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I wake up in the morning, and suddenly all my thoughts turn to all my of sins and failures, everyone who I have every hurt or disappointed, and the feeling is crippling.

I start to hyperventilate, and occasionally throw up. When I was drinking, I assumed this was a really bad hangover, because drinking more in the morning would make it go away.

Turns out this is just something my mind likes to do in the morning.

The only way I've been able to alleviate some of it is by intense daily exercise. I've been hitting the gym pretty hard, probably too hard actually, and I decided to take a break today because my body felt like it was getting to the point where I was actually going to risk injury if I didn't give myself some time to recover.

And here I am, just feeling the anxiety again. The liquor really helped with this sort of shit.

I should feel good. I did good things today. I was interviewed by a company and offered a job that pays significantly more than I am making now. I have worked out all of my financial problems, and am approaching three months sober.

But I'm feeling crazy levels of anxiety, like anything I do will be incorrect and wrought with horrifying consequences.

I'm not going to drink, but I do know that a drink would make this feeling go away.

I guess I'm going to go to a meeting and pray for those who are worse off than I am, and meditate on what I could be doing better.

I wake up in the morning, and suddenly all my thoughts turn to all my of sins and failures, everyone who I have every hurt or disappointed, and the feeling is crippling. I start to hyperventilate, and occasionally throw up. When I was drinking, I assumed this was a really bad hangover, because drinking more in the morning would make it go away. Turns out this is just something my mind likes to do in the morning. The only way I've been able to alleviate some of it is by intense daily exercise. I've been hitting the gym pretty hard, probably too hard actually, and I decided to take a break today because my body felt like it was getting to the point where I was actually going to risk injury if I didn't give myself some time to recover. And here I am, just feeling the anxiety again. The liquor really helped with this sort of shit. I should feel good. I did good things today. I was interviewed by a company and offered a job that pays significantly more than I am making now. I have worked out all of my financial problems, and am approaching three months sober. But I'm feeling crazy levels of anxiety, like anything I do will be incorrect and wrought with horrifying consequences. I'm not going to drink, but I do know that a drink would make this feeling go away. I guess I'm going to go to a meeting and pray for those who are worse off than I am, and meditate on what I could be doing better.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

No, but I do get night fights.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Just got over a panic attack probably from drinking and working too much. 12 hours today. Off the sauce tonight brother. Back in the morning. Going to bed early. Depakote usually works for. Sometimes I'll take Alprazolam, if needed, but not regular, cause it can be addictive. Try yoga breathing, one nostril at a time.

Also worked on a poem last night, which feels great

[–] 1 pt

One day at a time Theo, you recognize the anxiety, you can master it. Obviously what you've been doing is right because

" I did good things today. I was interviewed by a company and offered a job that pays significantly more than I am making now. I have worked out all of my financial problems, and am approaching three months sober."

Believe in yourself man.

[–] 1 pt

“I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I want to be, I am not what I hope to be in another world; but still I am not what I once used to be, and by the grace of God I am what I am." - John Newton

[–] 1 pt

You know that could be due to a hormonal imbalance. Did you ever check your thyroid levels?

[–] 1 pt

No, you think that is a possibility?

[–] 1 pt

Yes, I definitely could be from it:

A dysfunctional thyroid may trigger a neurotransmitter imbalance which can result in anxiety and panic attacks. In a large review of 44,388 participants, people with thyroid conditions had significantly higher levels of anxiety and depression compared to healthy people.


If you do decide to have it tested, make sure to check you testosterone/estrogen as well just to get the whole picture. It could even be from Vitamin D deficiency.

[–] 1 pt

It's like 5-6 months where that part of your brain begins the repair.

[–] 1 pt

>I wake up in the morning, and suddenly all my thoughts turn to all my of sins and failures, everyone who I have every hurt or disappointed, and the feeling is crippling.



It does the same thing moments before I fall asleep, just like when I wake up in the morning... And then inbetween it gets back to normal

>...But I'm feeling crazy levels of anxiety, like anything I do will be incorrect and wrought with horrifying consequences.

Yes you'll fuck up everything as usual you fucking piece o'shit there will always be that imperfection ruining everything, that makes it wrong and not working in everything you get into, getting in the way of the actual bestest expected results or even just the fucken normal...! https://youtu.be/xBWmkwaTQ0k?t=96

...And it's always going to be because you are you and this world is this world... Both inadequate... I know it's horrible...


[–] 1 pt

Hmm. Sounds like a day in the life of a massive faggot tbh.

But if you think participating in the worlds oldest Mossad psyop will help, I have bad news about those prayers, it is worse than nothing.

At least put that energy into something useful, work out like a man possessed, make something out of wood or steel, ride a trail into the unknown. Be less pathetic, Theo. Don't just be a man, be a Man.

[–] 0 pt

Lol hit me up when you say something interesting

[–] 0 pt

Oh no, he's retarded.

This is the most interesting thing a weak willed smoothbrain like yourself could be blessed to read. But just go after those headpats from fellow fagtards I suppose. You needed to see this even if you refuse to accept reality.

Something something horse something something water. You know how it fuckin' goes, nancy.

Go write a poem about it lmao.

[–] 0 pt

What would you do if you were me?

[–] 1 pt

Power through. Sucks. Big. I know from first hand experience. My feelings of inadequacy and anxiety come to me at night. I calm them by praying, asking for forgiveness, counting my blessings, and breathing deeply. Hope that helps.

[–] 1 pt

Yeah, it is always good to be reminded of the fact that there are others who have gone through this process before, and I am not the first to sit upon this mountain of misery.

[–] 1 pt

Nor will you be the last, friend. Take in the experience, gather the wisdom, and pass along the nuggets of helpful truths. I wish you freedom from your demons (as I wish for myself and all brothers and sisters), and peace.

[–] 0 pt

Went through a pretty rough cycle of drinking daily for a couple of years to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety. When you sober up, and you're dehydrated, haven't rested properly, your stomach feels terrible, etc, the anxiety comes back twice as hard.

I finally just got out of that cycle about a year ago.

It sucks. But you learn to deal with it. Usually splashing cold water on my face helps to snap me out of it a little. Best thing you can do, is just find a way to distract yourself and stay occupied.

[–] 0 pt

3 months, your doing great man.

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