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Watch the video. His stunts were used as justification for the bolshevik "hate speech" laws in Florida.

One of the first things jews do historically when they take total control is make criticizing them a crime. Look at the bolsheviks in Russia.

I believe they accelerated this process by creating the "HT" character, who did all manner of things that would sway public support in favor of these laws giving jews special protections not enjoyed by others.

Watch the video. His stunts were used as justification for the bolshevik "hate speech" laws in Florida. One of the first things jews do historically when they take total control is make criticizing them a crime. Look at the bolsheviks in Russia. I believe they accelerated this process by creating the "HT" character, who did all manner of things that would sway public support in favor of these laws giving jews special protections not enjoyed by others.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Rofl great, some guy named demon hunter.

Uses (((OSX))).


In the video;

White Supremist


White Supremacist

You know who I notice - in the few times I do - while I'm watching TV in bars, businesses etc. who says "White Supremist"? jews, niggers, and sandjews. Whites know how to say Supremacist.

Your video;

HB269 is due to GDL's actions.

Nope. jews have been throwing around anti-jew-criticism laws for over a decade. Ugh, this video is trash. This guy spend 10 minutes struggling to say 3 sentences to state that some kid jehu is a jew because jehu (Nicholas Bysheim) kinda looks like jew and 33 is a masonic number. https://pic8.co/sh/FKiHTy.png - Bysheim is a surname from Norway.

Still nothing is actually making any sense. He says there's proof of HT being a faggot, none is given. He says HT is a spic, which I can believe he looks part spic, he says HT is jewish but with no proof. Now a 2nd guy is "labeled by the media as 33" with absolutely no proof of this labeling for either, other than his word.

Head of goyim defense league arrested in Poylan... Poland.

Who would accidentally say "Poy"? Who is constantly saying "*oy" that would lead to such a sliip? Bring up pictures of (((desantis))) at the (((wailing wall))) as though that's any proof of HT or GDL being jewish. No connection made, just the assertion of association. Now Trump, same thing.

hence make israel great.

A phrase coined on and constantly used by jew accounts on cuckchan. While "miga" may be true, that's not what we're discussing, it's use and creation is purely jewish as a means of division.

Can this guy keep to a single topic? This video was supposed to be about HT and GDL and have proof they were of jew control and psyops. That hasn't been done and isn't happening. I'm 8 minutes in and this is painful.

e; Oh you edited. Also this literal race-cuck demon hunter;

Nothing against the blacks.

And you expect me to think he's White or pro White?

ee; Why the heck did he take 12 minutes to get to any evidence? This is stupid. This type of content harms more than helps. Evidence, that's it. Nto spiraling garbage, this video is trash.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Like I said, he rambles so skip to 12:30.

There are fucking pictures of HT hanging out jews and from his acting days hanging out with kikes. There is good evidence in that video. The host is just mildly schizo and needs to follow an outline when he makes videos. He doesn't have a kike production team like HT does.

[–] 0 pt

Yup, you edited after I already started and I saw it after then. I'm now watching from 12:20 and have edited my reply above with that.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

It's more like 12:30. He's still rambling about some number of the beast shit at 12:20.

Assuming those photos are real, which I believe they are, this guy isn't a White nationalist leader at all. He's a struggling character actor who agreed to play the role of "HT" on talmudvision.