My best alternative to booze is plain homemade lemonade without sugar.
thanks, ill make a pitcher.
pure cranberry juice has a nice kick too.
“without sugar”?
My best alternative to booze is plain homemade lemonade without sugar.
thanks, ill make a pitcher.
pure cranberry juice has a nice kick too.
“without sugar”?
You said it: I just had more unused time to kill.
I'm dealing with a family member in this situation, they drink because it's entertainment. They have no interests, therefore drinking becomes the entertainment. They went to AA and I realized that AA becomes the entertainment or purpose for them. Certainly better than having no purpose. People need a purpose.
Good luck.
A lot of people don't realize drunks don't just typically end up as dedicated drinkers overnight. It's a gradual progression. During that progression, people often fill time they would have used for other tasks with drinking. Slowly but surely it becomes the thing to do when doing anything.
What you are expressing with no changes is the failure to realize that you have to actively fill those voids with meaningful tasks.
Start small, cleaning etc... Go bigger, working out perhaps 30min-1hr a day... Go find things that will keep you distracted while also offering you the most time to avoid the drink.
In the end, moderation with most things is key...
Once you truly dedicate to quiting, you just have to be cognisant that the urge may never truly disappear completely. That's where healthy routine and a little determination is critical.
It's easier said than done, however, it can be done.
If you decide to stop again, try replacing your drinking time with an entirely new hobby.
Are you really an MMA bouncer?
I was for 2 decades. Now I just train MMA for fitness, as I'm too old and smarter to risk injury for so little payoff.
Fucking right man. Ever meet ken shamrock back in the day ?
I'm down to a 6 pack of Coors during the week now... It's been a stressful month, so I was overdoing it. Don't even get drunk, just a chill buzz.
O have a mood disorder/anxiety, which is similar. Sucks you have that reaction though man. Best of luck
It's awesome you're able to stop for long periods. That will be very helpful. The real trick will be digging down to find why it is you feel the need to drink when you do.
For me, it was a bunch of unresolved psychological issues and character defects that I was choosing to delude myself about. Ultimately I was afraid to challenge my own mythology of myself and accept the truth.
Hopefully you've got a relationship with God, because it helps a lot to know that He wants you to be the best most happy version of yourself you can be. Being willing to do it for Him can be a lot easier than being willing for ourselves.
Also, remember - Alcohol lowers your testosterone and many, if not most, alcohol distributors are jew owned. They want you to waste your time, money, and productive potential. Kicking the sauce is a big F-You to the parasite class that wants you to be a barely functioning farm animal.
PS: Welcome to the party. You can do it.
It’s probably demonic. I think most (if not) mental ailments in particular are. Same with addictions.
I don’t say this to you in a judgmental way. I’ve had to deal with getting rid of demons myself.
The worst part is that very few people actually deal with these issues at the root, so the problem never truly goes away. Counseling isn’t a bad thing, drugs are ok for a short term, but the root of the problem is demonic.
Deliverance followed by counseling is probably the best bet.
Until the demons are driven out, these problems will persist.
Check out Derek Prince on YouTube. He can help you get free or at least get you educated on the subject. And/or find a deliverance ministry close to you or even online. If you can find an experienced person or persons to pray you through it, you can be free of all of it. The manic depression and desire to drink, all of it.
If nothing else has worked for you, why not give it a shot?
If you need help in locating resources, let me know.
Do you even lift OP?
good point, it's been a while
In my boozing days it was from some depression related stuff. It's no magic bullet that that all goes away just cause you put the bottle down.
If you take a step back though (easier said than done) you'll find some improvement in you life that you can build on. Msybe it's a simple as noticing you've got a few more bucks in your pocket that you aren't spending on booze. Maybe it's that without the hangovers your gym game is better. It's there. Find it and build on it.
Good luck.
Good for you to do some soul searching and realizing the consequences.
Best of luck!
(post is archived)