "health inspectors", who shut down small businesses. And the cops go along and follow the orders.

  12. They shut down churches, ready at a moments notice, if they are threatened with choosing their job or choosing whats right--stand ready at a moments notice to bludgeon the elderly into a coma, shoot children, or beat on pregnant women--actual examples of which I've seen.

  13. They fire whistle-blowers at the drop of a hat and protect the worst among them. And the other cops are okay with this.

  14. They disarmed and arrested the McCloskeys after the McCloskeys wielded firearms against an armed mob that threatened them with rape, arson, and murder, on video. They did not investigate a single one of those in the mob. They arrested the victims. And then the police department in conjunction with the FBI falsely restored inoperable firearms to actively frame the McCloskeys with **brandishing fully-loaded and operable weapons. **

Not a single cop called this bullshit out. Ever last cop in that specific department deserves federal prison, or a firing squad.

I've seen the face of our enemy. And he wears a police uniform and a "thin blue line mask".

Remember these are the same police unions that 1. orchestrated letting in/allowing antifa to frame the entire right and 80 million people as domestic terrorists. And the cops followed orders to assist. 2. the same police system that stood down for blm and antifa *all across the country*, while the left beat, terrorized, murdered, and sometimes even raped, men, women, pregnant women, the elderly, the disabled, and children. And the cops followed orders to stand down. 3. the same cops that kettled/pushed the right head first into the left at charlottesville, and then manipulated the evidence to make it look like a terrorist attack. And the cops followed orders to harm the right in the process. 4. Consistently illegally arrested the right, forced them to id themselves, or otherwise identify, at peaceful protests, so the left could use law firms to look up the arrest records, dox, and threaten to burn their home/work/church, threaten to rape their wife/kids, and murder their families. And the thin blue line (blue because its marxists and democrats) that pretends to be conservative, followed orders. 5. Actively assisted the FBI in harassing, containing, doxxing, threatening and breaking up any protests the right participated in. And the cops participated. 6. In some instances *started* the riots, like "umbrella man" in minneapolis. And yes that was a cop. And the democrat/marxist controlled police departments covered it up. 7. Marxists in the rank-and-file police forces (tons of them), specifically attacked and agitated crowds even *when* those crowds were *actually* peaceful, as opposed to rioting. And the police departments hired them. 8. **Tens of thousands** of rape kits, many of them blacks on whites, sit untested and covered up by police departments. And police know about this and do nothing. 9. Many of them continue to harass citizens about masks, back up social workers who are systematically being used to red flag citizens and attack rightwing families and take their kids if they speak out. 10. Many of them rampantly continue to enforce gun laws voraciously, blindly stuttering about 'its the law!" at every turn when they're asked if they would enforce a law thats unconstitutional. This is the excuse used by enemies in our midst pretending to be "conservatives" or allies of the right, as they collect fat pensions and arrest elderly people for refusing to get a mask, or refusing other state tyranny bullshit like airport strip searches. 11. They continue to backup "health inspectors", who shut down small businesses. And the cops go along and follow the orders. 12. They shut down churches, ready at a moments notice, if they are threatened with choosing their job or choosing whats right--stand ready at a moments notice to bludgeon the elderly into a coma, shoot children, or beat on pregnant women--actual examples of which I've seen. 13. They fire whistle-blowers at the drop of a hat and protect the worst among them. And the other cops are okay with this. 14. They disarmed and arrested the McCloskeys after the McCloskeys wielded firearms against an *armed* mob that threatened them with rape, arson, and murder, *on video*. They did not investigate a single one of those in the mob. They arrested the victims. And then the police department in conjunction with the FBI falsely restored inoperable firearms to actively frame the McCloskeys with **brandishing fully-loaded and operable weapons. ** Not a single cop called this bullshit out. Ever last cop in that specific department deserves **federal prison**, or a firing squad. I've seen the face of our enemy. And he wears a police uniform and a "thin blue line mask".

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

What rapes happened? I didn't hear about anything like that - any links?

There were a few rapes during the CHAZ saga in Seattle.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

And new york, when they ended bail, which was a demand of the left.

The one thing you should never forget, not out of 327 million people, is when even so much as one innocent person has been harmed or wronged.

Never forgive. Never forget.

The consequences of bad government should be that officials should live in fear of the citizenry and the legal punishment these bureaucrats should suffer when malicious intent and corrupt policy harms citizens.

It is our job to remember them, the victims, and to never allow their sacrifice to be swept under the rug or forgotten. And to burn into our memories, the names and faces of the criminals, terrorists, petty tyrants, unelected bureaucrats and illegitimate politicians, and their enablers and enforcers, who allowed it to happen, enabled it, did nothing about it, stood by and protected their fucking jobs, and who reduced so many victims to mere names and memories scrubbed from the news or ignored.

Never forget:

Cannon Hinnant, 5, whos killer to this day, the media ignores, and the fbi agents spotted pressuring his killer the day before, an event swept under the rug.

Rowan Sweeney, 4, and his family, murdered at the height of the SPLCs and ADLs anti-white racebaiting pro-marxist hatemongering campaign of violence and incitement which the FBI did nothing about, and actively covered up and assisted.

Jessica Doty Whitaker, 24 and her unborn baby, murdered by the BLM/antifa mob, the left, the GOP who works for them, and the FBI who directly aided their murder/arson campaign.

Lucia Bremer, 13, murdered and ignored, by the racebaiting left, whos messaging is magnified by the DNC, enabled by the GOPs inaction, and promoted by the ADL and SPLC, and unprosecuted by the FBI and DOJ for hatecrimes.

Noah Leslie 5, and his sister Adah Leslie, murdered and killed by the favorite demographic of the ADL and SPLC control led media, at the height of the anti-white marxist racemobs, stirred up by the wallstreet pro-BLM corporations and drug-company funded media.

Jake Gardner - a veteran who committed suicide after facing life in prison by another soros-funded corrupt black marxist bureaucrat who intended to destroy him for defending his life and property from the very arson and murder mobs supported by that DA.

The McCloskeys - who to this day are stalked by violent marxist mobs.

Kyle Rittenhouse - who did the job that the marxist enforcers in the police unions refused to do, and stopped arsonists and murderers from committing more violence and destruction.

Never forget them and so many more who died or were destroyed by the federal state and local enforcers and mobs of this violent, illegitimate government in their war against america and liberty.