i just got sacked by an alcoholic who thinks its ok to be constantly drinking cider while working on scaffold.
the fucking drunk could not organise a root in a street full of brothels in amsterdam and owes me about $6k
every fucking day he demands someone meets him at his place at sparrow fart to drive his car so he doesnt have to.
every fucking day he wastes time re-organising shit that should have been organised a week earlier.
every fucking day he relies on underexperienced and underqualified staff to do things theyve got no clue on simply because hes home early drinking.
every fucking day he whines about how many favours he does everyone else while not doing even the basics of managing his business,.
I fucking hated alcoholics before and i fucking hate them worse now.
FUCKING OATH id be telling my boss theyve been drinking and if the boss does fuck all about it someone higher up is getting called in.
Sounds like you had a horrible boss.
yep. hes completely fucked me in the arse and i havent been able to pay rent in 3 weeks now. desparately trying to find more work again.
(post is archived)